Home > functions > gui > bm_editor > bm_edit_app > bm_edit_app_callback.m



callback function. This funcion is called when gui is operated.


function bm_edit_app_callback(obj, hObj)


 callback function. This funcion is called when gui is operated.
     bm_edit_app_callback(<obj>, <hObj>);
     obj : bm_edit_app object
    hObj : action component.

 Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
 License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function bm_edit_app_callback(obj, hObj)
0002 % callback function. This funcion is called when gui is operated.
0003 % [USAGE]
0004 %     bm_edit_app_callback(<obj>, <hObj>);
0005 % [IN]
0006 %     obj : bm_edit_app object
0007 %    hObj : action component.
0008 % [OUT]
0009 %    none
0010 %
0011 % Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
0012 % License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)
0014 %
0015 % --- Previous check
0016 %
0017 if ~exist('obj', 'var'),
0018     error('obj is a required parameter.');
0019 end
0020 if ~strcmp(obj.class_type, 'bm_edit_app')
0021     error('class type is invalid.');
0022 end
0023 if ~exist('hObj', 'var'), error('hObj is a required parameter.'); end
0026 %
0027 % --- Main Procedure
0028 %
0029 const = define_bm_edit_app;
0031 % get component handles
0032 H = guihandles(obj.h);
0034 % disp(get(hObj, 'Tag'));
0036 switch(hObj)
0037     case H.analyze_file_push
0038         % When analyze file reselection occures models destruction.
0039         index = bm_manager_get_bm_list_index(obj.bmm);
0040         read_ok = true;
0041         if ~isempty(index)
0042             res = questdlg('Models are deleted, OK?', 'confirm', ...
0043                             'Yes', 'No', ...
0044                             'Yes');
0045             if strcmp(res, 'No'), read_ok = false; end
0046         end
0047         if ~read_ok, return; end
0049         % Select analyze_file
0050         analyze_file = [];
0051         [analyze_file, cancelled] = ...
0052                     bm_edit_app_util_get_file({'.hdr'}, 'Select analyze file');
0053         if ~cancelled
0054             % display filename
0055             set(H.analyze_file_edit, 'String', analyze_file);
0056             % set view setting
0057             obj.view_setting2d = ...
0058                 bm_view_parm2d_set_analyze_file(obj.view_setting2d, ...
0059                                                 analyze_file);
0060             % all model delete
0061             index = bm_manager_get_bm_list_index(obj.bmm);
0062             if ~isempty(index)
0063                 obj.bmm = bm_manager_delete_model(obj.bmm, index);
0064                 set(H.brain_model_list_listbox, 'Value', 1);
0065             end
0067             % update listbox state
0068             obj = bm_edit_app_update_brain_model_listbox(obj);
0069         else
0070             return;
0071         end
0073     %
0074     % --- Import brain model
0075     %
0076     case { H.brain_file_push, H.head_file_push, ...
0077            H.curry_file_push, H.face_file_push, ...
0078            H.mask_file_push,  H.spm_norm_file_push}
0079         opt_arg1 = []; opt_arg2 = []; opt_arg3 = [];
0081         % judge extension type
0082         if hObj == H.brain_file_push
0083             extension = {'.brain.mat'};
0084             caption   = 'Select brain file';
0085             file_type = const.file_type.BRAIN_FILE
0086         elseif hObj == H.head_file_push
0087             extension = {'.head.mat'};
0088             caption   = 'Select head file';
0089             file_type = const.file_type.HEAD_FILE;
0090         elseif hObj == H.curry_file_push
0091             extension = {'.*'};
0092             caption   = 'Select Curry file';
0093             file_type = const.file_type.CURRY_FILE;
0094         elseif hObj == H.face_file_push
0095             extension = {'.face.mat'};
0096             caption   = 'Select face file';
0097             file_type = const.file_type.FACE_FILE;
0098         elseif hObj == H.mask_file_push
0099             extension = {'.mat'};
0100             caption   = 'Select mask file';
0101             file_type = const.file_type.MASK_FILE;
0102         elseif hObj == H.spm_norm_file_push
0103             extension = {'.mat'};
0104             caption   = 'Select SPM normalization file';
0105             file_type = const.file_type.SPM_NORM_FILE;
0106         end
0108         % get model file
0109         [model_file, cancelled] = bm_edit_app_util_get_file(extension, caption);
0110         if cancelled, return; end
0112         % selection
0113         if hObj == H.brain_file_push
0114             prompt = {'Select hemisphere'};
0115             parts = {const.str.BRAIN_FILE_IMPORT_LEFT_BRAIN, ...
0116                      const.str.BRAIN_FILE_IMPORT_RIGHT_BRAIN, ...
0117                      const.str.BRAIN_FILE_IMPORT_WHOLE_BRAIN};
0118             [selection, IsOK] = listdlg('PromptString', prompt,...
0119                                         'SelectionMode', 'multiple', ...
0120                                         'ListString', parts);
0121             if ~IsOK, return; end
0122             opt_arg1 = parts(selection);
0123         elseif hObj == H.mask_file_push
0124             prompt = {'Select hemisphere'};
0125             parts = {const.str.MASK_FILE_IMPORT_BRAIN, ...
0126                      const.str.MASK_FILE_IMPORT_CORTEX};
0127             [selection, IsOK] = listdlg('PromptString', prompt,...
0128                                         'SelectionMode', 'multiple', ...
0129                                         'ListString', parts);
0130             if ~IsOK, return; end
0131             opt_arg1 = parts(selection);
0132         elseif hObj == H.spm_norm_file_push
0133             prompt = {'Select hemisphere'};
0134             parts = {const.str.SPM_NORM_FILE_IMPORT_BRAIN, ...
0135                      const.str.SPM_NORM_FILE_IMPORT_CORTEX};
0136             [selection, IsOK] = listdlg('PromptString', prompt,...
0137                                         'SelectionMode', 'multiple', ...
0138                                         'ListString', parts);
0139             if ~IsOK, return; end
0140             opt_arg1 = parts(selection);
0141         end
0143         % Wait dialog
0144         drawnow;
0145         h = msgbox('Please wait...');
0147         % get analyze file for coordinate change
0148         analyze_file = bm_view_parm2d_get_analyze_file(obj.view_setting2d);
0150         % Data import
0151         [obj.bmm, result, index] = bm_manager_import_file(obj.bmm, ...
0152                                                         file_type, ...
0153                                                         model_file, ...
0154                                                         analyze_file, ...
0155                                                         opt_arg1, ...
0156                                                         opt_arg2, ...
0157                                                         opt_arg3);
0158         if result == SUCCESS
0159             % update screen
0160             set(H.brain_model_list_listbox, 'Value', 1);
0161             obj = bm_edit_app_update_brain_model_listbox(obj);
0162             % View close
0163             obj = bm_edit_app_close_all_view(obj);
0164         end
0165         if ishandle(h), close(h); end
0167     case H.export_push
0168         index = get(H.brain_model_list_listbox, 'Value');
0169         [file_name, cancelled] = bm_edit_app_util_put_file({'.head.mat'}, '');
0170         if ~cancelled
0171             [obj.bmm, result] = bm_manager_export_file(obj.bmm, ...
0172                                                 const.file_type.HEAD_FILE,...
0173                                                 file_name, ...
0174                                                 index);
0175             if result == FAILURE
0176                 errordlg('head file export failed.', 'error');
0177             end
0178         end
0180     %
0181     % --- Load / Save Application info
0182     %
0183     case H.load_menu
0184         [file_name, cancelled] = bm_edit_app_util_get_file(...
0185                                             {'.bme.mat'},...
0186                                             'Select application setting file.');
0187         if cancelled, return; end
0188         analyze_file = [];
0189         load(file_name, 'bmm', 'view_setting2d', 'view_setting3d', 'analyze_file');
0190         obj.bmm = bmm;
0191         obj.view_setting2d = view_setting2d;
0192         obj.view_setting3d = view_setting3d;
0193         set(H.analyze_file_edit, 'String', analyze_file);
0194         obj = bm_edit_app_update_brain_model_listbox(obj);
0195         % View close
0196         obj = bm_edit_app_close_all_view(obj);
0198     case H.save_menu
0199         [file_name, cancelled] = bm_edit_app_util_put_file({'.bme.mat'}, 'Save application setting file.');
0200         if cancelled, return; end
0201         bmm = obj.bmm;
0202         analyze_file = get(H.analyze_file_edit, 'String');
0203         view_setting2d = obj.view_setting2d;
0204         view_setting3d = obj.view_setting3d;
0205         vb_save(file_name, 'bmm', 'view_setting2d', 'view_setting3d', 'analyze_file');
0207     %
0208     % --- listbox click
0209     %
0210     case H.brain_model_list_listbox
0211         set(H.history_listbox, 'Value', 1);
0212         obj = bm_edit_app_update_brain_model_listbox(obj);
0213     case H.history_listbox
0214         obj = bm_edit_app_update_history_listbox(obj);
0216     %
0217     % --- View button push
0218     %
0219     case H.view2d_push
0220         % Wait dialog
0221         drawnow;
0222         h = msgbox('Please wait...');
0223         % Singleton check
0224         if isempty(obj.view2d) || bm_edit_app_view_is_opening(obj.view2d) == false
0225             obj.view2d = bm_edit_app_view2d_new;
0226         end
0227         obj.view2d = bm_edit_app_view_update(obj.view2d, obj, ...
0228                                              @bm_edit_app_get_display_factor, ...
0229                                              obj.view_setting2d);
0230         if ishandle(h), close(h); end
0231     case H.view3d_push
0232         % Wait dialog
0233         drawnow;
0234         h = msgbox('Please wait...');
0235         % Singleton check
0236         if isempty(obj.view3d) || bm_edit_app_view_is_opening(obj.view3d) == false
0237             obj.view3d = bm_edit_app_view3d_new;
0238         end
0239         obj.view3d = bm_edit_app_view_update(obj.view3d, obj, ...
0240                                              @bm_edit_app_get_display_factor, ...
0241                                              obj.view_setting3d);
0242         if ishandle(h), close(h); end
0243     %
0244     % --- Processing menu
0245     %
0246     case {H.processing_surf_smooth_menu,...
0247           H.surf_smooth_push,...
0248           H.processing_surf_smooth_expand_menu,...
0249           H.surf_smooth_expand_push,...
0250           H.processing_surf_to_filled_mask_menu,...
0251           H.surf_to_filled_mask_push,...
0252           H.processing_separate_surf_menu,...
0253           H.close_surf_push, ...
0254           H.separate_surf_push,...
0255           H.processing_morphology_operation_menu,...
0256           H.morphology_operation_push,...
0257           H.processing_surf_extract_menu,...
0258           H.surf_extract_push}
0260         % Convert key to parm_type
0261         parm_type = bm_edit_app_menu_to_parm_type(obj, hObj);
0262         % edit parameter
0263         parm = bm_manager_get_process_parameter(obj.bmm, parm_type);
0264         [parm, cancelled] = process_parm_editor_edit(obj.ppm, ...
0265                                                     parm_type, ...
0266                                                     parm);
0267         if cancelled, return; end
0268         % set parameter
0269         [obj.bmm, result] = bm_manager_set_process_parameter(obj.bmm, ...
0270                                                             parm_type, ...
0271                                                             parm);
0272         if result == FAILURE
0273             errordlg('Invalid parameter is inputted.', 'error');
0274             return;
0275         end
0276         % wait dialog
0277         h = msgbox('Please wait...');
0278         drawnow;
0279         % execute processing
0280         index = get(H.brain_model_list_listbox, 'Value');
0281         obj.bmm = bm_manager_process_brain(obj.bmm, parm_type, index);
0282         if ishandle(h), close(h); end
0283         obj = bm_edit_app_update_brain_model_listbox(obj);
0284    %
0285    % --- Setting color
0286    %
0287     case H.color_setting_2d_menu
0288         color_cell = bm_view_parm2d_get_color(obj.view_setting2d);
0289         for k=1:length(color_cell)
0290             parm_name{k} = ['Layer' num2str(k)];
0291         end
0292         color_cell = inputdlg(parm_name, '2D color setting', 1, color_cell, 'on');
0293         if isempty(color_cell)
0294             return;
0295         else
0296             % Check inputted color
0297             for k=1:length(color_cell)
0298                 color = color_cell{k};
0299                 if isletter(color(2))
0300                     errordlg('Inputted color is invalid.');
0301                     return;
0302                 end
0303             end
0304             % Save Color setting
0305             obj.view_setting2d = bm_view_parm2d_set_color(obj.view_setting2d, color_cell);
0306             % update 2D view
0307             if isempty(obj.view2d) || bm_edit_app_view_is_opening(obj.view2d)
0308                 bm_edit_app_callback(obj, H.view2d_push);
0309             end
0310         end
0311     %
0312     % --- Other command
0313     %
0314     case H.delete_push
0315         % Selected model delete
0316         index = get(H.brain_model_list_listbox, 'Value');
0317         obj.bmm = bm_manager_delete_model(obj.bmm, index);
0318         % Adjust listbox line
0319         if index(1) == 1
0320             set(H.brain_model_list_listbox, 'Value', 1);
0321         else
0322             set(H.brain_model_list_listbox, 'Value', index(1)-1);
0323         end
0324         % Display update
0325         obj = bm_edit_app_update_brain_model_listbox(obj);
0326     case H.rename_push
0327         % get selected model name
0328         index = get(H.brain_model_list_listbox, 'Value');
0329         name = bm_manager_get_model_name(obj.bmm, index);
0330         % Input new model name
0331         new_name = inputdlg('New name', 'Input new model name', 1, name);
0332         % cancel check
0333         if isempty(new_name), return; end
0334         % Rename
0335         obj.bmm = bm_manager_rename_model(obj.bmm, index, new_name{1});
0336         % update display
0337         obj = bm_edit_app_update_brain_model_listbox(obj);
0338     case H.conductivity_push
0339         % Selected model is changed
0340         index = get(H.brain_model_list_listbox, 'Value');
0341         new_conductivity = str2double(get(H.conductivity_edit, 'String'));
0342         % Change conductivity
0343         obj.bmm = bm_manager_change_conductivity(obj.bmm, index, new_conductivity);
0344         % update display
0345         obj = bm_edit_app_update_brain_model_listbox(obj);
0346 end
0348 %
0349 % --- Save bm_edit_app object to figure
0350 %
0351 guidata(obj.h, obj);

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