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Calculate leadfield matrix and create leadfiled file (.basis.mat).


function vb_job_leadfield(proj_root, basis_parm)


 Calculate leadfield matrix and create leadfiled file (.basis.mat). 
 (VBMEG public function)

 This function can calculate leadfield matrix for using the following
 numerical methods: 
  MEG Sphere model (Sarvas equation)
  MEG 1-shell BEM (boundary element method)
  MEG Spherical harmonics expansion
  EEG 3-shell Sphere model
  EEG 3-shell BEM

 vb_job_leadfield(proj_root, basis_parm)

 proj_root : <<string>> VBMEG project root directory. 
 basis_parm: <<struct>> Parameters for leadfield calculation. 
 --- fields of basis_parm
  brain_file : <<string>> Cortical surface model file (.brain.mat).
  area_file  : <<string>> Cortical area file (.area.mat).
  meg_file   : <<string>> MEG-MAT or EEG-MAT file (.meg.mat).
  basis_file : <<string>> Leadfield file (.basis.mat). 
  bem_mode   : <<int>> Specify numerical method for calculating
   =0: MEG Sphere model (Sarvas equation).
   =1: MEG 1-shell BEM (boundary element method).
   =2: MEG Spherical harmonics expansion.
   =3: EEG 3-shell Sphere model.
   =4: EEG 3-shell BEM.
  head_file  : <optional><<string>> Head model file (.head.mat). This
               parameter is referred if the lead field is calculated by
               BEM or spherical harmonics expansion (see 'bem_mode'). 
  Basis_mode : <<int>> Degree of freedom of current direction. Not only
               the DOF, but also the direction of current dipoles at each
               vertex is also specified by this parameter. Currently
               VBMEG supports Basis_mode=1 (1st June, 2010). 
   =1: Single dipole perpendicular to the cortical surface. 
   =2: Double dipoles tangental to the cortical surface. 
   =3: Triple dipoles parallel to three axes (x, y, z). 
  Vcenter    : <<vector>> Coordinate value of the head center (1x3 on
  func_order : <<int?>> Order of spherical harmonics function. This
               parameter is effective when employing spherical harmonics
               expansion (see 'bem_mode'). 
  sigma      : <<vector>> Conductivity from innermost to outermost. 
  radius     : <<vector>> Relative radius of sphere from innermost to
  area_key   : <optional><<string>>
  normal_mode: <optional><int>
  Recalc     : <optional>

 Leadfield file (.basis.mat) is created with filename specified by
 'basis_file' field. If BEM is used, head model file (.head.mat) is
 updated with a matrix, which depends only on the head model, not on the
 cortical surface model. So, if size of .head.mat file become large, it
 is not an error. 

 This function call the following sub-functions in accordance with

 'vbmeg_inst' structure have constants for specifying the numerical
 method and model related to leadfield calculation. Those constants are
 recommended to specify parameters for readability of your program. 
 --- Constants for 'basis_parm.bem_mode'
  vbmeg_inst.const.BASIS_MEG_SPHERE    = 0
  vbmeg_inst.const.BASIS_MEG_BEM       = 1
  vbmeg_inst.const.BASIS_MEG_HARMONICS = 2
  vbmeg_inst.const.BASIS_MEG_SPHERE    = 3
  vbmeg_inst.const.BASIS_MEG_BEM       = 4
 --- Constants for 'basis_parm.Basis_mode'
  vbmeg_inst.const.CURRENT_NORMAL  = 1
  vbmeg_inst.const.CURRENT_TANGENT = 2
  vbmeg_inst.const.CURRENT_3D      = 3
 --- Constants for 'basis_parm.normal_mode
  vbmeg_inst.const.NORMAL_ADJACENT_MEAN = 0
  vbmeg_inst.const.NORMAL_NEIGHBOR_MEAN = 1

   2007-01-26 (Sako) reworked the architecture
 2008-10-15 Taku Yoshioka
  Support '.sensortype' parameter (argument check)
 2010-05-?? Taku Yoshioka
  Minor change (verbose level support)

 Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
 License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function vb_job_leadfield(proj_root, basis_parm)
0002 % Calculate leadfield matrix and create leadfiled file (.basis.mat).
0003 % (VBMEG public function)
0004 %
0005 % This function can calculate leadfield matrix for using the following
0006 % numerical methods:
0007 %  MEG Sphere model (Sarvas equation)
0008 %  MEG 1-shell BEM (boundary element method)
0009 %  MEG Spherical harmonics expansion
0010 %  EEG 3-shell Sphere model
0011 %  EEG 3-shell BEM
0012 %
0013 % [syntax]
0014 % vb_job_leadfield(proj_root, basis_parm)
0015 %
0016 % [input]
0017 % proj_root : <<string>> VBMEG project root directory.
0018 % basis_parm: <<struct>> Parameters for leadfield calculation.
0019 % --- fields of basis_parm
0020 %  brain_file : <<string>> Cortical surface model file (.brain.mat).
0021 %  area_file  : <<string>> Cortical area file (.area.mat).
0022 %  meg_file   : <<string>> MEG-MAT or EEG-MAT file (.meg.mat).
0023 %  basis_file : <<string>> Leadfield file (.basis.mat).
0024 %  bem_mode   : <<int>> Specify numerical method for calculating
0025 %               leadfield.
0026 %   =0: MEG Sphere model (Sarvas equation).
0027 %   =1: MEG 1-shell BEM (boundary element method).
0028 %   =2: MEG Spherical harmonics expansion.
0029 %   =3: EEG 3-shell Sphere model.
0030 %   =4: EEG 3-shell BEM.
0031 %  head_file  : <optional><<string>> Head model file (.head.mat). This
0032 %               parameter is referred if the lead field is calculated by
0033 %               BEM or spherical harmonics expansion (see 'bem_mode').
0034 %               expansion
0035 %  Basis_mode : <<int>> Degree of freedom of current direction. Not only
0036 %               the DOF, but also the direction of current dipoles at each
0037 %               vertex is also specified by this parameter. Currently
0038 %               VBMEG supports Basis_mode=1 (1st June, 2010).
0039 %   =1: Single dipole perpendicular to the cortical surface.
0040 %   =2: Double dipoles tangental to the cortical surface.
0041 %   =3: Triple dipoles parallel to three axes (x, y, z).
0042 %  Vcenter    : <<vector>> Coordinate value of the head center (1x3 on
0043 %               SPM_Right_m).
0044 %  func_order : <<int?>> Order of spherical harmonics function. This
0045 %               parameter is effective when employing spherical harmonics
0046 %               expansion (see 'bem_mode').
0047 %  sigma      : <<vector>> Conductivity from innermost to outermost.
0048 %  radius     : <<vector>> Relative radius of sphere from innermost to
0049 %               outermost.
0050 %  area_key   : <optional><<string>>
0051 %  normal_mode: <optional><int>
0052 %  Recalc     : <optional>
0053 % ---
0054 %
0055 % [output]
0056 % Leadfield file (.basis.mat) is created with filename specified by
0057 % 'basis_file' field. If BEM is used, head model file (.head.mat) is
0058 % updated with a matrix, which depends only on the head model, not on the
0059 % cortical surface model. So, if size of .head.mat file become large, it
0060 % is not an error.
0061 %
0062 % [note]
0063 % This function call the following sub-functions in accordance with
0064 % basis_parm.bem_mode:
0065 %  vb_job_leadfield_meg_sphere
0066 %  vb_job_leadfield_meg_bem
0067 %  vb_job_leadfield_meg_harmonics
0068 %  vb_job_leadfield_eeg_sphere
0069 %  vb_job_leadfield_eeg_bem
0070 %
0071 % 'vbmeg_inst' structure have constants for specifying the numerical
0072 % method and model related to leadfield calculation. Those constants are
0073 % recommended to specify parameters for readability of your program.
0074 % --- Constants for 'basis_parm.bem_mode'
0075 %  vbmeg_inst.const.BASIS_MEG_SPHERE    = 0
0076 %  vbmeg_inst.const.BASIS_MEG_BEM       = 1
0077 %  vbmeg_inst.const.BASIS_MEG_HARMONICS = 2
0078 %  vbmeg_inst.const.BASIS_MEG_SPHERE    = 3
0079 %  vbmeg_inst.const.BASIS_MEG_BEM       = 4
0080 % --- Constants for 'basis_parm.Basis_mode'
0081 %  vbmeg_inst.const.CURRENT_NORMAL  = 1
0082 %  vbmeg_inst.const.CURRENT_TANGENT = 2
0083 %  vbmeg_inst.const.CURRENT_3D      = 3
0084 % --- Constants for 'basis_parm.normal_mode
0085 %  vbmeg_inst.const.NORMAL_ADJACENT_MEAN = 0
0086 %  vbmeg_inst.const.NORMAL_NEIGHBOR_MEAN = 1
0087 % ---
0088 %
0089 % [history]
0090 %   2007-01-26 (Sako) reworked the architecture
0091 % 2008-10-15 Taku Yoshioka
0092 %  Support '.sensortype' parameter (argument check)
0093 % 2010-05-?? Taku Yoshioka
0094 %  Minor change (verbose level support)
0095 %
0096 % Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
0097 % License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)
0099 global vbmeg_inst;
0100 const = vbmeg_inst.const;
0102 % --- CHECK ARGUMENTS --- %
0103 if ~exist('proj_root', 'var'), proj_root = []; end;
0104 if ~exist('basis_parm', 'var'), basis_parm = []; end;
0105 [proj_root, basis_parm] = inner_check_arguments(const, proj_root, basis_parm);
0107 % --- MAIN PROCEDURE --------------------------------------------------------- %
0108 %
0109 switch basis_parm.bem_mode
0110   case const.BASIS_MEG_SPHERE, 
0111     [basis, basis_parm] = vb_job_leadfield_meg_sphere(proj_root, basis_parm);
0113   case const.BASIS_MEG_BEM, 
0114     [basis, basis_parm] = vb_job_leadfield_meg_bem(proj_root, basis_parm);
0116   case const.BASIS_MEG_HARMONICS, 
0117     [basis, basis_parm] = vb_job_leadfield_meg_harmonics(proj_root, basis_parm);
0119   case const.BASIS_EEG_SPHERE, 
0120     [basis, basis_parm] = vb_job_leadfield_eeg_sphere(proj_root, basis_parm);
0122   case const.BASIS_EEG_BEM, 
0123     [basis, basis_parm] = vb_job_leadfield_eeg_bem(proj_root, basis_parm);
0124 end
0126 inner_terminate(const, proj_root, basis_parm, basis);
0127 %
0128 % --- MAIN PROCEDURE --------------------------------------------------------- %
0131 % --- INNER FUNCTIONS -------------------------------------------------------- %
0132 %
0133 % --- inner_terminate()
0134 %
0135 function inner_terminate(const, proj_root, basis_parm, basis)
0137 % const.BASIS_MEG_SPHERE;   %  MEG Sphere model (Sarvas)
0138 % const.BASIS_MEG_BEM;      %  MEG BEM
0139 % const.BASIS_MEG_HARMONICS;%  MEG Spherical harmonics expansion
0140 % const.BASIS_EEG_SPHERE;   %  EEG 3-shell Sphere model
0141 % const.BASIS_EEG_BEM;      %  EEG 3-shell BEM
0143 bem_name = { ...
0144     'MEG spherical model (Sarvas)'; ...
0145     'MEG BEM 1 shell model'; ...
0146     'MEG spherical harmonics expansion'; ...
0147     'EEG spherical 3 shell model'; ...
0148     'EEG BEM 3 shell model'; ...
0149 };
0151 switch basis_parm.bem_mode
0152   case  const.BASIS_MEG_SPHERE
0153     calc_type = bem_name{1};
0155   case  const.BASIS_MEG_BEM
0156     calc_type = bem_name{2};
0158   case  const.BASIS_MEG_HARMONICS
0159     calc_type = bem_name{3};
0161   case  const.BASIS_EEG_SPHERE
0162     calc_type = bem_name{4};
0164   case  const.BASIS_EEG_BEM
0165     calc_type = bem_name{5};
0167   otherwise
0168     calc_type = 'unknown calculation type';
0169 end
0171 vb_disp(sprintf('Leadfield calculation : %s', calc_type));
0172 vb_disp(sprintf('Current direction = %d',basis_parm.Basis_mode));
0174 if isfield(basis_parm, 'normal_mode') ...
0175       & basis_parm.normal_mode == const.NORMAL_NEIGHBOR_MEAN,
0176   vb_disp('Normal vector is averaged over neighborhood');
0177 end
0179 % Output file path
0180 basis_file = [proj_root filesep basis_parm.basis_file];
0181 vb_disp(sprintf('Save basis file [%s]', basis_file));
0182 vb_save(basis_file,'basis','basis_parm');
0184 % project_file save
0185 proj_file = get_project_filename;
0186 if isempty(proj_file)
0187     return;
0188 end
0190 project_file_mgr('load', proj_file);
0191 project_file_mgr('add', 'basis_parm', basis_parm);
0192 %
0193 % --- end of inner_terminate()
0196 % --- inner_check_arguments()
0197 %
0198 function [proj_root, basis_parm] = ...
0199   inner_check_arguments(const, proj_root, basis_parm)
0201 if isempty(proj_root), error('proj_root is a required parameter'); end;
0202 if isempty(basis_parm), error('basis_parm is a required parameter'); end;
0204 proj_root = vb_rm_trailing_slash(proj_root);
0206 % check common fields of basis_parm
0207 if ~isfield(basis_parm, 'normal_mode')
0208      basis_parm.normal_mode = const.NORMAL_ADJACENT_MEAN;
0209 end
0211 if ~isfield(basis_parm,'Recalc'),
0212     % Recalculation force flag
0213     basis_parm.Recalc = OFF;
0214 end
0216 if ~isfield(basis_parm,'DEBUG'),
0217     basis_parm.DEBUG = OFF;
0218 end
0220 if ~isfield(basis_parm,'sensortype'), 
0221   basis_parm.sensortype = [];
0222 end
0224 % if you want to check other points, you can do that here
0225 % ...
0227 %
0228 % --- end of inner_check_arguments()
0229 %
0230 % --- END OF INNER FUNCTIONS ------------------------------------------------- %
0232 %%% END OF FILE %%%

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