
Source imaging with GUI

  • MEG source imaging
    This tutorial is for the beginner of VBMEG. Using the graphical user interface (GUI), this tutorial guides through the procedures from importing raw MEG data to estimating a source current.
    INPUT MEG  OUTPUT Source current  WITH GUI

Source imaging with scripts

  • M/EEG source imaging
    Using scripts, this tutorial guides through the procedures from importing raw EEG/MEG data to estimating source currents.
    INPUT MEG, EEG  OUTPUT Source current  WITH Scripts
  • MEG source imaging and group analysis
    This tutorial guides through the procedures from importing raw MEG data to a group analysis of source currents.
    INPUT MEG  OUTPUT Statistical significance  WITH Scripts
  • Source imaging only from EEG data
    This tutorial is for the case where structural MRIs and sensor locations are not available. Here, source currents are estimated only from EEG data by substituting a subject’s structural MRI and sensor locations with the standard ones.
    INPUT EEG  OUTPUT Source current  WITH Scripts
  • OPM simulation test
    Using simulated data, this tutorial demonstrates the source imaging from MEG data recorded with an optically pumped magnetometer (OPM).
    INPUT Simulated OPM  OUTPUT Source current  WITH Scripts

Connectivity analysis with scripts

  • Signal flow imaging using individual connectome
    From source currents and anatomical connectivity estimated from diffusion MRIs (dMRIs), VBMEG can reveal signal flows between brain regions. This tutorial demonstrates the procedures to make movies displaying the signal flows.
    INPUT Source current, dMRI  OUTPUT Signal flows  WITHScripts
  • Signal flow imaging using average connectome
    This tutorial is for the case where dMRIs are not available. Here, signal flows are estimated from source currents and average anatomical connectivity estimated from publicly available 18 subjects’ dMRIs.
    INPUT Source current  OUTPUT Signal flows  WITH Scripts


ATR Neural Information Analysis Labs., Kyoto, Japan