Home > vbmeg > functions > gui > preAnalysis > meeg_processor > utility > timeseries_viewer > vb_timeseries_viewer_callback.m



Callback function for timeseries viewer


function [obj] = vb_timeseries_viewer_callback(obj, hObj)


 Callback function for timeseries viewer
    [obj] = vb_timeseries_viewer_callback(obj, H);
     obj : vb_timeseries_viewer object
    hObj : handle of action component.
     obj : vb_timeseries_viewer object

 Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
 License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [obj] = vb_timeseries_viewer_callback(obj, hObj)
0002 % Callback function for timeseries viewer
0003 % [Usage]
0004 %    [obj] = vb_timeseries_viewer_callback(obj, H);
0005 % [Input]
0006 %     obj : vb_timeseries_viewer object
0007 %    hObj : handle of action component.
0008 % [Output]
0009 %     obj : vb_timeseries_viewer object
0010 %
0011 % Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
0012 % License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)
0014 %
0015 % --- Previous check
0016 %
0017 if ~exist('obj', 'var')
0018     error('obj is a required parameter.');
0019 end
0020 if ~exist('hObj', 'var')
0021     error('hObj is a required parameter.');
0022 end
0024 %
0025 % --- Main Procedure
0026 %
0027 get(hObj, 'Tag'); % debug
0029 obj.event_number = obj.event_number + 1;
0031 H   = obj.H;
0033 Nsample = obj.Nsample;
0034 freq    = obj.freq;
0036 switch(hObj)
0037     case H.timeseries_slider
0038         obj = vb_timeseries_viewer_update_display_time_range(obj);
0039     case H.timepoint_current_text
0040         obj = vb_timeseries_viewer_specify_display_time(obj);
0041     case H.Yscale_slider
0042         % Get slider position
0043         val = 1-get(hObj, 'Value');
0044         window_len = val * 100;
0045         if window_len >= obj.total_time_sec
0046             window_len = obj.total_time_sec;
0047         end
0048         obj.window_len = window_len;
0049         % update range
0050         obj = vb_timeseries_viewer_specify_display_time(obj);
0051     case H.make_preview_file_push
0053         h = msgbox('Now creating preview file....', 'Please wait');
0054         bh = findall(h, 'Style', 'pushbutton');
0055         set(bh, 'Visible', 'off'); drawnow; pause(0.1);
0056         % Get measurement type('MEG' or 'EEG')
0057         MEGinfo = vb_continuous_file_get_meg_info(obj.org_file);
0058         measurement = vb_info_get_measurement(MEGinfo);
0060         % Set preview file to view measurement data
0061         if strcmpi(measurement, 'MEG')
0062             ext = '.meg.mat';
0063             func_name = 'vb_megfile_filter_ch_data';
0064         elseif strcmpi(measurement, 'EEG')
0065             ext = '.eeg.mat';
0066             func_name = 'vb_eegfile_filter_ch_data';
0067         end
0069         org_file = vb_continuous_file_get_filename(obj.org_file);
0070         [base_path, base_filename] = vb_get_file_parts(strrep(org_file, ext, ''));
0072         preview_file = fullfile(base_path, [base_filename, '_50Hz', ext]);
0073         proc_spec.parm.fsamp = 50;
0074         try
0075             feval(func_name, org_file, proc_spec, preview_file);
0076         catch
0077             errordlg(...
0078               ['Failed to make preview file:  ' preview_file, ...
0079                sprintf(...
0080                 '\nCheck directory permission.')], ...
0081               'Preview file');
0082         end
0083         if ishandle(h), delete(h); end
0085         if exist(preview_file, 'file') == 2
0086             obj.preview_file = vb_continuous_file_new(preview_file, obj.data_ch_list);
0087             obj = vb_timeseries_viewer_plot_measurement_data(obj);
0088             % update display time range
0089             obj = vb_timeseries_viewer_update_display_time_range(obj);
0090         end
0091     case {H.ylimit_high_edit, H.ylimit_low_edit}
0092         if isnan(str2double(get(hObj, 'String')))
0093             errordlg('Invalid value was specified(Not a number). please input again.', 'Range');
0094             set(hObj, 'String', '');
0095             return;
0096         end
0097         high = str2double(get(H.ylimit_high_edit, 'String'));
0098         low  = str2double(get(H.ylimit_low_edit, 'String'));
0099         if ~isnan(high) && ~isnan(low)
0100             ylim(H.data_axes, [low, high]);
0101             range = ylim(H.data_axes);
0102             Ydata = [range(1), range(2)];
0103             for k=1:length(obj.trial_onset_handles)
0104                 set(obj.trial_onset_handles(k), 'Ydata', Ydata);
0105             end
0106         end
0107     case H.data_channel_push
0108         [selected_ch_list, cancel] = ...
0109         vb_te_channel_selector_new(obj.data_ch_list, ...
0110                                    obj.data_ch_list(obj.data_ch_list_plot_ix));
0111         if ~cancel
0112             obj.data_ch_list_plot_ix = [];
0113             for k=1:length(selected_ch_list)
0114                 ix = strmatch(selected_ch_list{k}, obj.data_ch_list, 'exact');
0115                 obj.data_ch_list_plot_ix = [obj.data_ch_list_plot_ix; ix];
0116             end
0117             obj = vb_timeseries_viewer_update_display_time_range(obj);
0118         end
0119     case H.trigger_channel_push
0120         [selected_ch_list, cancel] = ...
0121         vb_te_channel_selector_new(obj.trig_ch_list, ...
0122                                    obj.trig_ch_list(obj.trig_ch_list_plot_ix));
0123         if ~cancel
0124             obj.trig_ch_list_plot_ix = [];
0125             for k=1:length(selected_ch_list)
0126                 ix = strmatch(selected_ch_list{k}, obj.trig_ch_list);
0127                 obj.trig_ch_list_plot_ix = [obj.trig_ch_list_plot_ix; ix];
0128             end
0129             obj = vb_timeseries_viewer_update_display_time_range(obj);
0130         end
0131     case {H.ylimit_trigger_high_edit, H.ylimit_trigger_low_edit}
0132         if isnan(str2double(get(hObj, 'String')))
0133             errordlg('Invalid value was specified(Not a number). please input again.', 'Range');
0134             set(hObj, 'String', '');
0135             return;
0136         end
0137         high = str2double(get(H.ylimit_trigger_high_edit, 'String'));
0138         low  = str2double(get(H.ylimit_trigger_low_edit, 'String'));
0139         ylim(H.trigger_axes, [low, high]);
0140         if ~isnan(high) && ~isnan(low)
0141             range = ylim(H.trigger_axes);
0142             Ydata = [range(1), range(2)];
0143             for k=1:length(obj.ext_onset_handles)
0144                 set(obj.ext_onset_handles(k), 'Ydata', Ydata);
0145             end
0146         end
0147     case {H.scale_minus_push, H.scale_plus_push}
0148         val  = get(H.Yscale_slider, 'Value');
0149         step = get(H.Yscale_slider, 'SliderStep');
0150         max_val = get(H.Yscale_slider, 'Max');
0151         min_val = get(H.Yscale_slider, 'Min');
0152         if hObj == H.scale_minus_push
0153             val = val - step(1);
0154             if val < min_val, val = min_val; end
0155         else
0156             val = val + step(1);
0157             if val > max_val, val = max_val; end
0158         end
0159         set(H.Yscale_slider, 'Value', val);
0161         % update range
0162         obj = vb_timeseries_viewer_callback(obj, H.Yscale_slider);
0163     case H.trigger_yrange_fix_check
0164         if get(hObj, 'Value')
0165             % Fix y range
0166             high = str2double(get(H.ylimit_trigger_high_edit, 'String'));
0167             low  = str2double(get(H.ylimit_trigger_low_edit, 'String'));
0168             % input current range to box
0169             if isnan(high) || isnan(low)
0170                 range = ylim(H.trigger_axes);
0171                 set(H.ylimit_trigger_low_edit, 'String', num2str(range(1)));
0172                 set(H.ylimit_trigger_high_edit, 'String', num2str(range(2)));
0173             end
0174             set(H.trigger_axes, 'YLimMode', 'manual');
0175         else
0176             set(H.trigger_axes, 'YLimMode', 'auto');
0177         end
0178     case H.trigger_min_max_value_push
0179         parm.min_value = obj.trigger_min;
0180         parm.max_value = obj.trigger_max;
0181         vb_edit_struct(parm, 'min/max value of trigger data');
0182     case H.trigger_axes
0183         point = get(hObj, 'currentpoint');
0184         vb_text_area('Y value', num2str(point(1,2)));
0185     case H.save_trigger_file
0186         [f, p] = uiputfile({'*.trig.mat'}, 'Save trigger As', obj.trigger_file);
0187         if isequal(f, 0) || isequal(p, 0)
0188             % cancel
0189         else
0190             save_file = fullfile(p, f);
0191             vb_timeseries_viewer_save_trigger_file(obj, save_file);
0192             msgbox(['Saved:' save_file], 'notice');
0193         end
0194     case H.load_trigger_file
0195         [f, p] = uigetfile({'*.trig.mat'}, 'Load trigger file', obj.trigger_file);
0196         if isequal(f, 0)
0197             % cancel
0198         else
0199             load_file = fullfile(p, f);
0200             [trial_list, trig_ch_list] = ...
0201               vb_timeseries_viewer_load_trigger_file(obj.trigger_obj, load_file);
0202             if ~isempty(trial_list) && ~isempty(trig_ch_list)
0203                 obj = vb_timeseries_viewer_set_trial(obj, trial_list);
0204                 obj.trig_ch_list = trig_ch_list;
0205                 % update display time range
0206                 obj = vb_timeseries_viewer_update_display_time_range(obj); 
0207                 msgbox('Triggers are loaded.', 'notice');
0208             end
0209         end
0210     otherwise
0211         if strcmp(get(hObj, 'Tag'), 'ext_trig_line')
0212             % clicked point
0213             point = get(H.trigger_axes, 'currentpoint');
0214             h = vb_text_area('Y value', num2str(point(1,2)));
0215         end
0217 end
0219 % not to crash when figure is closed while running plotting.
0220 if ~ishandle(obj.figure), return; end
0222 pre = guidata(obj.figure);
0223 if pre.event_number < obj.event_number
0224     guidata(obj.figure, obj);
0225 else
0226     obj = pre;
0227 end

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