< Master index Index for vbmeg/functions/job/subdirectory >

Index for vbmeg/functions/job/subdirectory

Matlab files in this directory:

 vb_job_brain_add_mni_tal_coordAdd MNI and Talairach coordinate value to Cortical model file.
 vb_job_brain_add_sphcoordImport FreeSurfer's sphere coordinate into cortical surface file.
 vb_job_brain_std2sbjMake smooth cortex from standard brain mask
 vb_job_brain_subjMake whole brain data (cortex sheet) by reducing BV/FS surface data.
 vb_job_dipoleDipole estimation by minimum error search
 vb_job_erspCalculate ERSP for cortical current.
 vb_job_grandaverageCalculate intersubject average of estimated cortical current.
 vb_job_inflateMake inflated cortical surface model.
 vb_job_itpcCalculate ITPC for cortical current.
 vb_job_normal_statCalculate normal statics of original BV brain and make reduced model
 vb_job_plot_verdistPlots histogram of the distance between nearest vertices.
 vb_job_reduced_cortexMake reduced cortex without corpus region
 vb_job_smooth_cortexMake smooth cortex from brain model by morphological smoothing
 vb_job_smooth_headSmooth surface by morphology & spring model, and reduce number of vertex
 vb_judge_function_nameCheck parameter and return its job function
 vb_make_inflate_dataIncorporate inflated model of Brain Voyager/FreeSurfer.

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