< Master index Index for vbmeg/functions/device/active_check >

Index for vbmeg/functions/device/active_check

Matlab files in this directory:

 vb_channel_staticsEstimate mean amplitude by using histgram (for outlier exclusion)
 vb_fileinfo_active_field_convert_toconvert fileinfo active part format from new to old or old to new.
 vb_find_bad_channelfind bad channel with large max_ratio for number of trials
 vb_find_bad_trialfind bad channel & bad trials with large max_ratio
 vb_get_active_condGet active trial index with given conditions and sessions
 vb_get_label_indexget index of label corresponding to label_list
 vb_get_max_med_ratioEstimate mean amplitude by using histgram for outlier exclusion
 vb_get_max_std_ratioEstimate mean amplitude by using histgram for outlier exclusion
 vb_get_multi_fileinfoCreate Fileinfo-file which is to treat multiple MEG/EEG files as if
 vb_load_active_trial_dataload meg/eeg data from multiple files and concatenate them
 vb_plot_channel_trialPlot several statics for 'Threshold' selection
 vb_save_active_infoSave active info for multiple session file data
 vb_select_act_basisselect leadfield for active sensor from leadfield for all channels

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