Home > vbmeg > external > bioelectromagnetism > avw_hdr_read.m



avw_hdr_read - read Analyze format data header (*.hdr)


function [ avw, machine ] = avw_hdr_read(fileprefix, machine)


 avw_hdr_read - read Analyze format data header (*.hdr)

 [ avw, machine ] = avw_hdr_read(fileprefix, [machine])

 fileprefix - string filename (without .hdr); the file name
              can be given as a full path or relative to the
              current directory.
 machine - a string, see machineformat in fread for details.
           The default here is 'ieee-le' but the routine
           will automatically switch between little and big
           endian to read any such Analyze header.  It
           reports the appropriate machine format and can
           return the machine value.

 avw.hdr - a struct, all fields returned from the header.
           For details, find a good description on the web
           or see the Analyze File Format pdf in the 
           mri_toolbox doc folder or read this .m file.

 This function is called by avw_img_read
 See also avw_hdr_write, avw_hdr_make, avw_view_hdr, avw_view


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function [ avw, machine ] = avw_hdr_read(fileprefix, machine)
0003 % avw_hdr_read - read Analyze format data header (*.hdr)
0004 %
0005 % [ avw, machine ] = avw_hdr_read(fileprefix, [machine])
0006 %
0007 % fileprefix - string filename (without .hdr); the file name
0008 %              can be given as a full path or relative to the
0009 %              current directory.
0010 %
0011 % machine - a string, see machineformat in fread for details.
0012 %           The default here is 'ieee-le' but the routine
0013 %           will automatically switch between little and big
0014 %           endian to read any such Analyze header.  It
0015 %           reports the appropriate machine format and can
0016 %           return the machine value.
0017 %
0018 % avw.hdr - a struct, all fields returned from the header.
0019 %           For details, find a good description on the web
0020 %           or see the Analyze File Format pdf in the
0021 %           mri_toolbox doc folder or read this .m file.
0022 %
0023 % This function is called by avw_img_read
0024 %
0025 % See also avw_hdr_write, avw_hdr_make, avw_view_hdr, avw_view
0026 %
0028 % $Revision: 1332 $ $Date:: 2011-02-24 15:57:20 +0900#$
0030 % Licence:  GNU GPL, no express or implied warranties
0031 % History:  05/2002, Darren.Weber@flinders.edu.au
0032 %                    The Analyze format and c code below is copyright
0033 %                    (c) Copyright, 1986-1995
0034 %                    Biomedical Imaging Resource, Mayo Foundation
0035 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0037 version = '[$Revision: 1332 $]';
0038 fprintf('\nAVW_HDR_READ [v%s]\n',version(12:16));  tic;
0040 if ~exist('fileprefix','var'),
0041     msg = sprintf('...no input fileprefix - see help avw_hdr_read\n\n');
0042     error(msg);
0043 end
0044 if ~exist('machine','var'), machine = 'ieee-le'; end
0047 if findstr('.hdr',fileprefix),
0048     % fprintf('...removing .hdr extension from ''%s''\n',fileprefix);
0049     fileprefix = strrep(fileprefix,'.hdr','');
0050 end
0051 if findstr('.img',fileprefix),
0052     % fprintf('...removing .img extension from ''%s''\n',fileprefix);
0053     fileprefix = strrep(fileprefix,'.img','');
0054 end
0055 file = sprintf('%s.hdr',fileprefix);
0057 if exist(file),
0058     fprintf('...reading %s Analyze format',machine);
0059     % rhayashi added encoding
0060     fid = fopen_ascii_encoding(file, 'r', machine);
0062     avw.hdr = read_header(fid);
0063     avw.fileprefix = fileprefix;
0064     fclose(fid);
0066     if ~isequal(avw.hdr.hk.sizeof_hdr,348),
0067         fprintf('...failed.\n');
0068         % first try reading the opposite endian to 'machine'
0069         switch machine,
0070         case 'ieee-le', machine = 'ieee-be';
0071         case 'ieee-be', machine = 'ieee-le';
0072         end
0073         fprintf('...reading %s Analyze format',machine);
0074         % rhayashi added encoding
0075         fid = fopen_ascii_encoding(file, 'r', machine);
0076         avw.hdr = read_header(fid);
0077         avw.fileprefix = fileprefix;
0078         fclose(fid);
0079     end
0080     if ~isequal(avw.hdr.hk.sizeof_hdr,348),
0081         % Now throw an error
0082         fprintf('...failed.\n');
0083         msg = sprintf('...size of header not equal to 348 bytes!\n\n');
0084         error(msg);
0085     end
0086 else
0087     msg = sprintf('...cannot find file %s.hdr\n\n',file);
0088     error(msg);
0089 end
0091 t=toc; fprintf('...done (%5.2f sec).\n',t);
0093 return
0095 function [ fid ] = fopen_ascii_encoding(file, mode, machine)
0097     if vb_matlab_version('>=', '7.2')
0098         fid = fopen(file, mode, machine, 'US-ASCII');
0099     else
0100         fid = fopen(file, mode, machine);
0101     end
0104 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0105 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0106 function [ dsr ] = read_header(fid)
0108     % Original header structures - ANALYZE 7.5
0109     %struct dsr
0110     %       {
0111     %       struct header_key hk;            /*   0 +  40       */
0112     %       struct image_dimension dime;     /*  40 + 108       */
0113     %       struct data_history hist;        /* 148 + 200       */
0114     %       };                               /* total= 348 bytes*/
0115     dsr.hk   = header_key(fid);
0116     dsr.dime = image_dimension(fid);
0117     dsr.hist = data_history(fid);
0119 return
0123 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0124 function [hk] = header_key(fid)
0126     % The required elements in the header_key substructure are:
0127     %
0128     % int sizeof_header   Must indicate the byte size of the header file.
0129     % int extents         Should be 16384, the image file is created as
0130     %                     contiguous with a minimum extent size.
0131     % char regular        Must be 'r' to indicate that all images and
0132     %                     volumes are the same size.
0134     % Original header structures - ANALYZE 7.5
0135     % struct header_key                      /* header key      */
0136     %       {                                /* off + size      */
0137     %       int sizeof_hdr                   /*  0 +  4         */
0138     %       char data_type[10];              /*  4 + 10         */
0139     %       char db_name[18];                /* 14 + 18         */
0140     %       int extents;                     /* 32 +  4         */
0141     %       short int session_error;         /* 36 +  2         */
0142     %       char regular;                    /* 38 +  1         */
0143     %       char hkey_un0;                   /* 39 +  1         */
0144     %       };                               /* total=40 bytes  */
0146     fseek(fid,0,'bof');
0148     hk.sizeof_hdr    = fread(fid, 1,'*int32');  % should be 348!
0149     hk.data_type     = fread(fid,10,'*char')';
0150     hk.db_name       = fread(fid,18,'*char')';
0151     hk.extents       = fread(fid, 1,'*int32');
0152     hk.session_error = fread(fid, 1,'*int16');
0153     hk.regular       = fread(fid, 1,'*char')'; % might be uint8
0154     hk.hkey_un0      = fread(fid, 1,'*uint8')';
0156     % check if this value was a char zero
0157     if hk.hkey_un0 == 48,
0158         hk.hkey_un0 = 0;
0159     end
0161 return
0163 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0164 function [ dime ] = image_dimension(fid)
0166     %struct image_dimension
0167     %       {                                /* off + size      */
0168     %       short int dim[8];                /* 0 + 16          */
0169     %           /*
0170     %           dim[0]      Number of dimensions in database; usually 4.
0171     %           dim[1]      Image X dimension;  number of *pixels* in an image row.
0172     %           dim[2]      Image Y dimension;  number of *pixel rows* in slice.
0173     %           dim[3]      Volume Z dimension; number of *slices* in a volume.
0174     %           dim[4]      Time points; number of volumes in database
0175     %           */
0176     %       char vox_units[4];               /* 16 + 4          */
0177     %       char cal_units[8];               /* 20 + 8          */
0178     %       short int unused1;               /* 28 + 2          */
0179     %       short int datatype;              /* 30 + 2          */
0180     %       short int bitpix;                /* 32 + 2          */
0181     %       short int dim_un0;               /* 34 + 2          */
0182     %       float pixdim[8];                 /* 36 + 32         */
0183     %            /*
0184     %                pixdim[] specifies the voxel dimensions:
0185     %                pixdim[1] - voxel width, mm
0186     %                pixdim[2] - voxel height, mm
0187     %                pixdim[3] - slice thickness, mm
0188     %               pixdim[4] - volume timing, in msec
0189     %                    ..etc
0190     %            */
0191     %       float vox_offset;                /* 68 + 4          */
0192     %       float roi_scale;                 /* 72 + 4          */
0193     %       float funused1;                  /* 76 + 4          */
0194     %       float funused2;                  /* 80 + 4          */
0195     %       float cal_max;                   /* 84 + 4          */
0196     %       float cal_min;                   /* 88 + 4          */
0197     %       int compressed;                  /* 92 + 4          */
0198     %       int verified;                    /* 96 + 4          */
0199     %       int glmax;                       /* 100 + 4         */
0200     %       int glmin;                       /* 104 + 4         */
0201     %       };                               /* total=108 bytes */
0203     dime.dim        = fread(fid,8,'int16')';
0204     dime.vox_units  = fread(fid,4,'*char')';
0205     dime.cal_units  = fread(fid,8,'*char')';
0206     dime.unused1    = fread(fid,1,'*int16');
0207     dime.datatype   = fread(fid,1,'*int16');
0208     dime.bitpix     = fread(fid,1,'*int16');
0209     dime.dim_un0    = fread(fid,1,'*int16');
0210     dime.pixdim     = fread(fid,8,'float')';
0211     dime.vox_offset = fread(fid,1,'*float');
0212     dime.roi_scale  = fread(fid,1,'*float');
0213     dime.funused1   = fread(fid,1,'*float');
0214     dime.funused2   = fread(fid,1,'*float');
0215     dime.cal_max    = fread(fid,1,'*float');
0216     dime.cal_min    = fread(fid,1,'*float');
0217     dime.compressed = fread(fid,1,'*int32');
0218     dime.verified   = fread(fid,1,'*int32');
0219     dime.glmax      = fread(fid,1,'*int32');
0220     dime.glmin      = fread(fid,1,'*int32');
0222     if dime.dim(1) < 4, % Number of dimensions in database; usually 4.
0223         fprintf('...ensuring 4 dimensions in avw.hdr.dime.dim\n');
0224         dime.dim(1) = int16(4);
0225     end
0226     if dime.dim(5) < 1, % Time points; number of volumes in database
0227         fprintf('...ensuring at least 1 volume in avw.hdr.dime.dim(5)\n');
0228         dime.dim(5) = int16(1);
0229     end
0231 return
0233 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0234 function [ hist ] = data_history(fid)
0236     % Original header structures - ANALYZE 7.5
0237     %struct data_history
0238     %       {                                /* off + size      */
0239     %       char descrip[80];                /* 0 + 80          */
0240     %       char aux_file[24];               /* 80 + 24         */
0241     %       char orient;                     /* 104 + 1         */
0242     %       char originator[10];             /* 105 + 10        */
0243     %       char generated[10];              /* 115 + 10        */
0244     %       char scannum[10];                /* 125 + 10        */
0245     %       char patient_id[10];             /* 135 + 10        */
0246     %       char exp_date[10];               /* 145 + 10        */
0247     %       char exp_time[10];               /* 155 + 10        */
0248     %       char hist_un0[3];                /* 165 + 3         */
0249     %       int views                        /* 168 + 4         */
0250     %       int vols_added;                  /* 172 + 4         */
0251     %       int start_field;                 /* 176 + 4         */
0252     %       int field_skip;                  /* 180 + 4         */
0253     %       int omax;                        /* 184 + 4         */
0254     %       int omin;                        /* 188 + 4         */
0255     %       int smax;                        /* 192 + 4         */
0256     %       int smin;                        /* 196 + 4         */
0257     %       };                               /* total=200 bytes */
0259     hist.descrip     = fread(fid,80,'*char')';
0260     hist.aux_file    = fread(fid,24,'*char')';
0261     hist.orient      = fread(fid, 1,'*uint8');  % see note below on char
0262     % Modified by M. Sato
0263     hist.originator  = fread(fid,5,'int16')';  % SPM origin field
0265     hist.generated   = fread(fid,10,'*char')';
0266     hist.scannum     = fread(fid,10,'*char')';
0267     hist.patient_id  = fread(fid,10,'*char')';
0268     hist.exp_date    = fread(fid,10,'*char')';
0269     hist.exp_time    = fread(fid,10,'*char')';
0270     hist.hist_un0    = fread(fid, 3,'*char')';
0271     hist.views       = fread(fid, 1,'*int32');
0272     hist.vols_added  = fread(fid, 1,'*int32');
0273     hist.start_field = fread(fid, 1,'*int32');
0274     hist.field_skip  = fread(fid, 1,'*int32');
0275     hist.omax        = fread(fid, 1,'*int32');
0276     hist.omin        = fread(fid, 1,'*int32');
0277     hist.smax        = fread(fid, 1,'*int32');
0278     hist.smin        = fread(fid, 1,'*int32');
0280     % check if hist.orient was saved as ascii char value
0281     switch hist.orient,
0282         case 48, hist.orient = uint8(0);
0283         case 49, hist.orient = uint8(1);
0284         case 50, hist.orient = uint8(2);
0285         case 51, hist.orient = uint8(3);
0286         case 52, hist.orient = uint8(4);
0287         case 53, hist.orient = uint8(5);
0288     end
0290 return
0293 % Note on using char:
0294 % The 'char orient' field in the header is intended to
0295 % hold simply an 8-bit unsigned integer value, not the ASCII representation
0296 % of the character for that value.  A single 'char' byte is often used to
0297 % represent an integer value in Analyze if the known value range doesn't
0298 % go beyond 0-255 - saves a byte over a short int, which may not mean
0299 % much in today's computing environments, but given that this format
0300 % has been around since the early 1980's, saving bytes here and there on
0301 % older systems was important!  In this case, 'char' simply provides the
0302 % byte of storage - not an indicator of the format for what is stored in
0303 % this byte.  Generally speaking, anytime a single 'char' is used, it is
0304 % probably meant to hold an 8-bit integer value, whereas if this has
0305 % been dimensioned as an array, then it is intended to hold an ASCII
0306 % character string, even if that was only a single character.
0307 % Denny  <hanson.dennis2@mayo.edu>
0310 % Comments
0311 % The header format is flexible and can be extended for new
0312 % user-defined data types. The essential structures of the header
0313 % are the header_key and the image_dimension.
0314 %
0316 % The required elements in the header_key substructure are:
0317 %
0318 % int sizeof_header   Must indicate the byte size of the header file.
0319 % int extents         Should be 16384, the image file is created as
0320 %                     contiguous with a minimum extent size.
0321 % char regular        Must be 'r' to indicate that all images and
0322 %                     volumes are the same size.
0323 %
0325 % The image_dimension substructure describes the organization and
0326 % size of the images. These elements enable the database to reference
0327 % images by volume and slice number. Explanation of each element follows:
0328 %
0329 % short int dim[ ];      /* Array of the image dimensions */
0330 %
0331 % dim[0]      Number of dimensions in database; usually 4.
0332 % dim[1]      Image X dimension; number of pixels in an image row.
0333 % dim[2]      Image Y dimension; number of pixel rows in slice.
0334 % dim[3]      Volume Z dimension; number of slices in a volume.
0335 % dim[4]      Time points; number of volumes in database.
0336 % dim[5]      Undocumented.
0337 % dim[6]      Undocumented.
0338 % dim[7]      Undocumented.
0339 %
0340 % char vox_units[4]     Specifies the spatial units of measure for a voxel.
0341 % char cal_units[8]      Specifies the name of the calibration unit.
0342 % short int unused1      /* Unused */
0343 % short int datatype      /* Datatype for this image set */
0344 % /*Acceptable values for datatype are*/
0345 % #define DT_NONE             0
0346 % #define DT_UNKNOWN          0    /*Unknown data type*/
0347 % #define DT_BINARY           1    /*Binary             ( 1 bit per voxel)*/
0348 % #define DT_UNSIGNED_CHAR    2    /*Unsigned character ( 8 bits per voxel)*/
0349 % #define DT_SIGNED_SHORT     4    /*Signed short       (16 bits per voxel)*/
0350 % #define DT_SIGNED_INT       8    /*Signed integer     (32 bits per voxel)*/
0351 % #define DT_FLOAT           16    /*Floating point     (32 bits per voxel)*/
0352 % #define DT_COMPLEX         32    /*Complex (64 bits per voxel; 2 floating point numbers)/*
0353 % #define DT_DOUBLE          64    /*Double precision   (64 bits per voxel)*/
0354 % #define DT_RGB            128    /*A Red-Green-Blue datatype*/
0355 % #define DT_ALL            255    /*Undocumented*/
0356 %
0357 % short int bitpix;    /* Number of bits per pixel; 1, 8, 16, 32, or 64. */
0358 % short int dim_un0;   /* Unused */
0359 %
0360 % float pixdim[];     Parallel array to dim[], giving real world measurements in mm and ms.
0361 %       pixdim[0];    Pixel dimensions?
0362 %       pixdim[1];    Voxel width in mm.
0363 %       pixdim[2];    Voxel height in mm.
0364 %       pixdim[3];    Slice thickness in mm.
0365 %       pixdim[4];    timeslice in ms (ie, TR in fMRI).
0366 %       pixdim[5];    Undocumented.
0367 %       pixdim[6];    Undocumented.
0368 %       pixdim[7];    Undocumented.
0369 %
0370 % float vox_offset;   Byte offset in the .img file at which voxels start. This value can be
0371 %                     negative to specify that the absolute value is applied for every image
0372 %                     in the file.
0373 %
0374 % float roi_scale; Specifies the Region Of Interest scale?
0375 % float funused1; Undocumented.
0376 % float funused2; Undocumented.
0377 %
0378 % float cal_max; Specifies the upper bound of the range of calibration values.
0379 % float cal_min; Specifies the lower bound of the range of calibration values.
0380 %
0381 % int compressed; Undocumented.
0382 % int verified;   Undocumented.
0383 %
0384 % int glmax;    The maximum pixel value for the entire database.
0385 % int glmin;    The minimum pixel value for the entire database.
0386 %
0387 %

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