Home > vbmeg > functions > leadfield > head > vb_util_join_head_files.m



join plural "single layer" head files and make single head file


function [idx, r_list] = vb_util_join_head_files(head_files, file_root,joined_file, layer_tag, calc_mode)


 join plural "single layer" head files and make single head file
   vb_util_join_head_files(head_files, file_root, joined_file, ...
     layer_tag, calc_mode)
    head_files : <required> cell array of plural "single layer" head files
               :   [1 x N]
     file_root : <optional> root directory for 'head_files' ['.']
   joined_file : <optional> output file path
               :   ['(file_root)/joined_head.head.mat']
     layer_tag : <optional> names of each layer [('CSF', 'Skull', 'Scalp')]
     calc_mode : <optional> calculation method of radius
               :   [1] or 2 or 3
               :  1 : mean distance of each head
               :  2 : minimum distance of each head
               :  3 : maximum distance of each head
           idx : index list which is sorted by radius of each layer
        r_list : radius list which is sorted by their sizes
   stored data are as follows:
      XXhead : [Npoint x 3]
       Vhead : [NPoint x 3]
       Fhead : [NPatch x 3] 
     Nvertex : [NL x 2]  : start and end index
      Npatch : [NL x 2]  : start and end index
   layer_tag : {NL} label of each layer

   This function will be removed in a future release.
   Instead, you can use vb_head_join_files.m

   2006-12-04 (Sako) initial version
   2007-06-14 (Sako) removed unnecessary parameters from head file
   2010-10-25 (Sako) supported the case that XXhead is empty

 Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
 License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function [idx, r_list] = vb_util_join_head_files(head_files, file_root, ...
0002   joined_file, layer_tag, calc_mode)
0003 % join plural "single layer" head files and make single head file
0004 % serially-concatenated
0005 % [usage]
0006 %   vb_util_join_head_files(head_files, file_root, joined_file, ...
0007 %     layer_tag, calc_mode)
0008 % [input]
0009 %    head_files : <required> cell array of plural "single layer" head files
0010 %               :   [1 x N]
0011 %     file_root : <optional> root directory for 'head_files' ['.']
0012 %   joined_file : <optional> output file path
0013 %               :   ['(file_root)/joined_head.head.mat']
0014 %     layer_tag : <optional> names of each layer [('CSF', 'Skull', 'Scalp')]
0015 %     calc_mode : <optional> calculation method of radius
0016 %               :   [1] or 2 or 3
0017 %               :  1 : mean distance of each head
0018 %               :  2 : minimum distance of each head
0019 %               :  3 : maximum distance of each head
0020 % [output]
0021 %           idx : index list which is sorted by radius of each layer
0022 %        r_list : radius list which is sorted by their sizes
0023 % [note]
0024 %   stored data are as follows:
0025 %      XXhead : [Npoint x 3]
0026 %       Vhead : [NPoint x 3]
0027 %       Fhead : [NPatch x 3]
0028 %     Nvertex : [NL x 2]  : start and end index
0029 %      Npatch : [NL x 2]  : start and end index
0030 %   layer_tag : {NL} label of each layer
0031 %
0032 %   !!!NOTICE!!!
0033 %   This function will be removed in a future release.
0034 %   Instead, you can use vb_head_join_files.m
0035 %
0036 % [history]
0037 %   2006-12-04 (Sako) initial version
0038 %   2007-06-14 (Sako) removed unnecessary parameters from head file
0039 %   2010-10-25 (Sako) supported the case that XXhead is empty
0040 %
0041 % Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
0042 % License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)
0044 try
0045   % --- CHECK ARGUMENTS --- %
0046   if ~exist('head_files', 'var'), head_files = []; end
0047   if ~exist('file_root', 'var'), file_root = []; end
0048   if ~exist('joined_file', 'var'), joined_file = []; end
0049   if ~exist('layer_tag', 'var'), layer_tag = []; end
0050   if ~exist('calc_mode', 'var'), calc_mode = []; end
0051   [head_files, file_root, joined_file, layer_tag, calc_mode] = ...
0052     inner_check_arguments(head_files, file_root, joined_file, ...
0053       layer_tag, calc_mode);
0055   % --- MAIN PROCEDURE ------------------------------------------------------- %
0056   %
0057   if ~iscell(head_files)
0058     % require no action
0059     warning('%s is not cell so it is not required to join', head_files);
0060     return;
0061   end
0063   XXhead = [];
0064   Vhead = [];
0065   Fhead = [];
0066   Nvertex = [];
0067   Npatch = [];
0069   % check number of layer
0070   NL = size(head_files, 2);
0071   NT = size(layer_tag, 2);
0073   if ~isequal(NT, NL)
0074     error('head_files is %d, layer tag is %d.', NL, NT);
0075   end
0077   % sort by average radius
0078   RR = [];
0079   for n = 1:NL
0080     load([file_root filesep head_files{n}], 'Vhead');
0081     RR = [RR vb_util_distance_of_points(Vhead, calc_mode)];
0082   end
0084   % sort lists
0085   [r_list idx] = sort(RR);
0086   LayerTag = layer_tag(:,idx);
0087   head_files = head_files(:,idx);
0089   % re-initialize Vhead
0090   Vhead = [];
0092   begin_v = 1;
0093   begin_p = 1;
0094   Npoint  = 0;
0095   for n = 1:size(head_files, 2)
0096     data = load([file_root filesep head_files{n}]);
0098     % --- 2010-10-25 -->
0099 %     len_v = size(data.XXhead,1);
0100 %     len_p = size(data.Fhead,1);
0101 %
0102 %     end_v = begin_v + len_v -1;
0103 %     end_p = begin_p + len_p -1;
0104 %     Nvertex = [Nvertex; begin_v end_v];
0105 %     Npatch  = [Npatch;  begin_p end_p];
0106 %     begin_v = end_v + 1;
0107 %     begin_p = end_p + 1;
0108 %
0109 %     XXhead = [XXhead; data.XXhead];
0110 %     Vhead = [ Vhead; data.Vhead];
0111 %     Fhead = [ Fhead; data.Fhead + Npoint];
0113 %     len_v = size(data.XXhead,1);
0114 %     len_p = size(data.Fhead,1);
0116     len_v = size(vb_headinfo_get_vhead(data),1);
0117     len_p = size(vb_headinfo_get_fhead(data),1);
0119     end_v = begin_v + len_v -1;
0120     end_p = begin_p + len_p -1;
0121     Nvertex = [Nvertex; begin_v end_v];
0122     Npatch  = [Npatch;  begin_p end_p];
0123     begin_v = end_v + 1;
0124     begin_p = end_p + 1;
0126 %     XXhead = [XXhead; data.XXhead];
0127 %     Vhead = [ Vhead; data.Vhead];
0128 %     Fhead = [ Fhead; data.Fhead + Npoint];
0129     Vhead = [ Vhead; vb_headinfo_get_vhead(data)];
0130     Fhead = [ Fhead; vb_headinfo_get_fhead(data) + Npoint];
0132     % support empty XXhead
0133     if isempty(data.XXhead)
0134       if ~isempty(data.Vhead) && ~isempty(data.Fhead)
0135         [new_f, new_v, data.XXhead] = vb_out_normal(data.Fhead, data.Vhead);
0136       else
0137         if isempty(data.Vhead), warning('Vhead is empty'); end
0138         if isempty(data.Fhead), warning('Fhead is empty'); end
0139         warning('XXhead is empty');
0140       end
0141     end
0142     XXhead = [XXhead; vb_headinfo_get_xxhead(data)];
0143     % <-- 2010-10-25 ---
0145     Npoint = Npoint + len_v;
0146   end
0147 %   vb_save(joined_file, 'XXhead', 'Vhead', 'Fhead', 'Nvertex', 'Npatch', 'R', 'Rmethod', 'Sigma', 'LayerTag');
0148   vb_save(joined_file, ...
0149     'XXhead', 'Vhead', 'Fhead', 'Nvertex', 'Npatch', 'LayerTag');
0150   %
0151   % --- END OF MAIN PROCEDURE ------------------------------------------------ %
0153 catch
0154   rethrow(lasterror);
0155 end
0157 % --- INNER FUNCTIONS ------------------------------------------------------ %
0158 %
0159 % --- inner_check_arguments()
0160 %
0161 function [head_files, file_root, joined_file, layer_tag, calc_mode] = ...
0162   inner_check_arguments(head_files, file_root, joined_file, ...
0163     layer_tag, calc_mode)
0165 func_ = 'vb_util_join_head_files';
0167 if isempty(head_files)
0168   error('(%s)head_files is a required parameter', func_);
0169 end
0171 if isempty(file_root)
0172   file_root = '.';
0173 end
0175 if isempty(joined_file)
0176   joined_file = [file_root filesep 'joined_head.head.mat'];
0177 end
0179 if isempty(layer_tag)
0180   layer_tag = {'CSF' 'Skull' 'Scalp'};
0181 end
0183 if isempty(calc_mode)
0184   calc_mode = 1;  % mean
0185 end
0186 return;
0187 %
0188 % --- end of inner_check_arguments()
0189 %
0190 % --- INNER FUNCTIONS ------------------------------------------------------ %
0192 %%% END OF FILE %%%

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