Home > vbmeg > functions > device > filter_func > vb_filter_data.m



Bias correction, Filtering, Down sampling and Common reference


function [data, fs] = vb_filter_data(data,parm)


 Bias correction, Filtering, Down sampling and Common reference
  [data] = vb_filter_data(data,parm)
 --- Input
  data : input signal [Nchannel x Tsample x Ntrial]
 --- preprocess parameter
  .freq        : Sampling frequency [Hz]
  --- optional fields
  .bias_flg    : Bias correction flag  
               = 0/1/2 : OFF/Bias/Linear) : Bias correction by all data
               = [t1 t2]: Bias correction by time window [t1 t2] (msec)
                 time is specified by [msec] from the begining of data
  .cutfreq     : Cutoff frequency [Hz] for filtering
               = [f1]    for 'low','high'
               = [f1 f2] for 'band','stop'
  .fsamp       : Down sampling frequency [Hz]
                 lowpass or bandpass below Nyquist frequency is necessarily
  .common_flg  : Common reference flag (= 1/0 : ON/OFF)
 --- If these fields are not given or empty,
        corresponding process are not applied
 --- Type of filter specification
  .filter_type : 'low','high','band','stop'
     if this field is not given or empty, filtering is not done
  .impulse_response : 
                   = 1: Finite impluse filter (eegfilt)
                   = 2: Butterworth filter
 --- following fields are Butterworth filter only
  .order : filter order of Butterworth filter
  .online = 1: online filter with time delay
          = 0: 'filtfilt' is used for filter with no time delay 
        if this is not given, 'filtfilt' is used

  2012-9-19 Masa-aki Sato

 Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
 License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function    [data, fs] = vb_filter_data(data,parm)
0002 % Bias correction, Filtering, Down sampling and Common reference
0003 %  [data] = vb_filter_data(data,parm)
0004 % --- Input
0005 %  data : input signal [Nchannel x Tsample x Ntrial]
0006 % --- preprocess parameter
0007 % parm
0008 %  .freq        : Sampling frequency [Hz]
0009 %  --- optional fields
0010 %  .bias_flg    : Bias correction flag
0011 %               = 0/1/2 : OFF/Bias/Linear) : Bias correction by all data
0012 %               = [t1 t2]: Bias correction by time window [t1 t2] (msec)
0013 %                 time is specified by [msec] from the begining of data
0014 %  .cutfreq     : Cutoff frequency [Hz] for filtering
0015 %               = [f1]    for 'low','high'
0016 %               = [f1 f2] for 'band','stop'
0017 %  .fsamp       : Down sampling frequency [Hz]
0018 %                 lowpass or bandpass below Nyquist frequency is necessarily
0019 %  .common_flg  : Common reference flag (= 1/0 : ON/OFF)
0020 % --- If these fields are not given or empty,
0021 %        corresponding process are not applied
0022 % --- Type of filter specification
0023 %  .filter_type : 'low','high','band','stop'
0024 %     if this field is not given or empty, filtering is not done
0025 %  .impulse_response :
0026 %                   = 1: Finite impluse filter (eegfilt)
0027 %                   = 2: Butterworth filter
0028 % --- following fields are Butterworth filter only
0029 %  .order : filter order of Butterworth filter
0030 %  .online = 1: online filter with time delay
0031 %          = 0: 'filtfilt' is used for filter with no time delay
0032 %        if this is not given, 'filtfilt' is used
0033 %
0034 %  2012-9-19 Masa-aki Sato
0035 %
0036 % Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
0037 % License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)
0039 [Nch ,T, Ntr] = size(data);
0041 fs = parm.freq;
0043 % Common reference
0044 if    isfield(parm,'common_flg') && ~isempty(parm.common_flg) ...
0045     && parm.common_flg==1
0047     bias = mean(data,1);
0048     data = data - repmat(bias, [Nch 1 1]);
0049 end
0051 % Bias correction
0052 if  isfield(parm,'bias_flg') && ~isempty(parm.bias_flg) 
0053     if length(parm.bias_flg) == 2 ,
0054         % Bias correction by time window [t1 t2]
0055         twin = round(parm.bias_flg * fs * 0.001);
0056         twin = min(max(twin , 1) , T);
0057         bias = mean(data(:,twin(1):twin(2),:) , 2);
0058         data = data - repmat(bias, [1 T 1]);
0059     elseif parm.bias_flg > 0
0060         % Bias correction by all data
0061         for m=1:Ntr
0062             data(:,:,m) = vb_channel_bias_remove(data(:,:,m),parm.bias_flg);
0063         end
0064     end
0065 end
0067 % Filtering
0068 if    isfield(parm,'cutfreq') && ~isempty(parm.cutfreq) && ...
0069     isfield(parm,'filter_type') && ~isempty(parm.filter_type),
0071     % filter_type
0072     filter_type = parm.filter_type;
0073     % cutoff frequency
0074     fcut  = parm.cutfreq; 
0075     Nfreq = length(fcut);
0077     if Nfreq > 2, error('Cutoff frequency is wrong'); end;
0079     if parm.impulse_response==1
0080         % FIR Lowpass filter
0081         switch    filter_type
0082         case    'low'
0083             data = eegfilt(data, fs, 0, fcut );
0084         case    'high'
0085             data = eegfilt(data, fs, fcut, 0 );
0086         case    'band'
0087             data = eegfilt(data, fs, fcut(1), fcut(2) );
0088         case    'stop'
0089             Norder = fix(3*(fs/(fcut(2)-fcut(1)))); 
0090             [B, A] = fir1(Norder, fcut/(fs/2), 'stop');
0091             for m=1:Ntr
0092                 for n=1:Nch
0093                     data(n,:,m) = filtfilt(B,A, data(n,:,m) );
0094                 end
0095             end
0096         end
0097     else
0098         % Butterworth filter
0099         Norder = parm.order; % filter order
0100         switch    filter_type
0101         case    'low'
0102             [B,A] = butter(Norder, fcut(1)/(fs/2) ,'low');
0103         case    'high'
0104             [B,A] = butter(Norder, fcut(1)/(fs/2) ,'high');
0105         case    'band'
0106             [B,A] = butter(Norder, fcut(1:2)/(fs/2) );
0107         case    'stop'
0108             [B,A] = butter(Norder, fcut(1:2)/(fs/2) , 'stop');
0109         end
0111         if isfield(parm,'online') && parm.online==1
0112             for m=1:Ntr
0113                 for n=1:Nch
0114                     data(n,:,m) = filter(B,A, data(n,:,m) );
0115                 end
0116             end
0117         else
0118             for m=1:Ntr
0119                 for n=1:Nch
0120                     data(n,:,m) = filtfilt(B,A, data(n,:,m) );
0121                 end
0122             end
0123         end
0124     end
0125 end
0127 % Down sampling
0128 if isfield(parm,'fsamp') && ~isempty(parm.fsamp) && fs ~=parm.fsamp
0129     fsnew = parm.fsamp;
0130     %fprintf('Down sampling to %6.1f [Hz]\n',fsnew)
0132     data  = vb_convert_freq(data, fs, fsnew);
0133     fs = fsnew;
0134 end

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