< Master index Index for vbmeg/functions/tool_box/dynamics_movie/test_fig/basic_tool >

Index for vbmeg/functions/tool_box/dynamics_movie/test_fig/basic_tool

Matlab files in this directory:

 cmap_addadd two colormap
 cmap_cyclemake cyclic color map made by two colors
 cmap_gradMake gradation color map from two color
 cmap_gradationMake gradation color map from color list
 cmap_move----- colormap for moving signal
 cmap_move2----- colormap for moving signal
 convert_mni_spmTransform MNI coordinate to SPM-Right coordinate
 get_area_keyget_area_key from conn_file
 get_col_from_valget color from value
 get_shortest_pathget_shortest_path along head
 load_ar_dynamicsload AR dynamics parameter
 load_ar_dynamics_icbmload AR dynamics parameter and make currebt prediction
 load_connectionV{n} : vertex 3D coordinate for n-th connections
 load_connection_dtiConnection pair index file
 load_connection_dti_allConnection pair coordinate file
 load_connection_from_vmni_connect_fileload connection infomation
 make_area_surf--- brain surface
 make_cylinderMake cylinder around set of points which represent sequential line
 make_cylinder_oldMake cylinder around set of points which represent sequential line
 make_cylinder_plotMake cylinder around set of points which represent sequential line
 make_orthogonal_vecmake orthogonal vector to dX in 3D space
 make_orthogonal_vec_oldmake orthogonal vector to dX in 3D space
 movie_current_loadload current for creating movie
 overwite_maskoverwite mask on MRI slice
 plane_cross_sectionFind the shortest path from V1 to V2 along surface
 plot_cylinder_animep : Plot parameter
 plot_cylinder_prepare--- path coordinate for n-th connection
 plot_map_on_faceplot channel data value on face
 reduce_connection--- reduce connection vertex
 rgb_val_getget rgv value from color name.
 select_sliceselect slice from 3D image
 set_cylinder_valset values for cylinder
 sq_distancesquare distance matrix for X and Y
 trans_mni_coordTrans - a 4x4 affine transformation matrix mapping from
 trans_subj_mni_coordTransform coordinate of individual brain to the MNI starndard brain.

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