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Prepare leadfieled calculation


function [V, xx, pick, Qpick, Wsensor, BEM, Vhead, Fhead,Omega, Sout, SPHinfo] = vb_prepare_lead_field(basis_parm)


  Prepare leadfieled calculation
  [V, xx, pick, Qpick, Wsensor, BEM, Vhead, Fhead, Omega, Sout, SPHinfo] = ...
 --- Input
 basis_parm.brain_file : brain file (.brain.mat)
 basis_parm.area_file  : area file  (.area.mat)
 basis_parm.meg_file   : MEG data file (.meg.mat)
 basis_parm.Basis_mode : number of independent curent direction
       = 1 :  current vextor = xx(n,:)
       = 2 :  current vextor = orthogonal vectors to V(n,:)
       = 3 :  current vextor = xx(n,:) & orthogonal vectors to xx(n,:)
 basis_parm.bem_mode   : Leadfield calculation method
      0  : MEG spherical model (Sarvas)
      1  : MEG BEM 1 shell model
      2  : MEG spherical harmonics expansion
      3  : EEG spherical 3 shell model
      4  : EEG BEM 3 shell model

 --- Optional Input
 basis_parm.normal_mode : 
       = 0 : normal vector at the vertex (Defualt)
       = 1 : average normal vector in the neighbor of BV original brain 

 basis_parm.head_file     : Head surface file (.head.mat)
 basis_parm.area_key      : Area key to specify possible current region
 basis_parm.func_order    : Order of spherical harmonics function
 basis_parm.Recalc        : Recalculation force flag
 basis_parm.sigma         : Conductivity of each region
 basis_parm.radius        : Relative radius of sphere
 basis_parm.radius_method : priority of radius. mainly for 3-shell model.
                          : 'basis_parm' or 'head_mean' or 'head_max'
                          : 'basis_parm' : basis_parm.radius
                          :  'head_mean' : mean distance of each head
                          :   'head_max' : maximum distance of each head
 --- Output
  V(n,:)  : dipole position (3-D coordinate) at n-th vertex
 xx(n,:)  : dipole current direction (unit vector) at n-th vertex
  pick(k, 1:3) : sensor coil coordinate
 Qpick(k, 1:3)    : sensor coil direction

 Wsensor(m,n) = n-th coil weight for m-th sensor channel
    basis(channel,dipole) = Wsensor * basis(coil,dipole)

   BEM      : BEM parameters
   Vhead    : Head surface coordinate
   Fhead    : Head surface patch index
   Sout     : Head surface normal direction
   Omega    : Solid angle matrix
  SPHinfo   : Parameters for Spherical Harmonics
 new version 2005-8-10 M. Sato
 2006-7-23 M. Sato
   basis_parm.normal_mode is added for soft normal constraint
 modified by Sako 2006-07-28
 modified by M. Sato 2006-08-24
 modified by Sako 2006-12-04 : for EEG 3-shell head model

 Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
 License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [V, xx, pick, Qpick, Wsensor, BEM, Vhead, Fhead, ...
0002          Omega, Sout, SPHinfo] = vb_prepare_lead_field(basis_parm)
0003 %  Prepare leadfieled calculation
0004 %  [V, xx, pick, Qpick, Wsensor, BEM, Vhead, Fhead, Omega, Sout, SPHinfo] = ...
0005 %         vb_prepare_lead_field(basis_parm)
0006 % --- Input
0007 % basis_parm.brain_file : brain file (.brain.mat)
0008 % basis_parm.area_file  : area file  (.area.mat)
0009 % basis_parm.meg_file   : MEG data file (.meg.mat)
0010 % basis_parm.Basis_mode : number of independent curent direction
0011 %       = 1 :  current vextor = xx(n,:)
0012 %       = 2 :  current vextor = orthogonal vectors to V(n,:)
0013 %       = 3 :  current vextor = xx(n,:) & orthogonal vectors to xx(n,:)
0014 % basis_parm.bem_mode   : Leadfield calculation method
0015 %   MEG
0016 %      0  : MEG spherical model (Sarvas)
0017 %      1  : MEG BEM 1 shell model
0018 %      2  : MEG spherical harmonics expansion
0019 %   EEG
0020 %      3  : EEG spherical 3 shell model
0021 %      4  : EEG BEM 3 shell model
0022 %
0023 % --- Optional Input
0024 % basis_parm.normal_mode :
0025 %       = 0 : normal vector at the vertex (Defualt)
0026 %       = 1 : average normal vector in the neighbor of BV original brain
0027 %
0028 % basis_parm.head_file     : Head surface file (.head.mat)
0029 % basis_parm.area_key      : Area key to specify possible current region
0030 % basis_parm.func_order    : Order of spherical harmonics function
0031 % basis_parm.Recalc        : Recalculation force flag
0032 % basis_parm.sigma         : Conductivity of each region
0033 % basis_parm.radius        : Relative radius of sphere
0034 % basis_parm.radius_method : priority of radius. mainly for 3-shell model.
0035 %                          : 'basis_parm' or 'head_mean' or 'head_max'
0036 %                          : 'basis_parm' : basis_parm.radius
0037 %                          :  'head_mean' : mean distance of each head
0038 %                          :   'head_max' : maximum distance of each head
0039 % --- Output
0040 %  V(n,:)  : dipole position (3-D coordinate) at n-th vertex
0041 % xx(n,:)  : dipole current direction (unit vector) at n-th vertex
0042 %  pick(k, 1:3) : sensor coil coordinate
0043 % Qpick(k, 1:3)    : sensor coil direction
0044 %
0045 % Wsensor(m,n) = n-th coil weight for m-th sensor channel
0046 %    basis(channel,dipole) = Wsensor * basis(coil,dipole)
0047 %
0048 %   BEM      : BEM parameters
0049 %   Vhead    : Head surface coordinate
0050 %   Fhead    : Head surface patch index
0051 %   Sout     : Head surface normal direction
0052 %   Omega    : Solid angle matrix
0053 %  SPHinfo   : Parameters for Spherical Harmonics
0054 %
0055 % new version 2005-8-10 M. Sato
0056 % 2006-7-23 M. Sato
0057 %   basis_parm.normal_mode is added for soft normal constraint
0058 % modified by Sako 2006-07-28
0059 % modified by M. Sato 2006-08-24
0060 % modified by Sako 2006-12-04 : for EEG 3-shell head model
0061 %
0062 % Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
0063 % License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)
0065 % Set parameters
0066 vb_struct2vars(basis_parm,{'bem_mode','Basis_mode','area_key','proj_root'});
0068 % Basis mode definition
0069 global vbmeg_inst;
0070 const = vbmeg_inst.const;
0071 % const.BASIS_MEG_SPHERE;   %  MEG Sphere model (Sarvas)
0072 % const.BASIS_MEG_BEM;      %  MEG BEM
0073 % const.BASIS_MEG_HARMONICS;%  MEG Spherical harmonics expansion
0074 % const.BASIS_EEG_SPHERE;   %  EEG 3-shell Sphere model
0075 % const.BASIS_EEG_BEM;      %  EEG 3-shell BEM
0077 % Check optional parameter
0078 if isfield(basis_parm,'normal_mode')
0079     normal_mode = basis_parm.normal_mode;
0080 else
0081      normal_mode = const.NORMAL_ADJACENT_MEAN;
0082 end
0084 if ~isfield(basis_parm,'Recalc'),
0085     % Recalculation force flag
0086     basis_parm.Recalc = OFF;
0087 end
0089 if ~isfield(basis_parm, 'func_order'),
0090     % Order of spherical harmonics function
0091     basis_parm.func_order = 35;
0092 end
0094 if ~isfield(basis_parm,'DEBUG'),
0095     basis_parm.DEBUG = OFF;
0096 end
0098 brain_file = [proj_root filesep basis_parm.brain_file];
0099 area_file  = [proj_root filesep basis_parm.area_file ];
0100 meg_file   = [proj_root filesep basis_parm.meg_file];
0102 % Load sensor info
0103 [pick,Qpick,Wsensor,V0] = vb_load_sensor(meg_file);
0105 % Load cortical vertex coordinate and normal vector
0106 [V ,xx] = vb_load_cortex_area(brain_file,area_file,area_key,normal_mode);
0108 switch    bem_mode
0109 case    {const.BASIS_MEG_SPHERE}
0110 % case    {const.BASIS_MEG_SPHERE, const.BASIS_EEG_SPHERE}
0111     % Change center of coordinate
0112     pick = [pick(:,1)-V0(1), pick(:,2)-V0(2), pick(:,3)-V0(3)];
0113     V    = [   V(:,1)-V0(1),    V(:,2)-V0(2),    V(:,3)-V0(3)];
0115 case    const.BASIS_MEG_HARMONICS, 
0116     % Load head file
0117     head_file   = [proj_root filesep basis_parm.head_file];
0118     load([head_file], 'Vhead');
0120     % Center of Head
0121     if basis_parm.DEBUG == ON,
0122         % Setting for DEBUG to check Leadfield calculation
0123         Hcenter = [0 0 0];
0124     else
0125         Hcenter = mean(Vhead);
0126     end
0128     % Change center of coordinate
0129     Vhead = [Vhead(:,1)-Hcenter(1),  ...
0130              Vhead(:,2)-Hcenter(2), Vhead(:,3)-Hcenter(3)];
0131     V     = [    V(:,1)-Hcenter(1),  ...
0132                  V(:,2)-Hcenter(2),     V(:,3)-Hcenter(3)];
0133     pick  = [ pick(:,1)-Hcenter(1),   ...
0134               pick(:,2)-Hcenter(2),  pick(:,3)-Hcenter(3)];
0136   case const.BASIS_EEG_SPHERE
0137       pick = [pick(:,1)-V0(1), pick(:,2)-V0(2), pick(:,3)-V0(3)];
0138       V    = [   V(:,1)-V0(1),    V(:,2)-V0(2),    V(:,3)-V0(3)];
0139     basis_parm = vb_util_check_head_shell_info(basis_parm);    
0141   case  const.BASIS_EEG_BEM
0142     basis_parm = vb_util_check_head_shell_info(basis_parm);    
0143 end
0145 % Calculate current direction according to 'Basis_mode'
0146 [V,xx] = vb_current_vector(V, xx, Basis_mode);
0148 % Prepare BEM parameter and calculate solid angle matrix
0149 [BEM, Vhead, Fhead, Omega, Sout, SPHinfo] = vb_prepare_bem(basis_parm);

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