back_DICOM | --- |
bat_read_DICOM | |
bat_read_DICOM2 | |
bat_read_DICOM_description | |
create_index_dicom | |
direction_cos | |
exe_count | execution indicator graph. |
fitGoFp | |
get_sbi_sensor_name | get_sensor_name(sqddat,sysid,outfile) |
index_dicom | |
inv_DICOM | --- |
load_sbi_eog_data | Load EOG data |
load_sbi_meg_data | Load MEG data |
load_sbi_sensor | Load MEG sensor coordinate |
make_sbi_meg_data | Read MEG data saved on SBI system and convert it to .meg.mat file. |
meg_hread | Retrive *.hd file contents |
readDICOMfile | readDICOMfile : Rev.1.0, 2001-11-17 |
readDICOMimages | readDICOMimages : Rev.1.0, 2001-11-17 |
readDICOMtbl | read DICOMtbl : Rev.1.0, 2001-11-17 |
readEOG | function Deeg=readEOG(sqddat,sysid) |
readSBI | readSBI : Rev.1.0, 2001-11-17 |
readSBI2 | readSBI : Rev.1.0, 2001-11-17 |
readSBI_eeg | --- Input |
readSBI_meg | --- Input |
readSBI_sensor | [chname,okix] = readSBI_sensor(sqddat,sysid) |
readSBI_yosio | readSBI : Rev.1.0, 2001-11-17 |
readSBItrials | function [samp,pick1,pick2,bexp,ier]=readSBItrials(sqddat,sysid,trials,chgdcm) |
read_dicom | |
read_sbi_eeg_data | --- Input |
read_sbi_eeg_header | eeg_info = read_sbi_eeg_header(sys_dir,sys_id) |
read_sbi_meg_data | --- Input |
read_sbi_meg_header | Input: meg_dir % $MEG_DIR ex. /data1/toyama2/ |
sbi_channel_rejection | Reject the selected channels from bexp,pick,Qpick,CoilWeight. |
sbi_sensor_check | sensor_check(sqddat,sysids,resultfile) |
trans_coord_sbi | Input |