< Master index Index for vbmeg/functions/device/meg >

Index for vbmeg/functions/device/meg

Matlab files in this directory:

 vb_meg_adjust_sensoradjust sensor information according to ch_idx
 vb_meg_transform_coordinatetransform coordinate system of sensor
 vb_megfile_filter_ch_datamake new external channel data files after filtering
 vb_megfile_get_applicable_channelreturn applicable channel lists of MEG/EXTRA/REFMG
 vb_megfile_get_channel_label_extrareturn label list of EXTRA channels by reading megfile
 vb_megfile_get_channel_label_magxreturn label list of MAG_X channels by reading megfile
 vb_megfile_get_channel_label_magyreturn label list of MAG_X channels by reading megfile
 vb_megfile_get_channel_label_magzreturn label list of MAG_X channels by reading megfile
 vb_megfile_get_channel_label_megreturn label list of MEG channels by reading megfile
 vb_megfile_get_channel_label_refmgreturn label list of REFFERENCE channels by reading megfile
 vb_megfile_get_channel_label_wholereturn label list of all channels by reading megfile
 vb_megfile_get_internal_data_extreturn extra data which is internally stored in megfile
 vb_megfile_get_internal_data_megreturn meg data which is internally stored in megfile
 vb_megfile_get_internal_data_refreturn refference magnetometer data which is stored on megfile
 vb_megfile_get_measurementreturn Measurement parameter from megfile
 vb_megfile_get_sampling_frequencyreturn valid sampling frequency from MEG-MAT file
 vb_megfile_get_sensor_position_by_namereturn information of sensor position specified by name
 vb_megfile_get_sensor_position_by_typereturn information of sensor position
 vb_megfile_import_extra_dataimport extra data to a megfile
 vb_megfile_inherit_genemake new megfile which inherit features from orgfile
 vb_megfile_is_before_05bcheck megfile version before 0.5b or after
 vb_megfile_load_coordtyperead coordinate type from MEG-MAT file
 vb_megfile_load_dataload specified data from MEG-MAT file
 vb_megfile_load_data_externalload specified data from MEG-MAT file which has data externally (binary)
 vb_megfile_load_data_internalload specified data from MEG-MAT file which has data internally
 vb_megfile_load_meginfoload MEGinfo struct from megfile and return it
 vb_megfile_load_specified_sensorreturn sensor data which are specified by ch_name
 vb_megfile_make_channel_infomake ChannelInfo from channel label
 vb_megfile_make_loaded_megfilemake MEG-MAT file which includes loaded data and updated information
 vb_megfile_make_new_megfilemake new megfile
 vb_megfile_make_trial_dataMake trial data files of MEG after extracting trials from continuous raw data
 vb_megfile_patch_posfileupdate coordinates which have not been transformed
 vb_megfile_remake_for_LFmake lightweight meg.mat file for calculating leadfield
 vb_megfile_remove_biasremove bias from MEG data
 vb_megfile_set_spherical_dataset spherical data (Vcenter, Vradius) to a .meg.mat file
 vb_megfile_update_dataReplace data and update MEG-MAT file.
 vb_meginfo_check_samplecheck sample information (from, to)
 vb_meginfo_convert_raw2vbmegmake MEGinfo struct by picking up data from raw information
 vb_meginfo_filter_EEGinfoleave channel label list in MEGinfo.EEGinfo according as ch_list
 vb_meginfo_get_acqcondMEGinfo getter for acquisition condition information
 vb_meginfo_get_acqfileMEGinfo getter for acquisition file path
 vb_meginfo_get_acqinforeturn acq_info from MEGinfo
 vb_meginfo_get_acqtype<> for for acquisition type fo MEGinfo
 vb_meginfo_get_bin_data_dir for MEGinfo - return binary data stored directory
 vb_meginfo_get_calibinforeturn CalibInfo struct from MEGinfo for calibration
 vb_meginfo_get_channel_active_extrareturn active list of extra channels
 vb_meginfo_get_channel_active_megreturn active (valid) list of MEG channels
 vb_meginfo_get_channel_id_extrareturn id list of extra channels
 vb_meginfo_get_channel_index_extra return index list of extra channel (except for reference channel)
 vb_meginfo_get_channel_index_meg MEGinfo return channel index of MEG
 vb_meginfo_get_channel_index_refmg return reference channel's index in extra channel list
 vb_meginfo_get_channel_label_extrareturn label list of extra channel
 vb_meginfo_get_channel_label_magxget magx channel label list from MEGinfo and return it
 vb_meginfo_get_channel_label_magyget magy channel label list from MEGinfo and return it
 vb_meginfo_get_channel_label_magzget magz channel label list from MEGinfo and return it
 vb_meginfo_get_channel_label_megget channel label list from MEGinfo and return it
 vb_meginfo_get_channel_label_refmgreturn label list of refference magnetometer channel
 vb_meginfo_get_channel_label_wholereturn label list of whole channels which include MEG and EXTRA
 vb_meginfo_get_channel_name_extrareturn channel name list which you want to get
 vb_meginfo_get_channel_number_extraget number of extra channel from MEGinfo struct
 vb_meginfo_get_channel_number_megget number of meg channel from MEGinfo struct and return it
 vb_meginfo_get_channel_number_refmgget number of refference magnetometer channel from MEGinfo struct
 vb_meginfo_get_channel_number_wholeget number of whole channel from MEGinfo struct and return it
 vb_meginfo_get_channel_type_extrareturn type list of extra channels
 vb_meginfo_get_data_bit_lenMEGinfo getter for data bit length
 vb_meginfo_get_devicereturn device from MEGinfo
 vb_meginfo_get_extra_ch_gain return gain of extra channel from MEGinfo
 vb_meginfo_get_extra_channel_namereturn name of extra channel
 vb_meginfo_get_meg2mrireturn matrix that is to be 'meg to mri'
 vb_meginfo_get_post_triggerreturn post-trigger from current MEGinfo struct
 vb_meginfo_get_pre_triggerreturn pre-trigger from current MEGinfo struct
 vb_meginfo_get_precisionreturn precision of binary data
 vb_meginfo_get_read_channelsreturn channel list to be read by channel list and read switch
 vb_meginfo_get_sample_numberget number of sample from MEGinfo struct and return it
 vb_meginfo_get_sampling_frequencyreturn sampling frequency from MEGinfo struct
 vb_meginfo_get_savetypereturn saving type channel data or trial one
 vb_meginfo_get_sensor_weight_megMEGinfo getter for sensor weight
 vb_meginfo_get_sensor_weight_refmgMEGinfo getter for sensor weight
 vb_meginfo_get_valid_data_bit_lenreturn valid data bit length by following the priority rule
 vb_meginfo_init_sensor_weight_refmgset initial sensor weight for refmg channels
 vb_meginfo_load_data_bit_lenload data bit length from yokogawa file
 vb_meginfo_read_data_fileread data from data file of channel or trial
 vb_meginfo_sensor_weight_refmg_existconfirm whether meg_info has sensor_weight_ref field field or not
 vb_meginfo_set_acqcondMEGinfo setter for acquisition condition
 vb_meginfo_set_acqfileMEGinfo setter for acquisition file path
 vb_meginfo_set_acqinfo<> of acq_info field of MEGinfo
 vb_meginfo_set_acqtype<> for acquisition type of MEGinfo
 vb_meginfo_set_channel_number<> number of channel of MEGinfo
 vb_meginfo_set_data_bit_lenMEGinfo setter for data bit length
 vb_meginfo_set_extra_ch_gain set gain of extra channel to the appropriate field of MEGinfo
 vb_meginfo_set_post_triggerset post-trigger value to current MEGinfo struct
 vb_meginfo_set_pre_triggerset pretrigger to current MEGinfo struct
 vb_meginfo_set_precisionreturn precision of binary data
 vb_meginfo_set_sample_number<> number of sample of MEGinfo
 vb_meginfo_set_sensor_weight_refmgset sensor weight for refmg channels to MEGinfo
 vb_meginfo_solve_extra_channelsolve MEGinfo.ExtraChannelInfo data by ch_name which is the list of new data
 vb_meginfo_solve_refmg_channelupdate refmg channel data by ch_name without change extra channels

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