< Master index Index for vbmeg/functions/common/container >

Index for vbmeg/functions/common/container

Matlab files in this directory:

 vb_add_actThis function is used to register cortical activity data.
 vb_add_areaThis function is used to register cortical area data.
 vb_get_actThis function is used to get cortical activity data.
 vb_get_areaThis function is used to get cortical area data.
 vb_get_keyset_actThis function is used to get the set of cortial activity map IDs.
 vb_get_keyset_areaThis function is used to get the set of cortical area IDs.
 vb_rm_actThis function is used to remove cortical activity data.
 vb_rm_areaThis function is used to remove cortical area data.

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