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dftfilt3() - discrete complex wavelet filters


function [wavelet,cycles,freqresol,timeresol] = dftfilt3( freqs, cycles, srate, varargin);


 dftfilt3() - discrete complex wavelet filters

   >> [wavelet,cycles,freqresol,timeresol] = dftfilt3( freqs, cycles, srate, varargin)

   freqs    - vector of frequencies of interest. 
   cycles   - cycles array. If cycles=0, then the Hanning tapered Short-term FFT is used.
              If one value is given and cycles>0, all wavelets have
              the same number of cycles. If two values are given, the
              two values are used for the number of cycles at the lowest
              frequency and at the highest frequency, with linear or
              log-linear interpolation between these values for intermediate
   srate    - sampling rate (in Hz)

 Optional Inputs: Input these as 'key/value pairs.
   'cycleinc' - ['linear'|'log'] increase mode if [min max] cycles is
              provided in 'cycle' parameter. {default: 'linear'}
   'winsize'  Use this option for Hanning tapered FFT or if you prefer to set the length of the 
              wavelets to be equal for all of them (e.g., to set the 
              length to 256 samples input: 'winsize',256). {default: [])
              Note: the output 'wavelet' will be a matrix and it may be
              incompatible with current versions of timefreq and newtimef. 
   'timesupport' The number of temporal standard deviation used for wavelet lengths {default: 7)

   wavelet - cell array or matrix of wavelet filters
   timeresol - temporal resolution of Morlet wavelets.
   freqresol - frequency resolution of Morlet wavelets.

 Note: The length of the window is always made odd.

 Authors: Arnaud Delorme, SCCN/INC/UCSD, La Jolla, 3/28/2003
          Rey Ramirez, SCCN/INC/UCSD, La Jolla, 9/26/2006


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 % dftfilt3() - discrete complex wavelet filters
0002 %
0003 % Usage:
0004 %   >> [wavelet,cycles,freqresol,timeresol] = dftfilt3( freqs, cycles, srate, varargin)
0005 %
0006 % Inputs:
0007 %   freqs    - vector of frequencies of interest.
0008 %   cycles   - cycles array. If cycles=0, then the Hanning tapered Short-term FFT is used.
0009 %              If one value is given and cycles>0, all wavelets have
0010 %              the same number of cycles. If two values are given, the
0011 %              two values are used for the number of cycles at the lowest
0012 %              frequency and at the highest frequency, with linear or
0013 %              log-linear interpolation between these values for intermediate
0014 %              frequencies
0015 %   srate    - sampling rate (in Hz)
0016 %
0017 % Optional Inputs: Input these as 'key/value pairs.
0018 %   'cycleinc' - ['linear'|'log'] increase mode if [min max] cycles is
0019 %              provided in 'cycle' parameter. {default: 'linear'}
0020 %   'winsize'  Use this option for Hanning tapered FFT or if you prefer to set the length of the
0021 %              wavelets to be equal for all of them (e.g., to set the
0022 %              length to 256 samples input: 'winsize',256). {default: [])
0023 %              Note: the output 'wavelet' will be a matrix and it may be
0024 %              incompatible with current versions of timefreq and newtimef.
0025 %   'timesupport' The number of temporal standard deviation used for wavelet lengths {default: 7)
0026 %
0027 % Output:
0028 %   wavelet - cell array or matrix of wavelet filters
0029 %   timeresol - temporal resolution of Morlet wavelets.
0030 %   freqresol - frequency resolution of Morlet wavelets.
0031 %
0032 % Note: The length of the window is always made odd.
0033 %
0034 % Authors: Arnaud Delorme, SCCN/INC/UCSD, La Jolla, 3/28/2003
0035 %          Rey Ramirez, SCCN/INC/UCSD, La Jolla, 9/26/2006
0037 % Copyright (C) 3/28/2003 Arnaud Delorme 8, SCCN/INC/UCSD, arno@salk.edu
0038 %
0039 % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
0040 % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
0041 % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
0042 % (at your option) any later version.
0043 %
0044 % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
0045 % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
0047 % GNU General Public License for more details.
0048 %
0049 % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
0050 % along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
0051 % Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
0053 %
0054 % Revision 1.12 2006/09/25  rey r
0055 % Almost complete rewriting of dftfilt2.m, changing both Morlet and Hanning
0056 % DFT to be more in line with conventional implementations.
0057 %
0058 % Revision 1.11  2006/09/07 19:05:34  scott
0059 % further clarified the Morlet/Hanning distinction -sm
0060 %
0061 % Revision 1.10  2006/09/07 18:55:15  scott
0062 % clarified window types in help msg -sm
0063 %
0064 % Revision 1.9  2006/05/05 16:17:36  arno
0065 % implementing cycle array
0066 %
0067 % Revision 1.8  2004/03/04 19:31:03  arno
0068 % email
0069 %
0070 % Revision 1.7  2004/02/25 01:45:55  arno
0071 % sinus test
0072 %
0073 % Revision 1.6  2004/02/15 22:23:08  arno
0074 % implementing morlet wavelet
0075 %
0076 % Revision 1.5  2003/05/09 20:55:10  arno
0077 % adding hanning function
0078 %
0079 % Revision 1.4  2003/04/29 16:02:54  arno
0080 % header typos
0081 %
0082 % Revision 1.3  2003/04/29 01:09:16  arno
0083 % debug imaginary part
0084 %
0085 % Revision 1.2  2003/04/28 23:01:13  arno
0086 % *** empty log message ***
0087 %
0088 % Revision 1.1  2003/04/28 22:46:49  arno
0089 % Initial revision
0090 %
0092 function [wavelet,cycles,freqresol,timeresol] = dftfilt3( freqs, cycles, srate, varargin);
0094 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0095 % Rey fixed all input parameter sorting.
0096 if nargin < 3
0097     error(' A minimum of 3 arguments is required');
0098 end;
0099 numargin=length(varargin);
0100 if rem(numargin,2)
0101     error('There is an uneven number key/value inputs. You are probably missing a keyword or its value.')
0102 end
0103 varargin(1:2:end)=lower(varargin(1:2:end));
0105 % Setting default parameter values.
0106 cycleinc='linear';
0107 winsize=[];
0108 timesupport=7;  % Setting default of 7 temporal standard deviations for wavelet's length.
0110 for n=1:2:numargin
0111     keyword=varargin{n};
0112     if strcmpi('cycleinc',keyword)
0113         cycleinc=varargin{n+1};
0114     elseif strcmpi('winsize',keyword)
0115         winsize=varargin{n+1};
0116         if ~mod(winsize,2)
0117             winsize=winsize+1; % Always set to odd length wavelets and hanning windows;
0118         end
0119     elseif strcmpi('timesupport',keyword)
0120         timesupport=varargin{n+1};     
0121     else
0122         error(['What is ' keyword '? The only legal keywords are: type, cycleinc, winsize, or timesupport.'])
0123     end
0124 end
0125 if isempty(winsize) & cycles==0
0126     error('If you are using a Hanning tapered FFT, please supply the winsize input-pair.')
0127 end
0128 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0131 % compute number of cycles at each frequency
0132 % ------------------------------------------
0133 type='morlet';
0134 if length(cycles) == 1 & cycles(1)~=0
0135     cycles = cycles*ones(size(freqs));
0136 elseif length(cycles) == 2
0137     if strcmpi(cycleinc, 'log') % cycleinc
0138          cycles = linspace(log(cycles(1)), log(cycles(2)), length(freqs));
0139          cycles = exp(cycles);
0140          %cycles=logspace(log10(cycles(1)),log10(cycles(2)),length(freqs)); %rey
0141     else
0142         cycles = linspace(cycles(1), cycles(2), length(freqs));
0143     end;
0144 end;
0145 if cycles==0
0146     type='sinus';
0147 end
0149 sp=1/srate; % Rey added this line (i.e., sampling period).
0150 % compute wavelet
0151 for index = 1:length(freqs)
0152     fk=freqs(index);
0153     if strcmpi(type, 'morlet') % Morlet.
0154         sigf=fk/cycles(index); % Computing time and frequency standard deviations, resolutions, and normalization constant.
0155         sigt=1./(2*pi*sigf);
0156         A=1./sqrt(sigt*sqrt(pi));
0157         timeresol(index)=2*sigt;
0158         freqresol(index)=2*sigf;
0159         if isempty(winsize) % bases will be a cell array.
0160             tneg=[-sp:-sp:-sigt*timesupport/2];
0161             tpos=[0:sp:sigt*timesupport/2];
0162             t=[fliplr(tneg) tpos];
0163             psi=A.*(exp(-(t.^2)./(2*(sigt^2))).*exp(2*i*pi*fk*t));
0164             wavelet{index}=psi;  % These are the wavelets with variable number of samples based on temporal standard deviations (sigt).
0165         else % bases will be a matrix.
0166             tneg=[-sp:-sp:-sp*winsize/2];
0167             tpos=[0:sp:sp*winsize/2];
0168             t=[fliplr(tneg) tpos];
0169             psi=A.*(exp(-(t.^2)./(2*(sigt^2))).*exp(2*i*pi*fk*t));
0170             wavelet(index,:)=psi; % These are the wavelets with the same length.
0171             % This is useful for doing time-frequency analysis as a matrix vector or matrix matrix multiplication.
0172         end
0173     elseif strcmpi(type, 'sinus') % Hanning
0174         tneg=[-sp:-sp:-sp*winsize/2];
0175         tpos=[0:sp:sp*winsize/2];
0176         t=[fliplr(tneg) tpos];
0177         win = exp(2*i*pi*fk*t);
0178         wavelet(index,:) = win .* hanning(winsize)'; 
0179         %wavelet{index} = win .* hanning(winsize)';
0180         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0181     end;
0182 end;
0186 % symmetric hanning function
0187 function w = hanning(n)
0188 if ~rem(n,2)
0189     w = .5*(1 - cos(2*pi*(1:n/2)'/(n+1)));
0190     w = [w; w(end:-1:1)];
0191 else
0192     w = .5*(1 - cos(2*pi*(1:(n+1)/2)'/(n+1)));
0193     w = [w; w(end-1:-1:1)];
0194 end

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