< Master index Index for vbmeg/functions/tool_box/atlas2vb_dir >

Index for vbmeg/functions/tool_box/atlas2vb_dir

Matlab files in this directory:

 vb_atlas2vbvb_atlas2vb create an areafile based on the anatomical atlas
 vb_atlas2vb_aalvb_atlas2vb_aal create an area indices
 vb_atlas2vb_stdvb_atlas2vb create an areafile based on the anatomical atlas
 vb_atlas2vb_std_aalvb_atlas2vb create an areafile based on the anatomical atlas
 vb_atlas_labelCreate an area indices based on
 vb_calc_mni_coordTransform coordinate of vertex points on an individual brain to those on the MNI starndard brain.
 vb_calc_mni_coord_fsTransform coordinate of vertex points on an individual brain to those on the MNI starndard brain.
 vb_correct_atlas_labelCorrect holes and islands in atlas label
 vb_correct_atlas_label_LRCorrect holes and islands in 'brodmann'-atlas label by morphology
 vb_correct_atlas_label_repeatCorrect holes and islands in atlas label
 vb_fill_atlas_labelFill label referring neighbor point label along cortex
 vb_get_atlas_indexGet area index corresponding to atlas map in the given area
 vb_get_atlas_labelGet area index corresponding to atlas map in the given area
 vb_get_brodmann_area_listGet list of brodmann area number for plot
 vb_get_image_infoRead image header & get mm coordinate centered at origin
 vb_plot_atlasPlot atlas region in brain
 vb_plot_atlas2Plot atlas region in brain
 vb_plot_atlas_areaPlot brain atlas for motor and visual area
 vb_plot_brodmann_areaPlot selected brodmann atlas
 vb_plot_non_atlas_areaPlot non-atlas area in brain
 vb_read_atlas_labelRead atlas text file and extract area keys.
 vb_remove_island_atlasRemove islands of atlas labels using patch information
 vb_save_correct_atlasSave atlas label
 vb_try_atlas_correctCorrect holes and islands in atlas label by morphology

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