< Master index Index for functions/gui/batch/batch_mgr >

Index for functions/gui/batch/batch_mgr

Matlab files in this directory:

 vb_batch_mgr_add_parmAdd the parameter to the specified parameter set.
 vb_batch_mgr_add_tool_mkdirAdd make directory parameter to the template parameter.
 vb_batch_mgr_add_variableAdd variable name to the table
 vb_batch_mgr_build_batch_fileOutput batch file
 vb_batch_mgr_change_variable_nameRename variable name
 vb_batch_mgr_create_concrete_parmCreate concreate parameters from Table and Tempatle parameters
 vb_batch_mgr_duplicate_parmDuplicate specified parameter
 vb_batch_mgr_edit_parmEdit parameter
 vb_batch_mgr_edit_tableEdit variable table
 vb_batch_mgr_get_nameThe name of the manager instance. It is used on GUI.
 vb_batch_mgr_get_num_of_parmreturn the number of parameters which parameter set has.
 vb_batch_mgr_get_num_of_parm_setReturn the number of batch parameter set which this object has.
 vb_batch_mgr_get_output_id_stringget id list for output
 vb_batch_mgr_get_output_index_listget index list for output
 vb_batch_mgr_get_parmGet parameter from specified parameter set.
 vb_batch_mgr_get_table_dataget variable list from table
 vb_batch_mgr_newThis function creates vb_batch_mgr object
 vb_batch_mgr_remove_parmRemove parameter
 vb_batch_mgr_remove_variableRemove variable from the table
 vb_batch_mgr_set_nameChange name of batch manager.
 vb_batch_mgr_set_output_index_listSet batch output index_list
 vb_batch_mgr_set_parmSet parameter to the specified parameter set
 vb_batch_mgr_show_parm_contentsShow parameter fields by using text area.
 vb_batch_mgr_swap_parmSwap parameters in the specified parameter set.
 vb_struct2fileWrite structure information evaluated by command window.

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