Master index | Index for vbmeg/functions/common/coordinate |
vb_MNI_to_analyze | change MNI-mm coordinate to analyze Right-hand voxcel coord. |
vb_affine_trans | Apply affine transformation to 'X' |
vb_affine_trans_for_fit | Affine transformation matrix to fit X to Y |
vb_analyze_mm_to_analyze | change Analyze mm coord to Analyze voxel coord. |
vb_analyze_mm_to_spm_right | change Analyze Left-hand mm coordinate to Right-hand SPM (m) coord. |
vb_analyze_right_mm_to_spm_right | change Analyze Right-hand mm coordinate to Right-hand SPM (m) coord. |
vb_analyze_right_to_spm_right | change Analyze Right-hand voxel coordinate to Right-hand SPM (m) coord. |
vb_analyze_to_analyze_mm | Change Analyze voxel coord to Analyze mm coord. |
vb_analyze_to_spm_right | change Analyze Left-hand voxcel coordinate to Right-hand SPM (m) coord. |
vb_bvoyger_to_spm_right | change BrainVoyger coordinate to SPM Right coordinate |
vb_bvoyger_to_vox | change BrainVoyger coordinate to SBI-Voxcel coordinate |
vb_calc_fitting | Calculate min distance for transformed points |
vb_calc_matching | Calculate distance for transformed points |
vb_cart2theta_phi | Project 3D coordinate to 2D-plane with modified projection |
vb_center_sphere | Find Center of Sphere from set of points 'X' |
vb_check_fitting | Check fitting |
vb_convert_spm_to_mni | Convert SPM-right-m to MNI-right-m & Talairach coordinate |
vb_distance_brain_face | Distance between face and brain surface |
vb_distance_min3d | Average minimum distance from set of points {Vnew} to set of points {Vold} |
vb_distance_to_neigbor | find NP neighbor points for each sensor position |
vb_find_close_points | Find close distance points in y from x |
vb_find_min_distance | Find min distance point in y from x |
vb_find_min_distance_2d | Find min distance point in y from x |
vb_find_nearest_point | Find nearest points from set of vertex points |
vb_fit_3d_coord | Transform Marker coordinate to MRI coordinate |
vb_get_tal_coord | Transform cortex coordinate to Talairach coordinate |
vb_interpolate3_weight | calculate weight matrix to interporate sensor data |
vb_is_invalid_coordinate | check given coordinate is valid or not |
vb_linear_interpolate3 | Linear interpolation matrix of three neighbor point values |
vb_mni_mm_to_spm_right | Transform MNI coordinate to SPM-Right coordinate |
vb_nifti_mm_to_spm_right_mm | Transform NIFTI mm coordinate to SPM-Right-m coordinate |
vb_rigid_trans_matrix | Make rigid body transform matrix from 6 parameters |
vb_rigid_transform | Apply rigid body transformation to 'X' |
vb_search_fit_coord | Find optimal transformation to fit MRI face and vivid data |
vb_search_matching | Find optimal transformation to fit two sets of markers |
vb_spm_right_to_analyze_left | change Right-hand SPM (m) coordinate to analyze Left-hand voxcel coord. |
vb_spm_right_to_analyze_right | change Right-hand SPM (m) coordinate to analyze Right-hand voxcel coord. |
vb_spm_right_to_analyze_right_mm | change Right-hand SPM [m] coordinate to Analyze Right-hand [mm] coord. |
vb_spm_right_to_mni_mm | Transform SPM-Right-m coordinate to MNI mm coordinate |
vb_trans_fiducial_coord | Transform matrix to fiducial coordinate |
vb_valid_coordinate_filter_decode | do posterior work for some works that require only valid coordinates |
vb_valid_coordinate_filter_encode | do prior work for some works that require only valid coordinates |
vb_vox_to_analyze_left | change SBI-Voxcel(mm) coordinate to Light-hand Analyze voxcel coordinate |
vb_vox_to_analyze_right | change SBI-Voxcel(mm) coordinate to Right-hand Analyze voxcel coordinate |
vb_vox_to_spm_right | Change SBI-Voxcel coordinate to Right-hand SPM coordinate |
vb_yokogawa_mri_to_spm_right | change Yokogawa MRI(mm) coordinate to spm Right-hand coord. |