< Master index Index for vbmeg/functions/device >

Index for vbmeg/functions/device

Matlab files in this directory:

 vb_define_devicedefine constants for device
 vb_device_make_data_dirgenerate default directory name for data and make it if necessary
 vb_info_active_channel_is_validcheck whether active channel field is valid or not
 vb_info_active_trial_is_validcheck whether active trial field is valid or not
 vb_info_add_posfile_infoload position data from POS-MAT file and set to the appropriate field of
 vb_info_add_preprocess_parmadd preprocess_parm to MEGinfo or EEGinfo
 vb_info_adjust_trialadjust trial according to Trial field of MEGinfo or EEGinfo
 vb_info_get_Nchannel<> return Nchannel field of MEGinfo or EEGinfo
 vb_info_get_Nrepeat<> return Nrepeat value of MEGinfo or EEGinfo
 vb_info_get_active_channel<> return active channel field from MEGinfo or EEGinfo
 vb_info_get_active_channel_indexreturn active channel index list
 vb_info_get_active_trial<> return active trial field from MEGinfo or EEGinfo
 vb_info_get_active_trial_indexreturn active trial index list
 vb_info_get_channel_inforeturn ChannelInfo struct in info (MEGinfo or EEGinfo)
 vb_info_get_channel_labelreturn channel label from MEGinfo or EEGinfo
 vb_info_get_channel_label_by_typereturn channel label list specified by channel type (integer)
 vb_info_get_channel_numberget number of original channels
 vb_info_get_measurementget measurement from info struct
 vb_info_get_post_triggerreturn post-trigger from current info struct
 vb_info_get_pre_triggerreturn pre-trigger from current info struct
 vb_info_get_sample_numberreturn Nsample field from MEGinfo or EEGinfo
 vb_info_get_sampling_frequencyone of infor getters. get sampling frequency from information struct
 vb_info_get_transinforeturn trans information from MEGinfo or EEGinfo
 vb_info_get_trial_datareturn trial data that you want from info.Trial struct
 vb_info_get_trial_listreturn list of trial index from MEGinfo or EEGinfo
 vb_info_get_trial_numberreturn number of trial from info (MEGinfo or EEGinfo) struct
 vb_info_get_trial_sample return trial sample list from MEGinfo or EEGinfo
 vb_info_make_channel_infomake channel info data from MEGinfo or EEGinfo which has not ChannelInfo field
 vb_info_set_Nrepeat<> set Nrepeat value to MEGinfo or EEGinfo
 vb_info_set_active_channel<> set active_channel value to info (MEGinfo or EEGinfo)
 vb_info_set_active_flagset active flag to each Trial data of MEGinfo or EEGinfo
 vb_info_set_active_trial<> set active trial value to info (MEGinfo or EEGinfo)
 vb_info_set_channel_infoset channel info field to the appropriate field name
 vb_info_set_post_triggerinfo setter : post-trigger
 vb_info_set_pre_triggerinfo setter : pre-trigger
 vb_info_set_transinfoset transform information to MEGinfo or EEGinfo
 vb_loadspec_checkcheck LoadSpec data
 vb_loadspec_get_channel_name<> channel name in LoadSpec
 vb_loadspec_get_pretrigger<> pretrigger in LoadSpec
 vb_loadspec_make_trial_samplemake list of start-end samples from LoadSpec
 vb_msrmnt_active_channel_is_validcheck whether active channel field is valid or not from measurement file
 vb_msrmnt_active_trial_is_validcheck whether active trial field is valid or not from measurement file
 vb_msrmnt_auto_detect_trigger_infoget trigger information from msrmnt_file by auto-detect
 vb_msrmnt_get_channel_listload channel list
 vb_msrmnt_get_sampling_frequencyreturn sampling frequency from measurement file
 vb_msrmnt_get_trigger_samplesreturn indices of trigger sample from measurement file and specified
 vb_msrmnt_load_coordtyperead coordinate type from MEG-MAT or EEG-MAT file
 vb_msrmnt_make_preprocessed_filemake new MEG-MAT or EEG-MAT file which have preprocessed data
 vb_msrmnt_make_trial_dataMake trial data files by chopping continuous MEG or EEG data
 vb_msrmnt_remake_for_LFmake lightweight meg.mat or eeg.mat file for calculating leadfield
 vb_msrmnt_set_spherical_dataset spherical data (Vcenter, Vradius) to a .meg.mat file or .eeg.mat file
 vb_msrmnt_store_datastore new data
 vb_msrmnt_update_active_flagupdate active flags and make new file if you want
 vb_msrmnt_update_active_flag_exupdate active flags of extra channels and make new file if you want
 vb_msrmnt_update_dataReplace data and update file for MEG or EEG
 vb_samplelist_get_trial_lenreturn trial length by sample number

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