Home > functions > tool_box > spmtools > vb_job_convert_spm.m



Save SPM result as '.spm.mat' file format


function vb_job_convert_spm


 Save SPM result as '.spm.mat' file format
 (VBMEG public function)

 % This function convert thresholded statistical values, obtained by
 SPM2/5/8 software, with its coordinate and save them as
 .spm.mat file, which is used in VBMEG to incorporate fMRI
 information in MEG current source estimation. 


 Note that you have to execute this function on the MATLAB console 
 SPM2/5/8 is running. When you display statistical map of some kind of
 contrast, their value and its coordinate are stored in MATLAB
 workspace. This function just save these data in an appropriate

 .spm.mat file is created. 

 Originally written by Naokazu Goda (for SPM99)
 2004-12-11 Taku Yoshioka
 2004-12-14 Naokazu Goda (backward coordinate transformation routine)
 2005-02-23 Dai Kawawaki 
 2008-09-17 Dai Kawawaki
 2008-10-27 Taku Yoshioka
 2010-05-12 Takeda added spm8 support
 2010-06-22 Taku Yoshioka
  Use 'spm_get_orig_coord.m' for SPM5/8
 2010-10-06 Masa-aki Sato
  Use 'spm_get_orig_coord_spm5.m' for SPM5/8

 Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
 License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function vb_job_convert_spm
0002 % Save SPM result as '.spm.mat' file format
0003 % (VBMEG public function)
0004 %
0005 % % This function convert thresholded statistical values, obtained by
0006 % SPM2/5/8 software, with its coordinate and save them as
0007 % .spm.mat file, which is used in VBMEG to incorporate fMRI
0008 % information in MEG current source estimation.
0009 %
0010 % [syntax]
0011 % vb_job_convert_spm
0012 %
0013 % Note that you have to execute this function on the MATLAB console
0014 % SPM2/5/8 is running. When you display statistical map of some kind of
0015 % contrast, their value and its coordinate are stored in MATLAB
0016 % workspace. This function just save these data in an appropriate
0017 % format.
0018 %
0019 % [output]
0020 % .spm.mat file is created.
0021 %
0022 % [history]
0023 % Originally written by Naokazu Goda (for SPM99)
0024 % 2004-12-11 Taku Yoshioka
0025 % 2004-12-14 Naokazu Goda (backward coordinate transformation routine)
0026 % 2005-02-23 Dai Kawawaki
0027 % 2008-09-17 Dai Kawawaki
0028 % 2008-10-27 Taku Yoshioka
0029 % 2010-05-12 Takeda added spm8 support
0030 % 2010-06-22 Taku Yoshioka
0031 %  Use 'spm_get_orig_coord.m' for SPM5/8
0032 % 2010-10-06 Masa-aki Sato
0033 %  Use 'spm_get_orig_coord_spm5.m' for SPM5/8
0034 %
0035 % Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
0036 % License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)
0038 %
0039 % VBMEG constant
0040 %
0041 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0042 coord_const = vb_define_coordinate;
0044 %
0045 % Get SPM result
0046 %
0047 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0048 try
0049   spm_ver = spm('ver');
0050 catch
0051   error('You can use this function on result display of SPM analysis.');
0052 end
0053 xSPM = get_important_struct(spm_ver);
0055 %
0056 % Backward coordinate Transform from normalized to subject's native
0057 %
0058 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0059 answer = questdlg('Normalized funtional data?','Convert SPM result', ...
0060                   'Yes','No','Yes');
0061 switch answer
0062  case 'Yes'
0063   [dir,fnames] = vb_file_select({'_sn.mat'},'Load SPM sn file');
0064   if isempty(fnames), 
0065     disp('Sn file was not selected.');
0066     return;
0067   end;
0068   matname = [dir filesep fnames{1}];
0070   switch (lower(spm_ver)), 
0071    case 'spm2', 
0072     sn = load([dir filesep fnames{1}]);
0073     xSPM.XYZmm=vb_unsn(xSPM.XYZmm,sn);
0075    case {'spm5','spm8'}, 
0076     xSPM.XYZmm = spm_get_orig_coord_spm5((xSPM.XYZmm)',matname);
0077     xSPM.XYZmm = (xSPM.XYZmm)';
0078   end;
0079 end;
0081 %
0082 % Save
0083 %
0084 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0085 [dir,fnames] = vb_file_select({'.spm.mat'},'Save .spm.mat file',true);
0086 if isempty(fnames), 
0087   disp('.spm.mat file was not selected.');
0088   return;
0089 end
0091 SPM = xSPM;
0092 SPM.coord_type = coord_const.COORDINATE_SPM_RIGHT_MM;
0093 vb_fsave([dir filesep fnames{1}],'SPM');
0095 return;
0097 %
0098 % Inner function
0099 %
0100 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0101 function xSPM = get_important_struct(spm_ver)
0102 switch (lower(spm_ver))
0103  case 'spm2' 
0104   disp('Check SPM version: SPM2');
0106   command = 'exist(''xSPM'')';
0107   if ~evalin('base',command) % execute command in base workspace
0108     error('Some contrast image must be displayed in SPM.');
0109   else
0110     mSPM = evalin('base','xSPM');
0111     nSPM.Z = mSPM.Z;
0112     nSPM.XYZmm = mSPM.XYZmm;
0113     nSPM.STAT = mSPM.STAT;
0114     xSPM = nSPM;
0115     clear mSPM;
0116   end
0117   clear command;
0119  case 'spm5'
0120   disp('Check SPM version: SPM5');
0122   command = 'exist(''xSPM'')';
0123   if ~evalin('base',command) % execute command in base workspace
0124     error('Some contrast image must be displayed in SPM.');
0125   else
0126     mSPM = evalin('base','xSPM');
0127     nSPM.Z = mSPM.Z;
0128     nSPM.XYZmm = mSPM.XYZmm;
0129     nSPM.STAT = mSPM.STAT;
0130     xSPM = nSPM;
0131     clear mSPM;
0132   end
0133   clear command;
0135   case 'spm8'
0136    disp('Check SPM version: SPM8');
0138    command = 'exist(''xSPM'')';
0139    if ~evalin('base',command) % execute command in base workspace
0140      error('Some contrast image must be displayed in SPM.');
0141    else
0142      mSPM = evalin('base','xSPM');
0143      nSPM.Z = mSPM.Z;
0144      nSPM.XYZmm = mSPM.XYZmm;
0145      nSPM.STAT = mSPM.STAT;
0146      xSPM = nSPM;
0147      clear mSPM;
0148    end
0149    clear command;
0151  otherwise
0152   error('Sorry, this function does not accommodate to your spm version.');
0153 end
0155 return;

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