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Create movie file.


function vb_make_movie(movie_parm)


 Create movie file. 

 Different types of figures (brain activity, MEG time course, images 
 supported by MATLAB, and so on) can be displayed simultaneously 
 in a movie. 

 function vb_make_movie(movie_parm)

   Cell array of pairs of properties given to 'movie2avi'. You can make
   the movie slower by setting 'FPS' property. See help of movie2avi.m. 
   Cell array of pairs of properties given to 'figure'. You can change
   background color of the movie by setting 'Color' property. 
   Number of subfigures (columns and rows)
   Output file name (.avi)
 movie_parm.figpos (optional)
   Position of the figure in PC screen
   Parameters of subplots. Required parameters are dependent on the
   plotting mode. 

   Plotting mode for the i-th subplot. 
 mode = 1: Cortical activity plot
 Required parameters
 subplot{i}.sub      : Subplot number in MATLAB format.
 subplot{i}.title_var: <optional> <<string>> Title of subfigure.
 subplot{i}.Z        : Z-current.
 subplot{i}.W        : Smoothing filter matrix.
 subplot{i}.ix_act_ex: Indices of the cortical surface model. 
 subplot{i}.Tdisp    : <optional> <<cell>> Cell of strings displayed
                       with the movie. 
 subplot{i}.ix_sample: Indices of 2nd dim. of Z, or Tdisp, at which
                       data is plotted in each frame of the movie. 
 subplot{i}.V        : Vertices of cortical surface model.
 subplot{i}.F        : Faces of cortical surface model.
 subplot{i}.inf_C    : Color of sulcus/gyrus. It should be empty when
                       plotting folded surface model. 
 subplot{i}.light_flag: <<bool>> If true, light object is created. Note:
                        if 'inf_C' is empty, cortical surface model is
                        assumed to be folded model and light object is
                        forced to be created regardless of this
 subplot{i}.angle_var: Plot angle. 
 subplot{i}.plot_parm: Parameters for plotting cortical surface
                       model. See help of 'vb_plot_cortex.m'. 
 subplot{i}.Jmin     : Specify the threshold of dipole current by
                       relative value from 0 to 1. 
 subplot{i}.Jmax     : Specify the Maximum of dipole current by
                       relative value from 0 to 1. 
 subplot{i}.cvar_str : Input variable of colorbar. 
 subplot{i}.axes_tight: <optional> <<bool>> If empty or true, 'axis
                        tight' will be invoked internally. 
 subplot{i}.axes_equal: <optional> <<bool>> If empty or true, 'axis
                        equal' will be invoked internally. 
 subplot{i}.axes_property: <optional> <<cell>> Cell array of pairs of
                           property name and its value. See help of

 mode = 2: Contour map of MEG sensors
 Required parameters
 subplot{i}.sub  : Subplot number in MATLAB format.
 subplot{i}.title_var: <optional> <<string>> Title of subfigure.
 subplot{i}.bexp : MEG timecourse. 
 subplot{i}.pick : MEG sensor position. 
 subplot{i}.clim : Minimum and maximum values of colormap.
 subplot{i}.cvar_str: Input variable of colorbar. 
 subplot{i}.ix_sample: Indices of 2nd dim. of bexp, or Tdisp, at which
                       data is plotted in each frame of the movie. 
 subplot{i}.Tdisp    : <optional> <<cell>> Cell of strings displayed
                       with the movie. 
 subplot{i}.axes_property: <optional> <<cell>> Cell array of pairs of
                           property name and its value. See help of

 mode = 3: MEG timecourse plot
 Required parameters
 subplot{i}.sub      : Subplot number in MATLAB format.
 subplot{i}.title_var: Title of sub-figure. 
 subplot{i}.bexp     : MEG timecourse [T].
 subplot{i}.Tdisp : Vector of time values for vertical axis. 
 subplot{i}.ix_sample : Indices of 2nd dim. of bexp, or Tdisp, at which
                        data will be plotted in each frame of the
 subplot{i}.xlabel_var: Label of x axis. If it is a cell array, it is
                    interpreted as a set of properties. See help of
 subplot{i}.ylabel_var: Label of y axis. If it is a cell array, it is
                    interpreted as a set of properties. See help of
 subplot{i}.axes_property: <optional> <<cell>> Cell array of pairs of
                           property name and its value. See help of
 subplot{i}.Tline : <optional> <<vector>> Actual time at which lines are
                    drawn on the plot.

 mode = 4:2D image. 
 Required parameters
 subplot{i}.sub  : Subplot number in MATLAB format.
 subplot{i}.fs   : Font size.
 subplot{i}.title: Title of subfigure (empty for no-title)
 subplot{i}.img  : Cell of 2D images. 
 subplot{i}.ix_f : Vector of indicies of subplot{i}.img shown at
                   (ix_f(:))-th frame. 

 2010-10-03 Taku Yoshioka

 Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
 License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function vb_make_movie(movie_parm)
0002 % Create movie file.
0003 %
0004 % Different types of figures (brain activity, MEG time course, images
0005 % supported by MATLAB, and so on) can be displayed simultaneously
0006 % in a movie.
0007 %
0008 % [syntax]
0009 % function vb_make_movie(movie_parm)
0010 %
0011 % [input]
0012 % movie_parm.movie2avi_property
0013 %   Cell array of pairs of properties given to 'movie2avi'. You can make
0014 %   the movie slower by setting 'FPS' property. See help of movie2avi.m.
0015 % movie_parm.figure_property
0016 %   Cell array of pairs of properties given to 'figure'. You can change
0017 %   background color of the movie by setting 'Color' property.
0018 % movie_parm.[NX/NY]:
0019 %   Number of subfigures (columns and rows)
0020 % movie_parm.movie_file:
0021 %   Output file name (.avi)
0022 % movie_parm.figpos (optional)
0023 %   Position of the figure in PC screen
0024 % movie_parm.subplot:
0025 %   Parameters of subplots. Required parameters are dependent on the
0026 %   plotting mode.
0027 %
0028 % subplot{i}.mode:
0029 %   Plotting mode for the i-th subplot.
0030 % mode = 1: Cortical activity plot
0031 % Required parameters
0032 % subplot{i}.sub      : Subplot number in MATLAB format.
0033 % subplot{i}.title_var: <optional> <<string>> Title of subfigure.
0034 % subplot{i}.Z        : Z-current.
0035 % subplot{i}.W        : Smoothing filter matrix.
0036 % subplot{i}.ix_act_ex: Indices of the cortical surface model.
0037 % subplot{i}.Tdisp    : <optional> <<cell>> Cell of strings displayed
0038 %                       with the movie.
0039 % subplot{i}.ix_sample: Indices of 2nd dim. of Z, or Tdisp, at which
0040 %                       data is plotted in each frame of the movie.
0041 % subplot{i}.V        : Vertices of cortical surface model.
0042 % subplot{i}.F        : Faces of cortical surface model.
0043 % subplot{i}.inf_C    : Color of sulcus/gyrus. It should be empty when
0044 %                       plotting folded surface model.
0045 % subplot{i}.light_flag: <<bool>> If true, light object is created. Note:
0046 %                        if 'inf_C' is empty, cortical surface model is
0047 %                        assumed to be folded model and light object is
0048 %                        forced to be created regardless of this
0049 %                        parameter.
0050 % subplot{i}.angle_var: Plot angle.
0051 % subplot{i}.plot_parm: Parameters for plotting cortical surface
0052 %                       model. See help of 'vb_plot_cortex.m'.
0053 % subplot{i}.Jmin     : Specify the threshold of dipole current by
0054 %                       relative value from 0 to 1.
0055 % subplot{i}.Jmax     : Specify the Maximum of dipole current by
0056 %                       relative value from 0 to 1.
0057 % subplot{i}.cvar_str : Input variable of colorbar.
0058 % subplot{i}.axes_tight: <optional> <<bool>> If empty or true, 'axis
0059 %                        tight' will be invoked internally.
0060 % subplot{i}.axes_equal: <optional> <<bool>> If empty or true, 'axis
0061 %                        equal' will be invoked internally.
0062 % subplot{i}.axes_property: <optional> <<cell>> Cell array of pairs of
0063 %                           property name and its value. See help of
0064 %                           'axes.m'.
0065 %
0066 % mode = 2: Contour map of MEG sensors
0067 % Required parameters
0068 % subplot{i}.sub  : Subplot number in MATLAB format.
0069 % subplot{i}.title_var: <optional> <<string>> Title of subfigure.
0070 % subplot{i}.bexp : MEG timecourse.
0071 % subplot{i}.pick : MEG sensor position.
0072 % subplot{i}.clim : Minimum and maximum values of colormap.
0073 % subplot{i}.cvar_str: Input variable of colorbar.
0074 % subplot{i}.ix_sample: Indices of 2nd dim. of bexp, or Tdisp, at which
0075 %                       data is plotted in each frame of the movie.
0076 % subplot{i}.Tdisp    : <optional> <<cell>> Cell of strings displayed
0077 %                       with the movie.
0078 % subplot{i}.axes_property: <optional> <<cell>> Cell array of pairs of
0079 %                           property name and its value. See help of
0080 %                           'axes.m'.
0081 %
0082 % mode = 3: MEG timecourse plot
0083 % Required parameters
0084 % subplot{i}.sub      : Subplot number in MATLAB format.
0085 % subplot{i}.title_var: Title of sub-figure.
0086 % subplot{i}.bexp     : MEG timecourse [T].
0087 % subplot{i}.Tdisp : Vector of time values for vertical axis.
0088 % subplot{i}.ix_sample : Indices of 2nd dim. of bexp, or Tdisp, at which
0089 %                        data will be plotted in each frame of the
0090 %                        movie.
0091 % subplot{i}.xlabel_var: Label of x axis. If it is a cell array, it is
0092 %                    interpreted as a set of properties. See help of
0093 %                    xlabel.m.
0094 % subplot{i}.ylabel_var: Label of y axis. If it is a cell array, it is
0095 %                    interpreted as a set of properties. See help of
0096 %                    ylabel.m.
0097 % subplot{i}.axes_property: <optional> <<cell>> Cell array of pairs of
0098 %                           property name and its value. See help of
0099 %                           'axes.m'.
0100 % subplot{i}.Tline : <optional> <<vector>> Actual time at which lines are
0101 %                    drawn on the plot.
0102 %
0103 % mode = 4:2D image.
0104 % Required parameters
0105 % subplot{i}.sub  : Subplot number in MATLAB format.
0106 % subplot{i}.fs   : Font size.
0107 % subplot{i}.title: Title of subfigure (empty for no-title)
0108 % subplot{i}.img  : Cell of 2D images.
0109 % subplot{i}.ix_f : Vector of indicies of subplot{i}.img shown at
0110 %                   (ix_f(:))-th frame.
0111 %
0112 % 2010-10-03 Taku Yoshioka
0113 %
0114 % Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
0115 % License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)
0117 vb_struct2vars(movie_parm,{'NX','NY','movie_file', ...
0118                        'movie2avi_property','figure_property'});
0120 sp = movie_parm.subplot;
0121 N = length(sp); % Number of subplots
0123 %
0124 % Maximum movie length
0125 %
0126 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0127 Tmax = 0;
0128 for i=1:N
0129   switch sp{i}.mode
0130    case {1,2,3}, 
0131     sp{i}.Tmax = length(sp{i}.ix_sample);
0132    case 4,
0133     sp{i}.Tmax = length(sp{i}.ix_pict);
0134   end
0135   Tmax = max([Tmax sp{i}.Tmax]);
0136 end;
0138 vb_disp(['Total: ' num2str(Tmax) ' frames']);
0140 %
0141 % Replace Jmax and Jmin from relative to absolute values
0142 %
0143 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0144 for i=1:N
0145   if sp{i}.mode==1, 
0146     J = (sp{i}.W)*(sp{i}.Z);
0147     tmp = max(abs(J(:)));
0148     sp{i}.Jmax = sp{i}.Jmax*tmp;
0149     sp{i}.Jmin = sp{i}.Jmin*tmp;
0150     clear J;
0151   end;
0152 end;
0154 %
0155 % Create movie
0156 %
0157 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0158 for t=1:Tmax
0159   if iscell(figure_property), 
0160     h_fig = figure(figure_property{:});
0161   else
0162     h_fig = figure('Position',[0 100 1024 768]); 
0163   end;
0165   for i=1:N
0166     subplot(NY,NX,sp{i}.sub);
0168     % Time step
0169     if t<=sp{i}.Tmax, 
0170       tt = t; 
0171     else 
0172       tt = sp{i}.Tmax; 
0173     end;
0175     % Plot type
0176     switch sp{i}.mode
0177      case 1, % Cortical activity
0178       vb_struct2vars(sp{i},{'title_var','Z','W','ix_act_ex','Tdisp', ...
0179                             'ix_sample','V','F','inf_C','light_flag', ...
0180                             'angle_var','plot_parm','Jmin','Jmax', ...
0181                             'cbar_var','axes_tight','axes_equal', ...
0182                             'axes_property'});
0183       J = zeros(size(V,1),1);
0184       J(ix_act_ex) = W*Z(:,ix_sample(tt));
0185       h = vb_plot_cortex(plot_parm,V,F,inf_C,J,Jmin,Jmax);
0186       view(angle_var);
0188       % Axes properties
0189       if ~isempty(axes_tight) & axes_tight==true, 
0190         axis tight;
0191       end;
0193       if ~isempty(axes_equal) & axes_equal==true, 
0194         axis equal;
0195       end;
0197       if iscell(axes_property), 
0198         set(gca,axes_property{:});
0199       end;
0201       % Colorbar
0202       if ~isempty(cbar_var),
0203         colorbar(cbar_var{:});
0204       end;
0206       % Title
0207       if iscell(title_var), 
0208         title(title_var{:});
0209       elseif ischar(title_var), 
0210         title(title_var);
0211       end;
0213       % Light
0214       if isempty(inf_C),
0215         camlight(h,'headlight');
0216       elseif light_flag==true,
0217         camlight('headlight');
0218       end;
0220       % Text
0221       if ~isempty(Tdisp), 
0222         text_var = Tdisp{ix_sample(tt)};
0223         if iscell(text_var), 
0224           text(text_var{:});
0225         else
0226           text(0,0,text_var);
0227         end;
0228       end;
0230      case 2, % Sensor spatial pattern
0231       vb_struct2vars(sp{i},{'title_var','bexp','pick','clim', ...
0232                           'ix_sample','Tdisp','cbar_var', ...
0233                           'axes_property'});
0234       vb_plot_sensor_2d(pick,bexp(:,ix_sample(tt))',clim);
0236       % Axes properties
0237       if iscell(axes_property), 
0238         set(gca,axes_property{:});
0239       end;
0240       axis off;
0241       axis equal;
0242       axis tight;
0244       % Title
0245       if iscell(title_var), 
0246         title(title_var{:});
0247       elseif ischar(title_var), 
0248         title(title_var);
0249       end;
0251       % Text
0252       if ~isempty(Tdisp), 
0253         text_var = Tdisp{ix_sample(tt)};
0254         if iscell(text_var), 
0255           text(text_var{:});
0256         else
0257           text(0,0,text_var);
0258         end;
0259       end;
0261       % Colorbar
0262       if ~isempty(cbar_var),
0263         colorbar(cbar_var{:});
0264       end;
0266      case 3, % MEG timecourse plot
0267       vb_struct2vars(sp{i},{'title_var','bexp','Tdisp','Tline', ...
0268                           'xlabel_var','ylabel_var','ix_sample', ...
0269                           'axes_property'});
0271       plot(repmat(Tdisp',[1 size(bexp,1)]),bexp');
0272       axis tight;
0273       hold on;
0275       % Title
0276       if iscell(title_var), 
0277         title(title_var{:});
0278       elseif ischar(title_var), 
0279         title(title_var);
0280       end;
0282       % Axes property
0283       if iscell(axes_property), 
0284         set(gca,axes_property{:});
0285       end;
0287       % Xlabel
0288       if iscell(xlabel_var),
0289         xlabel(xlabel_var{:});
0290       elseif ischar(xlabel_var),
0291         xlabel(xlabel_var);
0292       end;
0294       % Ylabel
0295       if iscell(ylabel_var),
0296         ylabel(ylabel_var{:});
0297       elseif ischar(ylabel_var),
0298         ylabel(ylabel_var);
0299       end;
0301       % Indicator
0302       yl = ylim;
0303       x = Tdisp(ix_sample(tt));
0304       plot([x x],yl,'EraseMode','xor');
0306       if ~isempty(Tline),
0307     tmp = reshape(Tline,[1 length(Tline)]);
0308     plot([tmp; tmp],repmat(yl',[1 length(tmp)]),'--');
0309       end;
0311      case 4, % 2D image
0312       image(sp{i}.img{sp{i}.ix_f(tt)});
0313       axis equal; 
0314       axis tight; 
0315       set(gca,'Visible','off');
0316     end
0318     if isfield(sp{i},'title'), 
0319       title(sp{i}.title,'FontSize',sp{i}.fs); 
0320     end
0322     % Axes position
0323     if isfield(sp{i},'axepos'), 
0324       pos = get(gca,'Position'); 
0325       set(gca,'Position',pos+sp{i}.axepos); 
0326     end;
0327   end;
0329   % Get frame
0330   saved_state = warning('off', 'MATLAB:hg:patch:NotEnoughMemoryForNormals');
0331   drawnow;
0332   frame(t) = getframe(gcf);
0333   warning(saved_state)
0334   close;
0335 end;
0337 vb_disp('Now creating AVI file ...');
0338 if isempty(movie2avi_property), 
0339   movie2avi(frame,movie_file);
0340 else
0341   movie2avi(frame,movie_file,movie2avi_property{:});
0342 end;
0344 return;

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