Home > vbmeg > demo > test_scripts > vb_test_filter_data.m





This is a script file.


  High/lowpass filtering of continuous raw MEG/EEG data
  and make new external channel-wise binary data files
  New file is saved in the same directory with the original data

 --- Usage for MEG
  vb_megfile_filter_ch_data(meg_file, proc_spec);
 --- Input
 meg_file : path name of '.meg.mat' file with channel-wise binary data
 proc_spec.new_meg : output file name of filtered data

 --- Usage for EEG
  vb_eegfile_filter_ch_data(eeg_file, proc_spec);
 --- Input
 eeg_file : path name of '.eeg.mat' file with channel-wise binary data
 proc_spec.new_eeg : output file name of filtered data

 --- Common preprocess parameter
  .bias_flg    : Bias correction flag  (= 0/1/2 : OFF/Bias/Linear)
               = N > 5: Bias correction by first N sample
  .common_flg  : Common reference flag (= 1/0 : ON/OFF)
  .highpass    : Highpass filter cutoff frequency [Hz]
  .lowpass     : Lowpass  filter cutoff frequency [Hz]
  .fsamp       : Down sampling frequency [Hz]
 --- If these fields are empty,
        corresponding process are not applied
 --- Type of filter specification
  .highpass_online : filter order of IIR highpass filter
      = 0: FIR highpass filter (eegfilt)
      = 1: online highpass filter (exponential)
      > 1: Butterworth highpass filter (filtfilt)
      < 0: Butterworth highpass filter (online)

  .lowpass_online : filter order of IIR lowpass filter
      = 0: FIR lowpass filter (eegfilt)
      = 1: online lowpass filter (exponential)
      > 1: Butterworth lowpass filter (filtfilt)
      < 0: Butterworth lowpass filter (online)

 2009-8-10 Masa-aki Sato

 Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
 License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 %  vb_test_filter_data
0002 %  High/lowpass filtering of continuous raw MEG/EEG data
0003 %  and make new external channel-wise binary data files
0004 %  New file is saved in the same directory with the original data
0005 %
0006 % --- Usage for MEG
0007 %  vb_megfile_filter_ch_data(meg_file, proc_spec);
0008 % --- Input
0009 % meg_file : path name of '.meg.mat' file with channel-wise binary data
0010 % proc_spec.new_meg : output file name of filtered data
0011 %
0012 % --- Usage for EEG
0013 %  vb_eegfile_filter_ch_data(eeg_file, proc_spec);
0014 % --- Input
0015 % eeg_file : path name of '.eeg.mat' file with channel-wise binary data
0016 % proc_spec.new_eeg : output file name of filtered data
0017 %
0018 % --- Common preprocess parameter
0019 % proc_spec.parm
0020 %  .bias_flg    : Bias correction flag  (= 0/1/2 : OFF/Bias/Linear)
0021 %               = N > 5: Bias correction by first N sample
0022 %  .common_flg  : Common reference flag (= 1/0 : ON/OFF)
0023 %  .highpass    : Highpass filter cutoff frequency [Hz]
0024 %  .lowpass     : Lowpass  filter cutoff frequency [Hz]
0025 %  .fsamp       : Down sampling frequency [Hz]
0026 % --- If these fields are empty,
0027 %        corresponding process are not applied
0028 % --- Type of filter specification
0029 %  .highpass_online : filter order of IIR highpass filter
0030 %      = 0: FIR highpass filter (eegfilt)
0031 %      = 1: online highpass filter (exponential)
0032 %      > 1: Butterworth highpass filter (filtfilt)
0033 %      < 0: Butterworth highpass filter (online)
0034 %
0035 %  .lowpass_online : filter order of IIR lowpass filter
0036 %      = 0: FIR lowpass filter (eegfilt)
0037 %      = 1: online lowpass filter (exponential)
0038 %      > 1: Butterworth lowpass filter (filtfilt)
0039 %      < 0: Butterworth lowpass filter (online)
0040 %
0041 % 2009-8-10 Masa-aki Sato
0042 %
0043 % Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
0044 % License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)
0046 data_mode = 'eeg';
0048 switch    data_mode
0049 case    'meg'
0050     % root directry
0051     root_dir  = [getenv('MATHOME') '/Sekiyama'];
0052     % --- List of data file names (base name without extension)
0053     data_file = {'AM090311a'};
0054     ext = '.meg.mat';
0055 case    'eeg'
0056     % root directry
0057     root_dir  = [getenv('MATHOME') '/BCI_Tmp/eeg_data'];
0058     % --- EEG file names (base name without extension)
0059     data_file = {'Sako_20080903_1', 'Sako_20080903_2'};
0060     ext = '.eeg.mat';
0061 end
0063 % --- preprocess parameter
0064 parm.filt_suffix = '_filt'; % suffix of filtered data
0065 parm.bias_flg = 10; % Bias correction (=0/1/2: OFF/Bias/Linear)
0066 parm.highpass = [1]; % Highpass filter cutoff frequency [Hz]
0067 parm.lowpass  = [100]; % Lowpass  filter cutoff frequency [Hz]
0068 parm.fsamp    = [];% down sampling frequency [Hz]
0070 parm.highpass_online = [5]; % order of online highpass filter
0071 parm.lowpass_online  = [5]; % order of online lowpass filter
0073 % Common reference should be done after bad channel removal
0074 parm.common_flg = [];% Common reference flag (=1/0 : ON/OFF)
0076 vb_fprint_filter_parm(parm);
0078 proc_spec.parm = parm;
0080 Nfile = length(data_file);
0081 %Nfile = 1;
0083 for n=1:Nfile
0084     tic
0085     switch    data_mode
0086     case    'meg'
0087         meg_file = [root_dir '/' data_file{n} ext];
0088         proc_spec.new_meg = [data_file{n} parm.filt_suffix ext];
0090         result = vb_megfile_filter_ch_data(meg_file, proc_spec);
0091     case    'eeg'
0092         eeg_file = [root_dir '/' data_file{n} ext];
0093         proc_spec.new_eeg = [data_file{n} parm.filt_suffix ext];
0095         result = vb_eegfile_filter_ch_data(eeg_file, proc_spec);
0096     end
0097     vb_ptime(toc)
0098 end
0101 return

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