Home > functions > template > vb_set_meg_parm_biosemi_test.m



set values to the eeg_parm for vb_job_eeg (BIOSEMI)


function [eeg_parm] = vb_set_meg_parm_biosemi_test(device_code,session_no)


 set values to the eeg_parm for vb_job_eeg (BIOSEMI)
   [eeg_parm] = vb_set_meg_parm_biosemi_test(device_code,session_no)
   device_code : <optional> device code for 1) BIOSEMI
               :  default is [1]
    session_no : <required> session number []
      eeg_parm : <<struct>> eeg_parm
               :  .Measurement      : 'EEG'
               :  .device           : 'BIOSEMI'
               :  .measurement_file : input file (normally *.bdf)
               :  .pos_file         : position file (*.pos.mat)
               :  .output_file      : output file (normally *.eeg.mat)
               :  .bin_data_dir     : binary data directory which is 
               :                    : a relative path from output_file
               :  .eeginfo_version  : EEGinfo version (unused)
               :  .verbose_swt      : verbose message switch [false]

   2008-02-14 (Sako) initial version
   2008-02-26 (Sako) supported POS-MAT file
   2008-03-18 (Sako) discarded figure_info
   2008-04-03 (Sako) move device field to the same location of MEG (why?)
   2008-05-26 Masa-aki Sato
     added eeg_parm.meg_file  for consistency with meg data
     added eeg_parm.face_file for sensor plot
     added session_no
     changed meg_parm to eeg_parm
   2008-05-28 (Sako) changed format of eeg_parm
   2011-02-18 (Sako) changed comment of bin_data_dir and deleted unused fields

 Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
 License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [eeg_parm] = vb_set_meg_parm_biosemi_test(device_code,session_no)
0002 % set values to the eeg_parm for vb_job_eeg (BIOSEMI)
0003 % [usage]
0004 %   [eeg_parm] = vb_set_meg_parm_biosemi_test(device_code,session_no)
0005 % [input]
0006 %   device_code : <optional> device code for 1) BIOSEMI
0007 %               :  default is [1]
0008 %    session_no : <required> session number []
0009 % [output]
0010 %      eeg_parm : <<struct>> eeg_parm
0011 %               :  .Measurement      : 'EEG'
0012 %               :  .device           : 'BIOSEMI'
0013 %               :  .measurement_file : input file (normally *.bdf)
0014 %               :  .pos_file         : position file (*.pos.mat)
0015 %               :  .output_file      : output file (normally *.eeg.mat)
0016 %               :  .bin_data_dir     : binary data directory which is
0017 %               :                    : a relative path from output_file
0018 %               :  .eeginfo_version  : EEGinfo version (unused)
0019 %               :  .verbose_swt      : verbose message switch [false]
0020 % [note]
0021 %
0022 % [history]
0023 %   2008-02-14 (Sako) initial version
0024 %   2008-02-26 (Sako) supported POS-MAT file
0025 %   2008-03-18 (Sako) discarded figure_info
0026 %   2008-04-03 (Sako) move device field to the same location of MEG (why?)
0027 %   2008-05-26 Masa-aki Sato
0028 %     added eeg_parm.meg_file  for consistency with meg data
0029 %     added eeg_parm.face_file for sensor plot
0030 %     added session_no
0031 %     changed meg_parm to eeg_parm
0032 %   2008-05-28 (Sako) changed format of eeg_parm
0033 %   2011-02-18 (Sako) changed comment of bin_data_dir and deleted unused fields
0034 %
0035 % Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
0036 % License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)
0038 if ~exist('device_code', 'var') || isempty(device_code)
0039   device_code = 1;
0040 end
0042 func_ = mfilename;
0044 % --- EEG --- %
0045 if device_code == 1
0046   % --- REQUIRED --------------------------------------------------- %
0047   eeg_parm = vb_meg_parm_set_measurement([], 'EEG', 'BIOSEMI');
0049   % some working variables
0050   data_dir = [getenv('MATHOME') '/EEG-NIRS_20080423/RawEEG/'];
0051   pos_dir  = [getenv('MATHOME') '/EEG-NIRS_20080423/Positioning/'];
0052   subject  = 'Takao_Sako';
0053   eeg_id   = [...
0054     '20080408_175108';
0055     '20080408_180210';
0056     '20080408_181507';
0057     '20080408_182503';
0058     '20080408_183515';
0059     '20080408_184615';
0060     '20080408_185631';
0061     '20080408_190536';
0062     ];
0063   eeg_name = eeg_id(session_no,:);
0065   % --- Setting to read BDF file
0066   % --- Input Raw data path - absolute path
0067   eeg_parm.measurement_file = [data_dir 'Sako_' eeg_name '.bdf'];
0069   % --- Input Positioning data path - absolute path
0070   eeg_parm.pos_file = [pos_dir subject '.pos.mat'];
0072   % --- Output EEG-MAT file - relative path from 'proj_root'
0073   eeg_parm.output_file = [eeg_name '.eeg.mat'];
0075   % --- Output Binary data path - relative path from EEG-MAT
0076   %   If this field is empty,
0077   %      bin_data_dir is set to './(name of output_file)_bin'
0078   eeg_parm.bin_data_dir = ''; 
0080   % --- OPTIONAL --------------------------------------------------- %
0082   % face_file for sensor plot (Optional) - absolute path
0083   % eeg_parm.face_file = [pos_dir subject '.face.mat'];
0085   % sampling frequency [Hz] for down sampling
0086   % if empty, no down sampling is done
0087   % eeg_parm.fsamp = 100;
0089   % --- OPTIONAL --------------------------------------------------- %
0090   eeg_parm.eeginfo_version = []; % not be used
0091   eeg_parm.verbose_swt = false;
0092 else
0093   error('(%s)undefined device_code : %d', func_, device_code);
0094 end
0096 %%% END OF FILE %%%

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