Home > vbmeg > functions > job > subdirectory > vb_job_brain_add_mni_tal_coord.m



Add MNI and Talairach coordinate value to Cortical model file.


function vb_job_brain_add_mni_tal_coord(proj_root, brain_parm, disp_flag)


 Add MNI and Talairach coordinate value to Cortical model file.
    vb_job_brain_add_mni_tal_coord(proj_root, brain_parm[,disp_flag]);
     proj_root : VBMEG project root directory.
    brain_parm : <<struct>> parameters for add.
            .brain_file   : Cortical surface model file (.brain.mat)
                            relative path from proj_root.
                            MNI and Talairach information will be saved.

            .spm_normalization_file : SPM normalization file (_sn.mat)

            .FS_right_sphere_file : FreeSurfer sphere file (.sphere.reg.asc)
                                    corresponding to the right hemisphere of
                                    the source model.
            .FS_left_sphere_file  : FreeSurfer sphere file (.sphere.reg.asc)
                                    corresponding to the left hemisphere of
                                    the source model.
            .FS_sphere_key        : <<optional>> default: 'sphere.reg'
                                    A registration key to Cortical model file.
                                    Sphere coordinate value can be loaded as below.
                                    vb_load_cortex(brain_file, FS_sphere_key);
    disp_flag : =true  : plot result. [default]
                =false : Do not plot result.

 case1: If you want to use SPM normalization file to transform coordinate system,
        please specify .spm_normalization_file.
 case2: If you want to use FreeSurfer sphere file to transform coordinate system,
        please specify .FS_right_sphere_file. and .FS_right_sphere_file.


  <<spm case>>
    proj_root               = '/home/foo/brain';
    brain_parm.brain_file   = 'foo.brain.mat'; % target: /home/foo/brain/foo.brain.mat
    brain_parm.spm_normalization_file = '/home/foo/foo_sn.mat';
    vb_job_brain_add_mni_tal_coord(proj_root, brain_parm);

  <<FS sphere file case>>
    proj_root               = '/home/foo/brain';
    brain_parm.brain_file   = 'foo.brain.mat'; % target: /home/foo/brain/foo.brain.mat
    brain_parm.FS_right_sphere_file = '/home/foo/FS/bem/rh.sphere.reg.asc';
    brain_parm.FS_left_sphere_file  = '/home/foo/FS/bem/lh.sphere.reg.asc';
    brain_parm.FS_sphere_key = 'sphere.reg';
    vb_job_brain_add_mni_tal_coord(proj_root, brain_parm);

    2013-01-04 rhayashi Initial version.

 Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
 License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function vb_job_brain_add_mni_tal_coord(proj_root, brain_parm, disp_flag)
0002 % Add MNI and Talairach coordinate value to Cortical model file.
0003 % [USAGE]
0004 %    vb_job_brain_add_mni_tal_coord(proj_root, brain_parm[,disp_flag]);
0005 % [IN]
0006 %     proj_root : VBMEG project root directory.
0007 %    brain_parm : <<struct>> parameters for add.
0008 %            .brain_file   : Cortical surface model file (.brain.mat)
0009 %                            relative path from proj_root.
0010 %                            MNI and Talairach information will be saved.
0011 %
0012 %            .spm_normalization_file : SPM normalization file (_sn.mat)
0013 %
0014 %            .FS_right_sphere_file : FreeSurfer sphere file (.sphere.reg.asc)
0015 %                                    corresponding to the right hemisphere of
0016 %                                    the source model.
0017 %            .FS_left_sphere_file  : FreeSurfer sphere file (.sphere.reg.asc)
0018 %                                    corresponding to the left hemisphere of
0019 %                                    the source model.
0020 %            .FS_sphere_key        : <<optional>> default: 'sphere.reg'
0021 %                                    A registration key to Cortical model file.
0022 %                                    Sphere coordinate value can be loaded as below.
0023 %                                    vb_load_cortex(brain_file, FS_sphere_key);
0024 %    disp_flag : =true  : plot result. [default]
0025 %                =false : Do not plot result.
0026 %
0027 % case1: If you want to use SPM normalization file to transform coordinate system,
0028 %        please specify .spm_normalization_file.
0029 % case2: If you want to use FreeSurfer sphere file to transform coordinate system,
0030 %        please specify .FS_right_sphere_file. and .FS_right_sphere_file.
0031 %
0032 % [OUT]
0033 %    none
0034 %
0035 % [example]
0036 %  <<spm case>>
0037 %    proj_root               = '/home/foo/brain';
0038 %    brain_parm.brain_file   = 'foo.brain.mat'; % target: /home/foo/brain/foo.brain.mat
0039 %    brain_parm.spm_normalization_file = '/home/foo/foo_sn.mat';
0040 %    vb_job_brain_add_mni_tal_coord(proj_root, brain_parm);
0041 %
0042 %  <<FS sphere file case>>
0043 %    proj_root               = '/home/foo/brain';
0044 %    brain_parm.brain_file   = 'foo.brain.mat'; % target: /home/foo/brain/foo.brain.mat
0045 %    brain_parm.FS_right_sphere_file = '/home/foo/FS/bem/rh.sphere.reg.asc';
0046 %    brain_parm.FS_left_sphere_file  = '/home/foo/FS/bem/lh.sphere.reg.asc';
0047 %    brain_parm.FS_sphere_key = 'sphere.reg';
0048 %    vb_job_brain_add_mni_tal_coord(proj_root, brain_parm);
0049 %
0050 % [HISTORY]
0051 %    2013-01-04 rhayashi Initial version.
0052 %
0053 % Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
0054 % License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)
0056 %
0057 % --- Previous check
0058 %
0059 if ~exist('proj_root', 'var')
0060     error('proj_root is a required parameter.');
0061 end
0062 if ~exist('brain_parm', 'var')
0063     error('brain_parm is a required parameter.');
0064 end
0065 if ~exist('disp_flag', 'var')
0066     disp_flag = true;
0067 end
0069 % field check
0070 case_num = 0;
0071 if isfield(brain_parm, 'spm_normalization_file') && ~isempty(brain_parm.spm_normalization_file)
0072     vb_disp('Extract MNI coordinate value using SPM normalise result.');
0073     case_num = 1;
0074 elseif isfield(brain_parm, 'FS_right_sphere_file') && isfield(brain_parm, 'FS_left_sphere_file')
0075     vb_disp('Extract MNI coordinate value using FreeSurfer sphere registration file.');
0076     case_num = 2;
0077 else
0078     error('Please specify appropriate field(s).');
0079 end
0081 %
0082 % --- Main Procedure
0083 %
0084 proj_root = vb_rm_trailing_slash(proj_root);
0086 switch(case_num)
0087 case 1
0088     inner_spm_case(proj_root, brain_parm);
0089 case 2
0090     inner_FS_case(proj_root, brain_parm);
0091 otherwise
0092     error('Unknown method was specified.');
0093 end
0094 if disp_flag
0095     vb_check_mni_coregistration(fullfile(proj_root, brain_parm.brain_file));
0096 end
0098 function inner_spm_case(proj_root, brain_parm)
0099 % Calculate MNI and Talairach coordinate from SPM normalization file
0100 % and save them into Cortical surface model file(.brain.mat).
0101 % [USAGE]
0102 %    inner_spm_case(proj_root, brain_parm);
0103 % [IN]
0104 %     proj_root : VBMEG project root directory.
0105 %    brain_parm : <<struct>> parameters for add.
0106 %            .brain_file   : Cortical surface model file (.brain.mat)
0107 %                            relative path from proj_root.
0108 %                            MNI and Talairach information will be saved.
0109 %
0110 %            .spm_normalization_file : SPM normalization file (_sn.mat)
0111 %
0112 const = vb_define_verbose;
0114 global vbmeg_inst;
0116 %% MNI coordinate
0117 tic 
0118   vb_disp(sprintf('-- Computing MNI and Talairach coordinate '), ...
0119           VERBOSE_LEVEL_NOTICE);
0121   brain_file = fullfile(proj_root, brain_parm.brain_file);
0122   brain_file = strrep(brain_file, '\', '/');
0124   mniparm.mask_file  = vbmeg_inst.const.FILE_MNI_BETMASK_IMG; % fixed
0125   mniparm.brainfile  = brain_file;
0126   mniparm.snfile     = brain_parm.spm_normalization_file;
0128   [Vmni, Vtal, derr, IMGinfo, pXYZmni0] = vb_calc_mni_coord(mniparm);
0130   vb_save(brain_file, 'Vmni','Vtal','derr');
0131   vb_disp_nonl(sprintf('Done...%f[sec]\n\n',toc), VERBOSE_LEVEL_NOTICE);
0133 function inner_FS_case(proj_root, brain_parm)
0134 % Calculate MNI and Talairach coordinate from FS spherefile
0135 % and save them into Cortical surface model file(.brain.mat).
0136 % [USAGE]
0137 %    inner_FS_case(proj_root, brain_parm);
0138 % [IN]
0139 %     proj_root : VBMEG project root directory.
0140 %    brain_parm : <<struct>> parameters for add.
0141 %            .brain_file   : Cortical surface model file (.brain.mat)
0142 %                            relative path from proj_root.
0143 %                            MNI and Talairach information will be saved.
0144 %            .FS_right_sphere_file : FreeSurfer sphere file (.sphere.reg.asc)
0145 %                                    corresponding to the right hemisphere of
0146 %                                    the source model.
0147 %            .FS_left_sphere_file  : FreeSurfer sphere file (.sphere.reg.asc)
0148 %                                    corresponding to the left hemisphere of
0149 %                                    the source model.
0150 %            .FS_sphere_key        : A registration key to Cortical model file.
0151 %                                    Sphere coordinate value can be loaded as below.
0152 %                                    vb_load_cortex(brain_file, FS_sphere_key);
0153 %
0154 const = vb_define_verbose;
0156 tic
0157   vb_disp(sprintf('-- Computing MNI and Talairach coordinate '), ...
0158           VERBOSE_LEVEL_NOTICE);
0160   brain_file = fullfile(proj_root, brain_parm.brain_file);
0161   brain_file = strrep(brain_file, '\', '/');
0163   mniparm.brain_file = brain_file;
0164   mniparm.FS_right_sphere_file = brain_parm.FS_right_sphere_file;
0165   mniparm.FS_left_sphere_file  = brain_parm.FS_left_sphere_file;
0166   if ~isfield(mniparm, 'FS_sphere_key') || isempty(mniparm.FS_sphere_key)
0167       mniparm.FS_sphere_key = 'sphere.reg';
0168   end
0169   [Vmni, Vtal] = vb_calc_mni_coord_fs(mniparm);
0171   vb_save(brain_file, 'Vmni','Vtal');
0172   vb_disp_nonl(sprintf('Done...%f[sec]\n\n',toc), VERBOSE_LEVEL_NOTICE);

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