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function json=saveubjson(rootname,obj,varargin)



 convert a MATLAB object (cell, struct or array) into a Universal 
 Binary JSON (UBJSON) binary string

 author: Qianqian Fang (q.fang <at> neu.edu)
 created on 2013/08/17


      rootname: the name of the root-object, when set to '', the root name
        is ignored, however, when opt.ForceRootName is set to 1 (see below),
        the MATLAB variable name will be used as the root name.
      obj: a MATLAB object (array, cell, cell array, struct, struct array,
      class instance)
      filename: a string for the file name to save the output UBJSON data
      opt: a struct for additional options, ignore to use default values.
        opt can have the following fields (first in [.|.] is the default)

        opt.FileName [''|string]: a file name to save the output JSON data
        opt.ArrayToStruct[0|1]: when set to 0, saveubjson outputs 1D/2D
                         array in JSON array format; if sets to 1, an
                         array will be shown as a struct with fields
                         "_ArrayType_", "_ArraySize_" and "_ArrayData_"; for
                         sparse arrays, the non-zero elements will be
                         saved to _ArrayData_ field in triplet-format i.e.
                         (ix,iy,val) and "_ArrayIsSparse_" will be added
                         with a value of 1; for a complex array, the 
                         _ArrayData_ array will include two columns 
                         (4 for sparse) to record the real and imaginary 
                         parts, and also "_ArrayIsComplex_":1 is added. 
        opt.ParseLogical [1|0]: if this is set to 1, logical array elem
                         will use true/false rather than 1/0.
        opt.SingletArray [0|1]: if this is set to 1, arrays with a single
                         numerical element will be shown without a square
                         bracket, unless it is the root object; if 0, square
                         brackets are forced for any numerical arrays.
        opt.SingletCell  [1|0]: if 1, always enclose a cell with "[]" 
                         even it has only one element; if 0, brackets
                         are ignored when a cell has only 1 element.
        opt.ForceRootName [0|1]: when set to 1 and rootname is empty, saveubjson
                         will use the name of the passed obj variable as the 
                         root object name; if obj is an expression and 
                         does not have a name, 'root' will be used; if this 
                         is set to 0 and rootname is empty, the root level 
                         will be merged down to the lower level.
        opt.JSONP [''|string]: to generate a JSONP output (JSON with padding),
                         for example, if opt.JSON='foo', the JSON data is
                         wrapped inside a function call as 'foo(...);'
        opt.UnpackHex [1|0]: conver the 0x[hex code] output by loadjson 
                         back to the string form

        opt can be replaced by a list of ('param',value) pairs. The param 
        string is equivallent to a field in opt and is case sensitive.
      json: a binary string in the UBJSON format (see http://ubjson.org)

      jsonmesh=struct('MeshNode',[0 0 0;1 0 0;0 1 0;1 1 0;0 0 1;1 0 1;0 1 1;1 1 1],... 
               'MeshTetra',[1 2 4 8;1 3 4 8;1 2 6 8;1 5 6 8;1 5 7 8;1 3 7 8],...
               'MeshTri',[1 2 4;1 2 6;1 3 4;1 3 7;1 5 6;1 5 7;...
                          2 8 4;2 8 6;3 8 4;3 8 7;5 8 6;5 8 7],...
               'MeshCreator','FangQ','MeshTitle','T6 Cube',...
               'SpecialData',[nan, inf, -inf]);

     BSD or GPL version 3, see LICENSE_{BSD,GPLv3}.txt files for details

 -- this function is part of JSONLab toolbox (http://iso2mesh.sf.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi?jsonlab)


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function json=saveubjson(rootname,obj,varargin)
0002 %
0003 % json=saveubjson(rootname,obj,filename)
0004 %    or
0005 % json=saveubjson(rootname,obj,opt)
0006 % json=saveubjson(rootname,obj,'param1',value1,'param2',value2,...)
0007 %
0008 % convert a MATLAB object (cell, struct or array) into a Universal
0009 % Binary JSON (UBJSON) binary string
0010 %
0011 % author: Qianqian Fang (q.fang <at> neu.edu)
0012 % created on 2013/08/17
0013 %
0014 % $Id$
0015 %
0016 % input:
0017 %      rootname: the name of the root-object, when set to '', the root name
0018 %        is ignored, however, when opt.ForceRootName is set to 1 (see below),
0019 %        the MATLAB variable name will be used as the root name.
0020 %      obj: a MATLAB object (array, cell, cell array, struct, struct array,
0021 %      class instance)
0022 %      filename: a string for the file name to save the output UBJSON data
0023 %      opt: a struct for additional options, ignore to use default values.
0024 %        opt can have the following fields (first in [.|.] is the default)
0025 %
0026 %        opt.FileName [''|string]: a file name to save the output JSON data
0027 %        opt.ArrayToStruct[0|1]: when set to 0, saveubjson outputs 1D/2D
0028 %                         array in JSON array format; if sets to 1, an
0029 %                         array will be shown as a struct with fields
0030 %                         "_ArrayType_", "_ArraySize_" and "_ArrayData_"; for
0031 %                         sparse arrays, the non-zero elements will be
0032 %                         saved to _ArrayData_ field in triplet-format i.e.
0033 %                         (ix,iy,val) and "_ArrayIsSparse_" will be added
0034 %                         with a value of 1; for a complex array, the
0035 %                         _ArrayData_ array will include two columns
0036 %                         (4 for sparse) to record the real and imaginary
0037 %                         parts, and also "_ArrayIsComplex_":1 is added.
0038 %        opt.ParseLogical [1|0]: if this is set to 1, logical array elem
0039 %                         will use true/false rather than 1/0.
0040 %        opt.SingletArray [0|1]: if this is set to 1, arrays with a single
0041 %                         numerical element will be shown without a square
0042 %                         bracket, unless it is the root object; if 0, square
0043 %                         brackets are forced for any numerical arrays.
0044 %        opt.SingletCell  [1|0]: if 1, always enclose a cell with "[]"
0045 %                         even it has only one element; if 0, brackets
0046 %                         are ignored when a cell has only 1 element.
0047 %        opt.ForceRootName [0|1]: when set to 1 and rootname is empty, saveubjson
0048 %                         will use the name of the passed obj variable as the
0049 %                         root object name; if obj is an expression and
0050 %                         does not have a name, 'root' will be used; if this
0051 %                         is set to 0 and rootname is empty, the root level
0052 %                         will be merged down to the lower level.
0053 %        opt.JSONP [''|string]: to generate a JSONP output (JSON with padding),
0054 %                         for example, if opt.JSON='foo', the JSON data is
0055 %                         wrapped inside a function call as 'foo(...);'
0056 %        opt.UnpackHex [1|0]: conver the 0x[hex code] output by loadjson
0057 %                         back to the string form
0058 %
0059 %        opt can be replaced by a list of ('param',value) pairs. The param
0060 %        string is equivallent to a field in opt and is case sensitive.
0061 % output:
0062 %      json: a binary string in the UBJSON format (see http://ubjson.org)
0063 %
0064 % examples:
0065 %      jsonmesh=struct('MeshNode',[0 0 0;1 0 0;0 1 0;1 1 0;0 0 1;1 0 1;0 1 1;1 1 1],...
0066 %               'MeshTetra',[1 2 4 8;1 3 4 8;1 2 6 8;1 5 6 8;1 5 7 8;1 3 7 8],...
0067 %               'MeshTri',[1 2 4;1 2 6;1 3 4;1 3 7;1 5 6;1 5 7;...
0068 %                          2 8 4;2 8 6;3 8 4;3 8 7;5 8 6;5 8 7],...
0069 %               'MeshCreator','FangQ','MeshTitle','T6 Cube',...
0070 %               'SpecialData',[nan, inf, -inf]);
0071 %      saveubjson('jsonmesh',jsonmesh)
0072 %      saveubjson('jsonmesh',jsonmesh,'meshdata.ubj')
0073 %
0074 % license:
0075 %     BSD or GPL version 3, see LICENSE_{BSD,GPLv3}.txt files for details
0076 %
0077 % -- this function is part of JSONLab toolbox (http://iso2mesh.sf.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi?jsonlab)
0078 %
0080 if(nargin==1)
0081    varname=inputname(1);
0082    obj=rootname;
0083    if(isempty(varname)) 
0084       varname='root';
0085    end
0086    rootname=varname;
0087 else
0088    varname=inputname(2);
0089 end
0090 if(length(varargin)==1 && ischar(varargin{1}))
0091    opt=struct('filename',varargin{1});
0092 else
0093    opt=varargin2struct(varargin{:});
0094 end
0095 opt.IsOctave=exist('OCTAVE_VERSION','builtin');
0096 if(isfield(opt,'norowbracket'))
0097     warning('Option ''NoRowBracket'' is depreciated, please use ''SingletArray'' and set its value to not(NoRowBracket)');
0098     if(~isfield(opt,'singletarray'))
0099         opt.singletarray=not(opt.norowbracket);
0100     end
0101 end
0102 rootisarray=0;
0103 rootlevel=1;
0104 forceroot=jsonopt('ForceRootName',0,opt);
0105 if((isnumeric(obj) || islogical(obj) || ischar(obj) || isstruct(obj) || ...
0106         iscell(obj) || isobject(obj)) && isempty(rootname) && forceroot==0)
0107     rootisarray=1;
0108     rootlevel=0;
0109 else
0110     if(isempty(rootname))
0111         rootname=varname;
0112     end
0113 end
0114 if((isstruct(obj) || iscell(obj))&& isempty(rootname) && forceroot)
0115     rootname='root';
0116 end
0117 json=obj2ubjson(rootname,obj,rootlevel,opt);
0118 if(~rootisarray)
0119     json=['{' json '}'];
0120 end
0122 jsonp=jsonopt('JSONP','',opt);
0123 if(~isempty(jsonp))
0124     json=[jsonp '(' json ')'];
0125 end
0127 % save to a file if FileName is set, suggested by Patrick Rapin
0128 filename=jsonopt('FileName','',opt);
0129 if(~isempty(filename))
0130     fid = fopen(filename, 'wb');
0131     fwrite(fid,json);
0132     fclose(fid);
0133 end
0135 %%-------------------------------------------------------------------------
0136 function txt=obj2ubjson(name,item,level,varargin)
0138 if(iscell(item))
0139     txt=cell2ubjson(name,item,level,varargin{:});
0140 elseif(isstruct(item))
0141     txt=struct2ubjson(name,item,level,varargin{:});
0142 elseif(ischar(item))
0143     txt=str2ubjson(name,item,level,varargin{:});
0144 elseif(isobject(item)) 
0145     txt=matlabobject2ubjson(name,item,level,varargin{:});
0146 else
0147     txt=mat2ubjson(name,item,level,varargin{:});
0148 end
0150 %%-------------------------------------------------------------------------
0151 function txt=cell2ubjson(name,item,level,varargin)
0152 txt='';
0153 if(~iscell(item))
0154         error('input is not a cell');
0155 end
0157 dim=size(item);
0158 if(ndims(squeeze(item))>2) % for 3D or higher dimensions, flatten to 2D for now
0159     item=reshape(item,dim(1),numel(item)/dim(1));
0160     dim=size(item);
0161 end
0162 bracketlevel=~jsonopt('singletcell',1,varargin{:});
0163 len=numel(item); % let's handle 1D cell first
0164 if(len>bracketlevel) 
0165     if(~isempty(name))
0166         txt=[N_(checkname(name,varargin{:})) '[']; name=''; 
0167     else
0168         txt='['; 
0169     end
0170 elseif(len==0)
0171     if(~isempty(name))
0172         txt=[N_(checkname(name,varargin{:})) 'Z']; name=''; 
0173     else
0174         txt='Z'; 
0175     end
0176 end
0177 for j=1:dim(2)
0178     if(dim(1)>1)
0179         txt=[txt '['];
0180     end
0181     for i=1:dim(1)
0182        txt=[txt obj2ubjson(name,item{i,j},level+(len>bracketlevel),varargin{:})];
0183     end
0184     if(dim(1)>1)
0185         txt=[txt ']'];
0186     end
0187 end
0188 if(len>bracketlevel)
0189     txt=[txt ']'];
0190 end
0192 %%-------------------------------------------------------------------------
0193 function txt=struct2ubjson(name,item,level,varargin)
0194 txt='';
0195 if(~isstruct(item))
0196     error('input is not a struct');
0197 end
0198 dim=size(item);
0199 if(ndims(squeeze(item))>2) % for 3D or higher dimensions, flatten to 2D for now
0200     item=reshape(item,dim(1),numel(item)/dim(1));
0201     dim=size(item);
0202 end
0203 len=numel(item);
0204 forcearray= (len>1 || (jsonopt('SingletArray',0,varargin{:})==1 && level>0));
0206 if(~isempty(name)) 
0207     if(forcearray)
0208         txt=[N_(checkname(name,varargin{:})) '['];
0209     end
0210 else
0211     if(forcearray)
0212         txt='[';
0213     end
0214 end
0215 for j=1:dim(2)
0216   if(dim(1)>1)
0217       txt=[txt '['];
0218   end
0219   for i=1:dim(1)
0220      names = fieldnames(item(i,j));
0221      if(~isempty(name) && len==1 && ~forcearray)
0222         txt=[txt N_(checkname(name,varargin{:})) '{']; 
0223      else
0224         txt=[txt '{']; 
0225      end
0226      if(~isempty(names))
0227        for e=1:length(names)
0228          txt=[txt obj2ubjson(names{e},item(i,j).(names{e}),...
0229              level+(dim(1)>1)+1+forcearray,varargin{:})];
0230        end
0231      end
0232      txt=[txt '}'];
0233   end
0234   if(dim(1)>1)
0235       txt=[txt ']'];
0236   end
0237 end
0238 if(forcearray)
0239     txt=[txt ']'];
0240 end
0242 %%-------------------------------------------------------------------------
0243 function txt=str2ubjson(name,item,level,varargin)
0244 txt='';
0245 if(~ischar(item))
0246         error('input is not a string');
0247 end
0248 item=reshape(item, max(size(item),[1 0]));
0249 len=size(item,1);
0251 if(~isempty(name)) 
0252     if(len>1)
0253         txt=[N_(checkname(name,varargin{:})) '['];
0254     end
0255 else
0256     if(len>1)
0257         txt='[';
0258     end
0259 end
0260 for e=1:len
0261     val=item(e,:);
0262     if(len==1)
0263         obj=[N_(checkname(name,varargin{:})) '' '',S_(val),''];
0264         if(isempty(name))
0265             obj=['',S_(val),''];
0266         end
0267         txt=[txt,'',obj];
0268     else
0269         txt=[txt,'',['',S_(val),'']];
0270     end
0271 end
0272 if(len>1)
0273     txt=[txt ']'];
0274 end
0276 %%-------------------------------------------------------------------------
0277 function txt=mat2ubjson(name,item,level,varargin)
0278 if(~isnumeric(item) && ~islogical(item))
0279         error('input is not an array');
0280 end
0282 if(length(size(item))>2 || issparse(item) || ~isreal(item) || ...
0283    (isempty(item) && any(size(item))) ||jsonopt('ArrayToStruct',0,varargin{:}))
0284       cid=I_(uint32(max(size(item))));
0285       if(isempty(name))
0286         txt=['{' N_('_ArrayType_'),S_(class(item)),N_('_ArraySize_'),I_a(size(item),cid(1)) ];
0287       else
0288           if(isempty(item))
0289               txt=[N_(checkname(name,varargin{:})),'Z'];
0290               return;
0291           else
0292               txt=[N_(checkname(name,varargin{:})),'{',N_('_ArrayType_'),S_(class(item)),N_('_ArraySize_'),I_a(size(item),cid(1))];
0293           end
0294       end
0295 else
0296     if(isempty(name))
0297         txt=matdata2ubjson(item,level+1,varargin{:});
0298     else
0299         if(numel(item)==1 && jsonopt('SingletArray',0,varargin{:})==0)
0300             numtxt=regexprep(regexprep(matdata2ubjson(item,level+1,varargin{:}),'^\[',''),']','');
0301                txt=[N_(checkname(name,varargin{:})) numtxt];
0302         else
0303             txt=[N_(checkname(name,varargin{:})),matdata2ubjson(item,level+1,varargin{:})];
0304         end
0305     end
0306     return;
0307 end
0308 if(issparse(item))
0309     [ix,iy]=find(item);
0310     data=full(item(find(item)));
0311     if(~isreal(item))
0312        data=[real(data(:)),imag(data(:))];
0313        if(size(item,1)==1)
0314            % Kludge to have data's 'transposedness' match item's.
0315            % (Necessary for complex row vector handling below.)
0316            data=data';
0317        end
0318        txt=[txt,N_('_ArrayIsComplex_'),'T'];
0319     end
0320     txt=[txt,N_('_ArrayIsSparse_'),'T'];
0321     if(size(item,1)==1)
0322         % Row vector, store only column indices.
0323         txt=[txt,N_('_ArrayData_'),...
0324            matdata2ubjson([iy(:),data'],level+2,varargin{:})];
0325     elseif(size(item,2)==1)
0326         % Column vector, store only row indices.
0327         txt=[txt,N_('_ArrayData_'),...
0328            matdata2ubjson([ix,data],level+2,varargin{:})];
0329     else
0330         % General case, store row and column indices.
0331         txt=[txt,N_('_ArrayData_'),...
0332            matdata2ubjson([ix,iy,data],level+2,varargin{:})];
0333     end
0334 else
0335     if(isreal(item))
0336         txt=[txt,N_('_ArrayData_'),...
0337             matdata2ubjson(item(:)',level+2,varargin{:})];
0338     else
0339         txt=[txt,N_('_ArrayIsComplex_'),'T'];
0340         txt=[txt,N_('_ArrayData_'),...
0341             matdata2ubjson([real(item(:)) imag(item(:))],level+2,varargin{:})];
0342     end
0343 end
0344 txt=[txt,'}'];
0346 %%-------------------------------------------------------------------------
0347 function txt=matlabobject2ubjson(name,item,level,varargin)
0348 st = struct();
0349 if numel(item) > 0 %non-empty object
0350     % "st = struct(item);" would produce an inmutable warning, because it
0351     % make the protected and private properties visible. Instead we get the
0352     % visible properties
0353     propertynames = properties(item);
0354     for p = 1:numel(propertynames)
0355         for o = numel(item):-1:1 % aray of objects
0356             st(o).(propertynames{p}) = item(o).(propertynames{p});
0357         end
0358     end
0359 end
0360 txt=struct2ubjson(name,st,level,varargin{:});
0362 %%-------------------------------------------------------------------------
0363 function txt=matdata2ubjson(mat,level,varargin)
0364 if(isempty(mat))
0365     txt='Z';
0366     return;
0367 end
0368 type='';
0369 hasnegtive=(mat<0);
0370 if(isa(mat,'integer') || isinteger(mat) || (isfloat(mat) && all(mod(mat(:),1) == 0)))
0371     if(isempty(hasnegtive))
0372        if(max(mat(:))<=2^8)
0373            type='U';
0374        end
0375     end
0376     if(isempty(type))
0377         % todo - need to consider negative ones separately
0378         id= histc(abs(max(mat(:))),[0 2^7 2^15 2^31 2^63]);
0379         if(isempty(id~=0))
0380             error('high-precision data is not yet supported');
0381         end
0382         key='iIlL';
0383     type=key(id~=0);
0384     end
0385     txt=[I_a(mat(:),type,size(mat))];
0386 elseif(islogical(mat))
0387     logicalval='FT';
0388     if(numel(mat)==1)
0389         txt=logicalval(mat+1);
0390     else
0391         txt=['[$U#' I_a(size(mat),'l') typecast(swapbytes(uint8(mat(:)')),'uint8')];
0392     end
0393 else
0394     if(numel(mat)==1)
0395         txt=['[' D_(mat) ']'];
0396     else
0397         txt=D_a(mat(:),'D',size(mat));
0398     end
0399 end
0401 %txt=regexprep(mat2str(mat),'\s+',',');
0402 %txt=regexprep(txt,';',sprintf('],['));
0403 % if(nargin>=2 && size(mat,1)>1)
0404 %     txt=regexprep(txt,'\[',[repmat(sprintf('\t'),1,level) '[']);
0405 % end
0406 if(any(isinf(mat(:))))
0407     txt=regexprep(txt,'([-+]*)Inf',jsonopt('Inf','"$1_Inf_"',varargin{:}));
0408 end
0409 if(any(isnan(mat(:))))
0410     txt=regexprep(txt,'NaN',jsonopt('NaN','"_NaN_"',varargin{:}));
0411 end
0413 %%-------------------------------------------------------------------------
0414 function newname=checkname(name,varargin)
0415 isunpack=jsonopt('UnpackHex',1,varargin{:});
0416 newname=name;
0417 if(isempty(regexp(name,'0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)_','once')))
0418     return
0419 end
0420 if(isunpack)
0421     isoct=jsonopt('IsOctave',0,varargin{:});
0422     if(~isoct)
0423         newname=regexprep(name,'(^x|_){1}0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)_','${native2unicode(hex2dec($2))}');
0424     else
0425         pos=regexp(name,'(^x|_){1}0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)_','start');
0426         pend=regexp(name,'(^x|_){1}0x([0-9a-fA-F]+)_','end');
0427         if(isempty(pos))
0428             return;
0429         end
0430         str0=name;
0431         pos0=[0 pend(:)' length(name)];
0432         newname='';
0433         for i=1:length(pos)
0434             newname=[newname str0(pos0(i)+1:pos(i)-1) char(hex2dec(str0(pos(i)+3:pend(i)-1)))];
0435         end
0436         if(pos(end)~=length(name))
0437             newname=[newname str0(pos0(end-1)+1:pos0(end))];
0438         end
0439     end
0440 end
0441 %%-------------------------------------------------------------------------
0442 function val=N_(str)
0443 val=[I_(int32(length(str))) str];
0444 %%-------------------------------------------------------------------------
0445 function val=S_(str)
0446 if(length(str)==1)
0447   val=['C' str];
0448 else
0449   val=['S' I_(int32(length(str))) str];
0450 end
0451 %%-------------------------------------------------------------------------
0452 function val=I_(num)
0453 if(~isinteger(num))
0454     error('input is not an integer');
0455 end
0456 if(num>=0 && num<255)
0457    val=['U' data2byte(swapbytes(cast(num,'uint8')),'uint8')];
0458    return;
0459 end
0460 key='iIlL';
0461 cid={'int8','int16','int32','int64'};
0462 for i=1:4
0463   if((num>0 && num<2^(i*8-1)) || (num<0 && num>=-2^(i*8-1)))
0464     val=[key(i) data2byte(swapbytes(cast(num,cid{i})),'uint8')];
0465     return;
0466   end
0467 end
0468 error('unsupported integer');
0470 %%-------------------------------------------------------------------------
0471 function val=D_(num)
0472 if(~isfloat(num))
0473     error('input is not a float');
0474 end
0476 if(isa(num,'single'))
0477   val=['d' data2byte(swapbytes(num),'uint8')];
0478 else
0479   val=['D' data2byte(swapbytes(num),'uint8')];
0480 end
0481 %%-------------------------------------------------------------------------
0482 function data=I_a(num,type,dim,format)
0483 id=find(ismember('iUIlL',type));
0485 if(id==0)
0486   error('unsupported integer array');
0487 end
0489 % based on UBJSON specs, all integer types are stored in big endian format
0491 if(id==1)
0492   data=data2byte(swapbytes(int8(num)),'uint8');
0493   blen=1;
0494 elseif(id==2)
0495   data=data2byte(swapbytes(uint8(num)),'uint8');
0496   blen=1;
0497 elseif(id==3)
0498   data=data2byte(swapbytes(int16(num)),'uint8');
0499   blen=2;
0500 elseif(id==4)
0501   data=data2byte(swapbytes(int32(num)),'uint8');
0502   blen=4;
0503 elseif(id==5)
0504   data=data2byte(swapbytes(int64(num)),'uint8');
0505   blen=8;
0506 end
0508 if(nargin>=3 && length(dim)>=2 && prod(dim)~=dim(2))
0509   format='opt';
0510 end
0511 if((nargin<4 || strcmp(format,'opt')) && numel(num)>1)
0512   if(nargin>=3 && (length(dim)==1 || (length(dim)>=2 && prod(dim)~=dim(2))))
0513       cid=I_(uint32(max(dim)));
0514       data=['$' type '#' I_a(dim,cid(1)) data(:)'];
0515   else
0516       data=['$' type '#' I_(int32(numel(data)/blen)) data(:)'];
0517   end
0518   data=['[' data(:)'];
0519 else
0520   data=reshape(data,blen,numel(data)/blen);
0521   data(2:blen+1,:)=data;
0522   data(1,:)=type;
0523   data=data(:)';
0524   data=['[' data(:)' ']'];
0525 end
0526 %%-------------------------------------------------------------------------
0527 function data=D_a(num,type,dim,format)
0528 id=find(ismember('dD',type));
0530 if(id==0)
0531   error('unsupported float array');
0532 end
0534 if(id==1)
0535   data=data2byte(swapbytes(single(num)),'uint8');
0536 elseif(id==2)
0537   data=data2byte(swapbytes(double(num)),'uint8');
0538 end
0540 if(nargin>=3 && length(dim)>=2 && prod(dim)~=dim(2))
0541   format='opt';
0542 end
0543 if((nargin<4 || strcmp(format,'opt')) && numel(num)>1)
0544   if(nargin>=3 && (length(dim)==1 || (length(dim)>=2 && prod(dim)~=dim(2))))
0545       cid=I_(uint32(max(dim)));
0546       data=['$' type '#' I_a(dim,cid(1)) data(:)'];
0547   else
0548       data=['$' type '#' I_(int32(numel(data)/(id*4))) data(:)'];
0549   end
0550   data=['[' data];
0551 else
0552   data=reshape(data,(id*4),length(data)/(id*4));
0553   data(2:(id*4+1),:)=data;
0554   data(1,:)=type;
0555   data=data(:)';
0556   data=['[' data(:)' ']'];
0557 end
0558 %%-------------------------------------------------------------------------
0559 function bytes=data2byte(varargin)
0560 bytes=typecast(varargin{:});
0561 bytes=char(bytes(:)');

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