< Master index Index for functions/device/meg/yokogawa/utility >

Index for functions/device/meg/yokogawa/utility

Matlab files in this directory:

 vb_check_sensor_directionplot pick and Qpick on the same figure and plot Qpick and pick vector
 vb_check_vivid_markercheck Left to Right order of marker
 vb_check_yokogawa_markercheck Left to Right order of marker
 vb_plot_yokogawa_dipole_to_analyzeplot dipole data( estimated by MEGLaboratory ) to analyze file
 vb_read_yokogawa_posThis function reads yokogawa's Marker file(text file)
 vb_yokogawa_channel_rejectionReject the selected channels from bexp,pick,Qpick,MEGinfo.sensor_weight.
 vb_yokogawa_plot_sensorPlot yokogawa sensor.

Other Matlab-specific files in this directory:

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