Home > vbmeg > functions > tool_box > atlas2vb_dir > vb_calc_mni_coord.m



Transform coordinate of vertex points on an individual brain to those on the MNI starndard brain.


function [XYZmni , XYZtal, dd, IMGinfo, pXYZmni] = vb_calc_mni_coord(parm)


 Transform coordinate of vertex points on an individual brain to those on the MNI starndard brain. 
 MNI coordinate as well as Talairach coordinate corresponding to 'V' are
 returned. This routine requires SPM spatial normalization file.
 -- Usage
 [XYZmni , XYZtal, dd, IMGinfo] = vb_calc_mni_coord(parm)

 -- Input (Fields in 'parm' struct)
 brainfile     : Subject brain file
 mask_file     : Mask image file 
 snfile        : Created by SPM normalization (Personal-> MNI-template). 
                 The normalize transformation is contained.
 -- Output
 XYZmni  :  MNI coordinate  (unit:m)       [Nveretex * 3]
 XYZtal  :  Talairach coordinate (unit:m)  [Nveretex * 3]
 dd      :  minimum error distance between 'V' and points on the MNI standard brain
 IMGinfo :

 -- Function required  
  spm_dctmtx   :
  vb_unsn         : back transformation   (by Gohda-san)

 --- NOTE 1 ----
 When using the normalize transformation created by 'spm99', it is observed that  
 x (Left-Right) coordinates are a little shifted after back-transformation in this routine.
 It is highly recommended to recalculate the normalize transformation by
 spm2 !!!
 --- NOTE 2 ----
 Flip can not be considered in this routine.

 2005/03/03 OY
 2005/03/28 modified 
 2005/04/21 second part modified
 2005/09/09 ver.030b compatible
 2005/12/22 M.Sato
 2006/2/3   M.Sato
 2007/03/05 OY
 * input and output arguments are modified.
 * no save in this routine.
 * comment are modified.
 2008-12-19 Taku Yoshioka
   Return 'pXYZmni'
 2009-01-05 Taku Yoshioka
   Add parameter 'dxyz' for offset of standard brain mask.

 Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
 License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [XYZmni , XYZtal, dd, IMGinfo, pXYZmni] = vb_calc_mni_coord(parm)
0002 % Transform coordinate of vertex points on an individual brain to those on the MNI starndard brain.
0003 %
0004 % MNI coordinate as well as Talairach coordinate corresponding to 'V' are
0005 % returned. This routine requires SPM spatial normalization file.
0006 %
0007 % -- Usage
0008 % [XYZmni , XYZtal, dd, IMGinfo] = vb_calc_mni_coord(parm)
0009 %
0010 % -- Input (Fields in 'parm' struct)
0011 % brainfile     : Subject brain file
0012 % mask_file     : Mask image file
0013 % snfile        : Created by SPM normalization (Personal-> MNI-template).
0014 %                 The normalize transformation is contained.
0015 %
0016 % -- Output
0017 % XYZmni  :  MNI coordinate  (unit:m)       [Nveretex * 3]
0018 % XYZtal  :  Talairach coordinate (unit:m)  [Nveretex * 3]
0019 % dd      :  minimum error distance between 'V' and points on the MNI standard brain
0020 % IMGinfo :
0021 %
0022 % -- Function required
0023 %  spm_dctmtx   :
0024 %  vb_unsn         : back transformation   (by Gohda-san)
0025 %
0026 % --- NOTE 1 ----
0027 % When using the normalize transformation created by 'spm99', it is observed that
0028 % x (Left-Right) coordinates are a little shifted after back-transformation in this routine.
0029 % It is highly recommended to recalculate the normalize transformation by
0030 % spm2 !!!
0031 % --- NOTE 2 ----
0032 % Flip can not be considered in this routine.
0033 %
0034 % 2005/03/03 OY
0035 % 2005/03/28 modified
0036 % 2005/04/21 second part modified
0037 % 2005/09/09 ver.030b compatible
0038 % 2005/12/22 M.Sato
0039 % 2006/2/3   M.Sato
0040 % 2007/03/05 OY
0041 % * input and output arguments are modified.
0042 % * no save in this routine.
0043 % * comment are modified.
0044 % 2008-12-19 Taku Yoshioka
0045 %   Return 'pXYZmni'
0046 % 2009-01-05 Taku Yoshioka
0047 %   Add parameter 'dxyz' for offset of standard brain mask.
0048 %
0049 % Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
0050 % License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)
0052 mask_file = parm.mask_file;
0053 brainfile = parm.brainfile;
0054 snfile    = parm.snfile;
0056 % Max radius to check minimum distance to corresponding point [mm]
0057 if    isfield(parm,'Rlimit')
0058     Rlimit = parm.Rlimit;
0059 else
0060     Rlimit = 4; 
0061 end
0063 % Max radius to search corresponding point [mm] in the 1st-step
0064 if    isfield(parm,'Rmax')
0065     Rmax = parm.Rmax;
0066 else
0067     Rmax = 2; 
0068 end
0070 % In the 1st-step, nearest point is searched within Rmax
0071 % In the 2nd-step, nearest point is searched for all candidates
0072 % This value determine, efficiency of search,
0073 % but does not change the result
0075 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0076 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Don't modify %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0077 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0079 %%%
0080 %%% Backward coordinate transformation
0081 %%%          from the template brain to a subject's brain
0082 %%% Template file is neurological format (right handed spm).
0084 %
0085 % Load subject brain coordinate
0086 %
0087 [V]=vb_load_cortex(brainfile);  % [m]
0088 Npoint = size(V,1);
0090 % Read image-header
0091 [dim, Trans, XYZmni] = vb_get_image_info(mask_file);
0092 IMGinfo.dim = dim; 
0093 IMGinfo.mat = Trans;
0094 % dim(1:3) - the x, y and z dimensions of the volume
0095 % Trans    - a 4x4 affine transformation matrix mapping from
0096 %            voxel coordinates to MNI-mm-coordinates
0097 % XYZmni    - 3 x n matrix of XYZ locations
0098 %            mm-coordinates in atlas-template (origin : MNI-space origin)
0100 % Read atlas-template image
0101 % Z    - 3D image data
0103 avw = avw_img_read(mask_file);
0104 Z   = avw.img;
0106 % Extract mask region
0107 Z = Z(:);
0108 mni_id = find(Z ~= 0); 
0109 Z = Z(mni_id);
0111 % mm-coordinates in atlas-template for brain region
0112 XYZmni = XYZmni(:,mni_id);
0114 fprintf('# of template points = %d\n',length(mni_id))
0115 fprintf('--- Back transformation to subject-image \n');
0117 % Back transformation to subject image
0118 sn = load(deblank(snfile)); 
0119 [pXYZmni] = vb_unsn(XYZmni,sn);  
0120 %[pXYZmni,flip_flag] = vb_unsn_for_mask(XYZmni,sn);
0122 XYZmni  = XYZmni';    % mm-coordinates in atlas-template (MNI-coordinate)
0123 pXYZmni = pXYZmni';    % mm-coordinates in subject image
0125 %if flip_flag,
0126 %  XYZmni(:,1) = -1*XYZmni(:,1);
0127 %end
0129 % Offset
0130 if isfield(parm,'dxyz'), 
0131   pXYZmni = pXYZmni+repmat(parm.dxyz,[size(pXYZmni,1) 1]);
0132 end
0134 % if coordinate system is left-handed spm, flip x-direction coordinate
0135 % pXYZmni(:,1) = -pXYZmni(:,1)  ;
0137 %%%
0138 %%% Map MNI-coordinate to individual's cortical surface
0139 %%%
0141 fprintf('--- Mapping MNI-coordinate onto a cortical surface of a subject-brain \n');
0143 % Find nearest point in atlas for each vertex 'V'
0144 [indx, dd] = vb_find_nearest_point(pXYZmni, V*1000, Rmax, 100, 1, 1);
0145 %figure;
0146 %plot3(V(:,1)*1000,V(:,2)*1000,V(:,3)*1000,'r.');
0147 %hold on;
0148 %plot3(pXYZmni(:,1),pXYZmni(:,2),pXYZmni(:,3),'b.');
0150 % Map template-coordinate to subject cortex
0151 % XYZmni : MNI-coordinate corresponding to V(:,1:3)
0152 XYZmni = XYZmni(indx,:);
0154 % Number of points whose minimum distance is less than Rlimit
0155 ix_match = find( dd <= Rlimit );
0156 Nmatch   = length(ix_match);
0158 % mni2tal : MNI to Talairach coordinate transformation
0159 XYZtal = mni2tal(XYZmni);
0161 % IMGinfo.dim(1:3) - the x, y and z dimensions of the volume
0162 % IMGinfo.mat      - a 4x4 affine transformation matrix mapping from
0163 %                    voxel coordinates to real world coordinates.
0165 % Voxel coordinate in maask_file image
0166 % XYZvox = inv(IMGinfo.mat) * [XYZmni'; ones(1,Npoint)];
0167 % XYZvox = XYZvox(1:3,:)';
0169 % Check inverse-affine transformation
0170 % XYZmni2 = IMGinfo.mat * [XYZvox'; ones(1,Npoint)];
0171 % err  = sum(sum(abs(XYZmni-XYZmni2(1:3,:)')))/sum(sum(abs(XYZmni)))
0173 fprintf('# of cortex  points = %d\n',Npoint)
0174 fprintf('# of points ( d <= %3.0f mm ) = %d\n',Rlimit,Nmatch)
0175 fprintf('# of points ( d >  %3.0f mm ) = %d\n',Rlimit,Npoint - Nmatch)
0176 fprintf('dmax = %4.1f mm \n', max(dd))
0178 xmax = max(XYZtal);
0179 xmin = min(XYZtal);
0182 XYZtal = XYZtal/1000; % mm -> m
0183 XYZmni = XYZmni/1000; % mm -> m
0184 dd     = dd / 1000;   % mm -> m
0186 fprintf('[Xmax, Ymax, Zmax] = %6.1f %6.1f %6.1f\n',xmax)
0187 fprintf('[Xmin, Ymin, Zmin] = %6.1f %6.1f %6.1f\n',xmin)

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