< Master index Index for vbmeg/functions/common/boundary >

Index for vbmeg/functions/common/boundary

Matlab files in this directory:

 vb_aniso_difuseanisotropic difusion
 vb_boundary_edgeextract boundary edge from surface patch index
 vb_close_linemake ordered vertex list for closed loop
 vb_close_surfMake closed surface
 vb_combine_surfcombine multiple surfaces
 vb_connected_vertexextract connected vertex index
 vb_get_boundaryget boundary surface point index of mask image
 vb_get_boundary_meshget boundary surface of mask image
 vb_get_cortex_surf_from_spmTransform standard brain model to an individual brain
 vb_get_cortex_surf_from_stdTransform standard brain model to an individual brain
 vb_get_disconect_surfget disconnect surface
 vb_make_head_surf_modelMake 1 shell head model from brain model and gray matter segment
 vb_mask_to_surf_expandExtract smooth surface from mask image and expand/shrink
 vb_mesh_areaarea of patch triangle
 vb_neighbor_indexnearest neighbor index of each vertex
 vb_out_normalextract connected surface & make normal vector outward
 vb_out_normal_surfextract connected surface & make normal vector outward
 vb_out_normal_vectnormal vector
 vb_separate_surfextract each connected surface
 vb_solid_angle_checktotal solid angle for surface
 vb_surf_smoothsmoothing surface by spring model
 vb_surf_smooth_datasmoothing surface by spring model and 3D-image data
 vb_surf_smooth_expandExpand surface by morphology and smooth surface by spring model
 vb_surf_smooth_fitFit surface to the boundary of the mask
 vb_surf_smooth_outFit surface to the boundary of the mask
 vb_trans_indexSelect vertex and patch from surface
 vb_triangle_normalnormal vector of patch triangle
 vb_vertex_normalnormal vector assigned for vertex

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