< Master index Index for vbmeg/functions/job >

Index for vbmeg/functions/job

Matlab files in this directory:

 vb_job_bad_trialFind bad channel/trials by checking max value in each channel/trial
 vb_job_brainConvert FreeSurfer data to VBMEG format.
 vb_job_currentEstimate current time course by using inverse filter.
 vb_job_current_dynamicsEstimate current time course by using inverse filter.
 vb_job_fmriImport fMRI results to VBMEG cortical act file(.act.mat) and area file(.area.mat)
 vb_job_head_3shellMake 1 shell or 3 shell surface model for MEG/EEG
 vb_job_leadfieldCalculate leadfield matrix and create leadfiled file (.basis.mat).
 vb_job_leadfield_extraLead field matrix for extra dipole (Biot-Savart)
 vb_job_leadfield_extra_eegEEG Lead field matrix for extra dipole using BEM
 vb_job_megImport M/EEG data and create MEG-MAT (.meg.mat) or EEG-MAT (.eeg.mat) file.
 vb_job_trial_onsetget time index for each trial by checking status channel
 vb_job_vbEstimate parameters of hierarchical Bayse model using variational Bayes
 vb_job_vb_dynamicsJointly estimate source activities and interactions
 vb_job_vbfilterCalculate inverse filter for current estimation.

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