Home > vbmeg > functions > device > trigger_timing > vb_get_emg_onset_time.m



Find EMG onset time using EMG & smoothed EMG signal


function [zx ,ix_y, ix_z, kx] = vb_get_emg_onset_time(y,yave,y0,z0,parm)


 Find EMG onset time using EMG & smoothed EMG signal
    [zx] = vb_get_emg_onset_time(y ,yave, y0, z0, parm)
    [zx, ixx ,jxx, kx] = vb_get_emg_onset_time(y ,yave, y0, z0, parm)
 --- Input
 y    : EMG signal
 yave : smoothed EMG by moving average
 y0   : threshold for abs(y)     
 z0   : smoothed EMG threshold value

 parm  : parameter structure
 parm.fsamp    : sampling frequency [Hz]
 --- Optional parameter for EMG onset
 parm.t_event  : minimum distance from previous onset event [150 ms]
 --- Usually following parameters need not be changed
 parm.t_period : minimum period that Smoothed EMG > threshold [50 ms]
 --- Condition for EMG onset
 1. Smoothed EMG (yave) should exceed 'z0' more than 't_period' length
 2. Distance from previous onset should be larger than 't_event'

 --- Output
 zx   : extracted onset time index
 ixx  : abs(EMG) onset time index
 jxx  : smoothed EMG onset     
 kx   : start & end of slope estimation region at jx

 2009-08-05 Masa-aki Sato
 2011-12-18 Masa-aki Sato
   Conditions and parameters for onset are changed
 2012-2-18  Masa-aki Sato 
   Use TKE operator EMG filter

 Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
 License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function    [zx ,ix_y, ix_z, kx] = vb_get_emg_onset_time(y,yave,y0,z0,parm)
0002 % Find EMG onset time using EMG & smoothed EMG signal
0003 %    [zx] = vb_get_emg_onset_time(y ,yave, y0, z0, parm)
0004 %    [zx, ixx ,jxx, kx] = vb_get_emg_onset_time(y ,yave, y0, z0, parm)
0005 % --- Input
0006 % y    : EMG signal
0007 % yave : smoothed EMG by moving average
0008 % y0   : threshold for abs(y)
0009 % z0   : smoothed EMG threshold value
0010 %
0011 % parm  : parameter structure
0012 % parm.fsamp    : sampling frequency [Hz]
0013 % --- Optional parameter for EMG onset
0014 % parm.t_event  : minimum distance from previous onset event [150 ms]
0015 % --- Usually following parameters need not be changed
0016 % parm.t_period : minimum period that Smoothed EMG > threshold [50 ms]
0017 % --- Condition for EMG onset
0018 % 1. Smoothed EMG (yave) should exceed 'z0' more than 't_period' length
0019 % 2. Distance from previous onset should be larger than 't_event'
0020 %
0021 % --- Output
0022 % zx   : extracted onset time index
0023 % ixx  : abs(EMG) onset time index
0024 % jxx  : smoothed EMG onset
0025 % kx   : start & end of slope estimation region at jx
0026 %
0027 % 2009-08-05 Masa-aki Sato
0028 % 2011-12-18 Masa-aki Sato
0029 %   Conditions and parameters for onset are changed
0030 % 2012-2-18  Masa-aki Sato
0031 %   Use TKE operator EMG filter
0032 %
0033 % Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
0034 % License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)
0036 % Default value
0037 t_slope   = 25;   % 25 ms
0038 t_period  = 50;   % 50 ms
0039 t_event   = 500;  % 500 ms
0041 if isfield(parm,'t_slope'),  t_slope  = parm.t_slope ;end
0042 if isfield(parm,'t_period'), t_period = parm.t_period ;end
0043 if isfield(parm,'t_event'),  t_event  = parm.t_event ;end
0045 % sample number in [msec]
0046 ds   = parm.fsamp / 1000; 
0048 % msec -> sample number
0049 t_slope  = round(t_slope  * ds);
0050 t_period = round(t_period * ds);
0051 t_event  = round(t_event  * ds);
0053 % EMG threshold
0054 y  = abs(y(:)');
0055 yave = yave(:)';
0056 T  = length(y);
0058 % Extract smoothed EMG onset (time at which yave exceed z0)
0059 % 'yave' value shoud be larger than 'z0' for 't_period'
0060 ix = vb_trigger_onset(yave,z0,t_period,t_period);
0062 % time length from previous onset should be larger than 't_event'
0063 [ixx, jj] = vb_onset_check(ix,t_event);
0065 % output for matched 'ix' and 'jx'
0066 ix_y = {};
0067 ix_z = {ix; ixx};
0069 % onset candidate
0070 zx  = ixx;
0071 kx  = [];
0073 %return
0074 % --- No zero crossing Estimation ---
0076 if isempty(t_slope), return; end;
0077 if t_slope == 0, return; end;
0079 % --- Estimate zero crossing ---
0080 % by linear fit to smoothed EMG near onset
0082 % number of matched onset
0083 NN = length(ixx);
0085 % --- Positive (non-negative) slope region for yave
0086 T = length(yave);
0088 ix_sp = find( [0 diff(yave)] >= 0 );
0089 slope = zeros(1, T );
0090 slope(ix_sp) = 1;
0092 %  [0 slope] : [ 0 0 1 1  1 0 0 1 1 1  1 0 0 0 1 1 1]
0093 %  diff      : [ 0 1 0 0 -1 0 1 0 0 0 -1 0 0 1 0 0]
0095 % start of positive slope
0096 k1 = find( diff([0 slope]) > 0 );
0097 % end of positive slope
0098 k2 = find( diff([0 slope]) < 0 );
0100 N1 = min(length(k1),length(k2));
0102 % start & end of positive slope region
0103 k1 = k1(1:N1);
0104 k2 = k2(1:N1);
0106 % start & end of slope estimation region
0107 kx = zeros(2,NN); 
0109 % Estimate zero crossing
0110 % by linear fit to smoothed EMG near onset
0111 for n=1:NN
0112     % onset candidate for smoothed EMG
0113     j0 = ixx(n);
0115     % find positive slope region that include 'j0'
0116     kk = find( k1 < j0 & k2 > j0 );
0118     if isempty(kk),
0119         j1 = j0 - t_slope; 
0120         j2 = j0 + t_slope;
0121     else
0122         j1 = min( k1(kk(1)) , j0 - t_slope);
0123         j2 = max( k2(kk(1)) , j0 + t_slope);
0124     end
0126     j1 = max(j1,1);
0127     j2 = min(j2,T);
0129     % linear fit to positive slope region
0130     % z - <z> = a * (x - <x>)
0131     % z = a * (x - <x>) + <z> = 0
0132     % x = <x> - <z>/a
0133     x = j1:j2;
0134     z = yave(x);
0135     xm = mean(x);
0136     zm = mean(z);
0137     a  = sum((z-zm).*(x-xm))/sum((x-xm).^2);
0138     zx(n) = xm - zm/a;
0139     kx(:,n) = [j1 ; j2];
0140 end
0142 % check bad condition for linear fit
0143 ii = find( abs(ixx - zx) > t_slope );
0145 zx(ii) = ixx(ii);
0147 return

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