Home > vbmeg > functions > estimation > bayes > vb_convert_current_unit.m



convert current unit(density/amplitude)


function [J_out] = vb_convert_current_unit(proj_root,current_file,to_density, new_current_file)


 convert current unit(density/amplitude)

 J_out = vb_convert_current_unit(proj_root, ...
                                 current_file, to_density...

       proj_root     : VBMEG result file directory .
    current_file     : Cortical current file (.curr.mat). 
                       * relative path from proj_root
       to_density    : unit after conversion
                       = true  : convert to density   (Am/m^2).
                       = false : convert to amplitude (Am).
    new_current_file : [Optional] save current file.
                       * relative path from proj_root

    J_out : 
     to_density = true
        J_out: current density for 'J-current' (Am/m^2). 
     to_density = false
        J_out: current amplitude for 'J-current' (Am). 

---  'J-current' is always returned
--- Smoothing leadfield
 G   = basis*S*W (S: area of vertex, W: smoothing filter)
--- MEG - current relation
 MEG = G * Zact; % Nsensor x TimeSample 
     = basis*S*Wact*Zact
     = basis*S*Jact_density  (patch_norm: ON)
     = basis*Jact_amplitude  (patch_norm: OFF)
--- conversion between J_amplitude and J_density
       Jact_amplitude = Jact_density.*S
       Jact_density   = Jact_amplitude./S
--- S should be applied to Jact

    2014-10-2 Masa-aki Sato

    It should be noted that in general converted current density may be
    different from the current density obtained by setting patch_norm = 1
    using vb_job_vb(current variance estimation) because of inversion 

 Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
 License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function [J_out] = vb_convert_current_unit(proj_root, ...
0002                                            current_file, ...
0003                                            to_density, new_current_file)
0004 % convert current unit(density/amplitude)
0005 %
0006 % [syntax]
0007 % J_out = vb_convert_current_unit(proj_root, ...
0008 %                                 current_file, to_density...
0009 %                                 [,new_current_file]);
0010 %
0011 % [input]
0012 %       proj_root     : VBMEG result file directory .
0013 %    current_file     : Cortical current file (.curr.mat).
0014 %                       * relative path from proj_root
0015 %       to_density    : unit after conversion
0016 %                       = true  : convert to density   (Am/m^2).
0017 %                       = false : convert to amplitude (Am).
0018 %    new_current_file : [Optional] save current file.
0019 %                       * relative path from proj_root
0020 %
0021 % [output]
0022 %    J_out :
0023 %     to_density = true
0024 %        J_out: current density for 'J-current' (Am/m^2).
0025 %     to_density = false
0026 %        J_out: current amplitude for 'J-current' (Am).
0027 %
0028 %---  'J-current' is always returned
0029 %-----------------------------------------------------------
0030 %--- Smoothing leadfield
0031 % G   = basis*S*W (S: area of vertex, W: smoothing filter)
0032 %--- MEG - current relation
0033 % MEG = G * Zact; % Nsensor x TimeSample
0034 %     = basis*S*Wact*Zact
0035 %     = basis*S*Jact_density  (patch_norm: ON)
0036 %     = basis*Jact_amplitude  (patch_norm: OFF)
0037 %--- conversion between J_amplitude and J_density
0038 %       Jact_amplitude = Jact_density.*S
0039 %       Jact_density   = Jact_amplitude./S
0040 %--- S should be applied to Jact
0041 %
0042 % [history]
0043 %    2014-10-2 Masa-aki Sato
0044 %
0045 % [note]
0046 %    It should be noted that in general converted current density may be
0047 %    different from the current density obtained by setting patch_norm = 1
0048 %    using vb_job_vb(current variance estimation) because of inversion
0049 %    process.
0050 %
0051 % Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
0052 % License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)
0054 %
0055 % --- Previous check
0056 %
0057 if nargin < 3
0058     error('Please check function usage.');
0059 end
0060 if ~exist('new_current_file', 'var')
0061     new_current_file = '';
0062 end
0063 save_flag = true;
0064 if isempty(new_current_file)
0065     save_flag = false;
0066 end
0067 %
0068 % --- Main Procedure
0069 %
0070 fprintf('starting unit conversion...');
0071 current_file = fullfile(proj_root, current_file);
0073 [Jinfo,Jact] = vb_load_current(current_file);
0074 %  Jinfo.patch_norm: ON/OFF   (Am/m^2) / (Am).
0075 %  Jinfo.curr_type : 0: 'J-current' or 1: 'Z-current'
0076 %  Jinfo.Wact      : Smoothing Gaussian filter
0077 %    Jact = Wact * Zact
0078 %  Jinfo.ix_act    : Vertex indices of Z-current.
0079 %  Jinfo.ix_act_ex : Vertex indices of J-current.
0082 %
0083 % --- Create J_out
0084 %
0085 switch  to_density
0086 case    true
0087 %      J_out: current density for 'J-current' (Am/m^2).
0088     if Jinfo.patch_norm==ON
0089         J_out = Jact;
0090         fprintf('\nNo need to convert unit because the specified file contains data in density.\n');
0091         if save_flag
0092             save_flag = false;
0093         end
0094     else
0095         [Nact,Nsample,Ntrials] = size(Jact);
0096         % Jact    : current timecourse
0097         %   Jact(Nact,Nsample,Ntrials)
0098         %     Nact     = Lact * Nvact,  Nvact = length(ix_act)
0099         %     Nsample  : # of time sample,
0100         %     Ntrials  : # of trials in all session]
0102         ix_act_ex = Jinfo.ix_act_ex;
0103         Lact = Nact/length(ix_act_ex);
0105         load(current_file,'bayes_parm');
0107         brainfile  = fullfile(proj_root, bayes_parm.brainfile);
0109         % Patch norm normalization
0110         xxA = vb_load_area_density(brainfile);
0112         %       Jact_density   = Jact_amplitude./S
0113         S = repmat(xxA(ix_act_ex),[Lact, Nsample, Ntrials]);
0114         J_out = Jact./S;
0115     end
0117     patch_norm = ON;
0119 case    false
0120 %      J_out: current amplitude for 'J-current' (Am).
0121     if Jinfo.patch_norm==OFF
0122         J_out = Jact;
0123         fprintf('\nNo need to convert unit because the specified file contains data in amplitude.\n');
0124         if save_flag
0125             save_flag = false;
0126         end
0127     else
0128         [Nact,Nsample,Ntrials] = size(Jact);
0129         % Jact    : current timecourse
0130         %   Jact(Nact,Nsample,Ntrials)
0131         %     Nact     = Lact * Nvact,  Nvact = length(ix_act)
0132         %     Nsample  : # of time sample,
0133         %     Ntrials  : # of trials in all session]
0135         ix_act_ex = Jinfo.ix_act_ex;
0136         Lact = Nact/length(ix_act_ex);
0138         load(current_file,'bayes_parm');
0140         brainfile  = fullfile(proj_root, bayes_parm.brainfile);
0142         % Patch norm normalization
0143         xxA = vb_load_area_density(brainfile);
0145         %       Jact_amplitude = Jact_density.*S
0146         S = repmat(xxA(ix_act_ex),[Lact, Nsample, Ntrials]);
0147         J_out = Jact.*S;
0149         patch_norm = OFF;
0150     end
0151 end
0152 disp('done.');
0154 if save_flag
0155     %
0156     % --- new current directory file creation
0157     %
0158     new_file = fullfile(proj_root, new_current_file);
0159     inner_new_current_file_dir_create(new_file);
0160     s = load(current_file);
0163     % Header modification
0164     s.Jinfo.curr_type  = 'J-current';
0165     s.Jinfo.patch_norm = patch_norm;
0167     ix_act = s.Jinfo.ix_act_ex;
0169     s.Jinfo            = rmfield(s.Jinfo, 'ix_act_ex');
0170     s.Jinfo.ix_act     = ix_act;
0171     s.Jinfo.NJact      = length(ix_act);
0172     s.Jinfo.Wact       = [];
0174     % Current timecourse
0175     if isfield(s, 'Zact')
0176         s = rmfield(s, 'Zact');
0177     end
0178     s.Jact = J_out;
0180     % save
0181     disp('Now saving...');
0182     vb_save_struct(new_file, s);
0183     disp('done.');
0184 end
0186 if nargout
0187     if to_density
0188         unit = 'density';
0189     else
0190         unit = 'amplitude';
0191     end
0192     disp(['returning value: unit in ' unit, '.']);
0193 end
0195 function inner_new_current_file_dir_create(new_current_file)
0197 [p] = vb_get_file_parts(new_current_file);
0198 if exist(p, 'dir') ~= 7
0199     vb_mkdir(p);
0200 end

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