Home > vbmeg > functions > brain > vb_make_brain_data2.m



Make cortex data from BrainVoyager/FreeSurfer files


function [V,F,xx,BV_index,Vinfo] = vb_make_brain_data2(brain_parm)


 Make cortex data from BrainVoyager/FreeSurfer files
   [V,F,xx,ORG_index,Vinfo] = vb_make_brain_data2(brain_parm)


--- Input

 brain_parm        : structure with following field
  (used for BrainVoyager files)
    .BV_left_file   : Brain-Voyager left  surface file
    .BV_right_file  : Brain-Voyager right surface file

  (used for FreeSurfer files)
    .FS_left_file   : FreeSurfer left surface file
    .FS_right_file  : FreeSurfer right surface file

    .analyze_file   : MRI analyze file
    .Nvertex        : Total number of vertices of the right and left brain
                      after reducing original(BV/FS) model.
                      (Priority: Nvertex>reduce_ratio)
    .reduce_ratio   : ratio of reducing vertex points
    .N_step         : Division number in searching match points
--- Output
 V     : Cortical vertex point cordinate (SPM_Right_m) [Nvertex, 3]
          頂点位置 ( 頂点の数, 3)
 xx    : Normal vector to cortical surface   [Nvertex, 3]
           頂点の法線方向と位置( 頂点の数, 3)
 F      : Patch index structure
           面(3角形)を構成する3つの頂点番号 ( 面の数, 3)  
  .F3R     : Right cortex
  .F3L     : Left  cortex
  .F3     : Left + Right
 BV_index  : original vertex index in BV corresponding to brain
    .Left     : Left  brain
    .Right    : Right brain
 Cortex area index of original FreeSurfer surface
 Vinfo        : Vertex dimension structure
   .Ndipole   : # of vertex
   .NdipoleL  : # of vertex in Left cortex
   .Npatch    : # of patch
   .Coord     = 'SPM_Right_m';
 Cortex area index of 'V'
 Vinfo.cortexL = 
 Vinfo.cortexR = 

 Originaly written by S.Kajihara
 Ver 1.1  modified by M. Sato  2003-4-15

 Modified by Taku Yoshioka

 2005-03-20 Modified by TY

 Ver 2.0  modified by M. Sato  2005-4-8
   Analyze ファイルが必要
   (DICOM イメージファイルは不要)

 modified by M. Sato  2005-8-1
   Vinfo 追加
 modified by M. Sato  2005-8-9
 modified by M. Sato  2006-7-21
   use BV file load function
 2010-05-28 Taku Yoshioka
  Minor change (verbose level support)
 2010-08-23 rhayashi
  support Nvertex parameter.
 2017-03-14 rhayashi
  Add Vinfo.(cortexL/cortexR) and BV_index.(cortexL/cortexR)


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [V,F,xx,BV_index,Vinfo] = vb_make_brain_data2(brain_parm)
0002 % Make cortex data from BrainVoyager/FreeSurfer files
0003 %   [V,F,xx,ORG_index,Vinfo] = vb_make_brain_data2(brain_parm)
0004 %
0005 % ---
0006 % BrainVoyagerまたはFreeSurfer脳データの解像度を下げて全脳データを作る
0007 %
0008 %--- Input
0009 %
0010 % brain_parm        : structure with following field
0011 %  (used for BrainVoyager files)
0012 %    .BV_left_file   : Brain-Voyager left  surface file
0013 %    .BV_right_file  : Brain-Voyager right surface file
0014 %
0015 %  (used for FreeSurfer files)
0016 %    .FS_left_file   : FreeSurfer left surface file
0017 %    .FS_right_file  : FreeSurfer right surface file
0018 %
0019 %    .analyze_file   : MRI analyze file
0020 %    .Nvertex        : Total number of vertices of the right and left brain
0021 %                      after reducing original(BV/FS) model.
0022 %                      (Priority: Nvertex>reduce_ratio)
0023 %    .reduce_ratio   : ratio of reducing vertex points
0024 %         BV皮質モデルからVBMEG脳モデルを作成するときの頂点数の削減率
0025 %    .N_step         : Division number in searching match points
0026 %         頂点対応探索時のZ軸方向分割数
0027 %
0028 %--- Output
0029 %
0030 % V     : Cortical vertex point cordinate (SPM_Right_m) [Nvertex, 3]
0031 %          頂点位置 ( 頂点の数, 3)
0032 % xx    : Normal vector to cortical surface   [Nvertex, 3]
0033 %           頂点の法線方向と位置( 頂点の数, 3)
0034 % F      : Patch index structure
0035 %           面(3角形)を構成する3つの頂点番号 ( 面の数, 3)
0036 %  .F3R     : Right cortex
0037 %  .F3L     : Left  cortex
0038 %  .F3     : Left + Right
0039 % BV_index  : original vertex index in BV corresponding to brain
0040 %    .Left     : Left  brain
0041 %    .Right    : Right brain
0042 % Cortex area index of original FreeSurfer surface
0043 % BV_index.cortexL
0044 % BV_index.cortexR
0045 % Vinfo        : Vertex dimension structure
0046 %   .Ndipole   : # of vertex
0047 %   .NdipoleL  : # of vertex in Left cortex
0048 %   .Npatch    : # of patch
0049 %   .Coord     = 'SPM_Right_m';
0050 % Cortex area index of 'V'
0051 % Vinfo.cortexL =
0052 % Vinfo.cortexR =
0053 %
0054 % Originaly written by S.Kajihara
0055 % Ver 1.1  modified by M. Sato  2003-4-15
0056 %
0057 % Modified by Taku Yoshioka
0058 % 2003-07-11
0059 % ・ファイルに保存するデータ構造を変更
0060 % ・メッセージを少し変更
0061 % 2003-07-29
0062 % ・座標変換時のオフセットを切替えられるように変更
0063 % 2003-10-08
0064 % ・MRI-Voxel座標データを保存(元の仕様)
0065 %
0066 %
0067 % 2005-03-20 Modified by TY
0068 %
0069 % Ver 2.0  modified by M. Sato  2005-4-8
0070 %  座標系をSPM右手座標に変換する
0071 %   Analyze ファイルが必要
0072 %   (DICOM イメージファイルは不要)
0073 %
0074 % modified by M. Sato  2005-8-1
0075 %   Vinfo 追加
0076 % modified by M. Sato  2005-8-9
0077 %   パラメタと変数名の大幅見直し変更
0078 % modified by M. Sato  2006-7-21
0079 %   use BV file load function
0080 % 2010-05-28 Taku Yoshioka
0081 %  Minor change (verbose level support)
0082 % 2010-08-23 rhayashi
0083 %  support Nvertex parameter.
0084 % 2017-03-14 rhayashi
0085 %  Add Vinfo.(cortexL/cortexR) and BV_index.(cortexL/cortexR)
0087 % Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
0088 % License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)
0090 % V0L/R  Brain-Voyager coordinate
0091 % n0L/R  unit vector
0092 % FOL/R  triangle patch
0093 global vbmeg_inst;
0094 const = vb_define_verbose;
0096 vb_disp('Load original brain');
0097 [V0L,F0L,n0L,V0R,F0R,n0R] = vb_load_orig_brain_surf(brain_parm);
0098 % V0L/R  vertex coordinate (SPM_Right mm)
0099 % n0L/R  unit vector
0100 % FOL/R  triangle patch
0102 % Extract cortex area index
0103 vb_disp('Extract cortex area index');
0105 [Vindex] = vb_extract_cortex(V0L,F0L,V0R,F0R,brain_parm,0);
0107 %
0108 % --- Redeuce patchs
0109 %
0110 tic;
0111 vb_disp('Reduce cortical vertices ');
0113 R = 1.0;
0114 if isfield(brain_parm, 'Nvertex') && ~isempty(brain_parm.Nvertex) &&...
0115    isnumeric(brain_parm.Nvertex)
0116     % Number of verticies after reducing
0117     N = brain_parm.Nvertex;
0118     if((size(V0L, 1) + size(V0R, 1)) < N)
0119         vb_disp(['brain_parm.Nvertex is larger than original model''s one.'...
0120                  'No reduction is applied.'], const.VERBOSE_LEVEL_WARNING);
0121     else
0122         R = N;
0123         vb_disp(sprintf('Nvertex = %d is applied.', brain_parm.Nvertex));
0124     end
0125 elseif isfield(brain_parm, 'reduce_ratio') && ...
0126        isnumeric(brain_parm.reduce_ratio)
0127     R = brain_parm.reduce_ratio;
0128     vb_disp(sprintf('reduce_ratio = %.2f is applied.', ...
0129             brain_parm.reduce_ratio));
0130 end
0132 [F3L,V3L] = vb_reducepatch( F0L, V0L, R ); % 0 < R < 1: ratio
0133 [F3R,V3R] = vb_reducepatch( F0R, V0R, R ); % R > 1   : number of verticies
0135 vb_disp(sprintf('%f [sec]',toc));
0137 %
0138 % ---  Find original vertex point in BV-model corresponding to reduced model
0139 %
0140 tic;
0141 vb_disp_nonl('Find original point corresponding to reduced model: ');
0143 IndxL = vb_find_match_point( V0L, V3L, brain_parm.N_step );
0144 IndxR = vb_find_match_point( V0R, V3R, brain_parm.N_step );
0146 % ---  Normal vector obtained from original BV-model
0147 n3L = n0L(IndxL,:);
0148 n3R = n0R(IndxR,:);
0151 % Vertex number of reduced model
0152 NdipoleL = size(V3L,1);
0153 NdipoleR = size(V3R,1);
0154 Ndipole  = NdipoleL + NdipoleR;
0156 F3R = F3R + NdipoleL;
0157 F3  = [F3L ; F3R];
0158 xx  = [n3L ; n3R]; 
0160 % Normalize normal vectors
0161 nn = sqrt(sum(xx.^2 ,2)); 
0162 nn = max( nn, eps);
0163 xx = xx./repmat(nn ,[1 3]);
0165 vb_disp(sprintf('%f[sec]',toc));
0167 NdipoleL0 = size(V0L,1);
0168 NdipoleR0 = size(V0R,1);
0170 %
0171 % --- SPM cordinate in [m] , Normal vector is outward.
0172 %
0173 tic;
0174 vb_disp_nonl('Change coordinate to [m]: ');
0175 V  = [V3L ; V3R]/1000;
0177 % triangle patch index for left/right brain
0178 Npatch     = size(F3,1);
0179 F.F3       = F3;
0180 F.F3R       = F3R;
0181 F.F3L       = F3L;
0182 F.NdipoleL = NdipoleL;
0184 % BrainVoyager vertex index corresponding to reduced brain 'V'
0185 BV_index.Left  = IndxL; 
0186 BV_index.Right = IndxR + NdipoleL0;
0188 % Cortex area index of original FreeSurfer surface
0189 BV_index.cortexL = Vindex.cortexL;
0190 BV_index.cortexR = Vindex.cortexR + NdipoleL0;
0192 % Dimensional info
0193 Vinfo.Ndipole   = Ndipole;
0194 Vinfo.NdipoleL  = NdipoleL;
0195 Vinfo.NdipoleR  = NdipoleR;
0197 Vinfo.Ndipole0  = NdipoleL0 + NdipoleR0;
0198 Vinfo.NdipoleL0 = NdipoleL0;
0199 Vinfo.NdipoleR0 = NdipoleR0;
0200 Vinfo.Npatch    = Npatch;
0201 Vinfo.Coord     = 'SPM_Right_m';
0202 clear V3L V3R n3L n3R
0204 [cortexL, cortexR] = vb_cortex_area_index(Vinfo, Vindex, IndxL, IndxR);
0205 Vinfo.cortexL = cortexL;
0206 Vinfo.cortexR = cortexR;
0208 vb_disp(sprintf('%f[sec]',toc));

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