plot transverse slice image B : 3D-image V : vertex coordinate if empty, no vertex plot zindx : slice z-coordinate mode : 2D plot mode for X-Y = 0 : plot without transpose = 1 : plot by transposing 2D-image matrix Nsubfig = [NX NY] : # of Subplot Msize : Marker size Mtype : Marker type dz : slice width vdim : slice cut direction = 'x' : Sagittal cut : Y-Z plane = 'y' : Coronal cut : X-Z plane = 'z' : Transverse (Axial) cut : X-Y plane Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved. License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)
0001 function vb_plot_slice_multi(B,V,zindx,mode,Nsubfig,Msize,Mtype,dz,vdim) 0002 % plot transverse slice image 0003 % 0004 % B : 3D-image 0005 % V : vertex coordinate 0006 % if empty, no vertex plot 0007 % zindx : slice z-coordinate 0008 % mode : 2D plot mode for X-Y 0009 % = 0 : plot without transpose 0010 % = 1 : plot by transposing 2D-image matrix 0011 % Nsubfig = [NX NY] : # of Subplot 0012 % Msize : Marker size 0013 % Mtype : Marker type 0014 % dz : slice width 0015 % vdim : slice cut direction 0016 % = 'x' : Sagittal cut : Y-Z plane 0017 % = 'y' : Coronal cut : X-Z plane 0018 % = 'z' : Transverse (Axial) cut : X-Y plane 0019 % 0020 % Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved. 0021 % License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt) 0022 0023 % written by M. Sato 2005-8-1 0024 0025 % zindx : slice z-coordinate 0026 if nargin < 3, zindx = [2:2:60]; end; 0027 0028 % Mode switch for Vertex plot 0029 if nargin < 4, mode=0; end; 0030 0031 % # of Subplot 0032 if nargin < 5, Nsubfig = [ 3, 3 ]; end; 0033 0034 % Marker size 0035 if nargin < 6, Msize=2; end; 0036 0037 % Marker type 0038 if nargin < 7, Mtype='y.'; end; 0039 0040 % Slice width 0041 if nargin < 8, dz=1.5; end; 0042 0043 % Slice direction 0044 if nargin < 9, vdim='z'; end; 0045 0046 NX=Nsubfig(1); 0047 NY=Nsubfig(2); 0048 0049 % z-width for vartex selection 0050 dz = 1; 0051 0052 Nfig = length(zindx); 0053 nfig = NX*NY; 0054 0055 for n=1:Nfig 0056 if nfig==NX*NY, 0057 figure; nfig=1; 0058 else 0059 nfig=nfig+1; 0060 end; 0061 0062 subplot(NY,NX,nfig); 0063 z = zindx(n); 0064 0065 [strX,strY,strZ] = vb_plot_3d_image(B, z, vdim, mode); 0066 0067 title(sprintf('%s-slice (%3d)',strZ,zindx(n))) 0068 xlabel(strX); 0069 ylabel(strY); 0070 0071 hold on 0072 0073 if ~exist('V','var') | isempty(V), continue; end; 0074 0075 % vertex plot 0076 vb_plot_vertex(V, vdim, z, dz, Msize, Mtype, mode) 0077 end; 0078 0079 %colormap(gray); 0080 %colormap(jet); 0081 0082