< Master index Index for vbmeg/functions/leadfield/sphere >

Index for vbmeg/functions/leadfield/sphere

Matlab files in this directory:

 vb_calc_sphere_point_num球面上の点数が Nsphere に近い分割を求める
 vb_dipole_gradioMagnetic field of Gradiometer
 vb_dipole_magneticLead field matrix for dipole current (Biot-Savart)
 vb_gradiovb_gradio : Rev.1.0, 2001-11-17
 vb_make_fullsphereMake vertex points on a sphere
 vb_make_sphere_pointMake points on a hemisphere
 vb_multi_sarvasmagnetic field of plural sarvas
 vb_sarvas_basisLead field for spherical brain model (Sarvas Eq.)
 vb_sarvas_newB = vb_sarvas_new(P, Q, R, S)
 vb_sarvas_sensorMagnetic field at MEG sensors for one dipole

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