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Dipole estimation by minimum error search


function [Vdipole,Jdipole,err,iter] = vb_job_dipole(proj_root, dipole_parm)


 Dipole estimation by minimum error search
  [Vdipole,Jdipole,err,iter] = vb_job_dipole(proj_root, dipole_parm)
 --- Input
 proj_root   : data directory
 dipole_parm : parameter structure
 - Input MEG file
 dipole_parm.megfile    = MEG file    (relative path from proj_root)
 - Initial dipole position
 dipole_parm.Vinit      = Initial dipole position [Ndipole x 3]
  number of dipoles in minimum error search is given by the size of Vinit
 - Error function
 dipole_parm.errfunc    = Error function mode for dipole search
   = 0 : 'vb_dipole_error':         for external current (Biot-Savart Eq.)
   = 1 : 'vb_dipole_error_sarvas':  for cortical current (Sarvas Eq.)
   = 2 : 'vb_dipole_error_magdipole':  for coil current (magnetic dipole)
 - Optional parameter
 dipole_parm.dipolefile = Output file (relative path from proj_root)
  if this field is not exist or empty, no output file is produced.
 dipole_parm.twin_meg   =  Time window for analysis
  if this field is not exist or empty, whole time period is used.
 dipole_parm.trial_id   =  trial number to estimate
  if this field is not exist or empty, all trials are averaged.
 - Optimization setting (Optional)
 dipole_parm.MaxIter = 5000;    % max iteration number in optimization
 dipole_parm.TolX    = 1.e-8;    % Xの終了許容値
 dipole_parm.TolFun  = 1.e-10;    % 関数値の終了許容値
 dipole_parm.mode    = 1;
     = 0;    % Use 'fminsearch' in Matlab
     = 1;    % Use 'fminunc' in Optimization Toolbox
     = 2;    % Use 'fminunc1'
 --- Output
  Vdipole   : Dipole position  [Ndipole x 3]
  Jdipole   : dipole current   [Ndipole x 3 x Time]
  Jdipole(n ,k ,t) =  current at n-th dipole ,time 't' and k-th direction
 err  : normalized error
 iter : iteration number

 2007-7-6 made by M.Sato

 Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
 License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [Vdipole,Jdipole,err,iter] = vb_job_dipole(proj_root, dipole_parm)
0002 % Dipole estimation by minimum error search
0003 %  [Vdipole,Jdipole,err,iter] = vb_job_dipole(proj_root, dipole_parm)
0004 % --- Input
0005 % proj_root   : data directory
0006 % dipole_parm : parameter structure
0007 % - Input MEG file
0008 % dipole_parm.megfile    = MEG file    (relative path from proj_root)
0009 % - Initial dipole position
0010 % dipole_parm.Vinit      = Initial dipole position [Ndipole x 3]
0011 %  number of dipoles in minimum error search is given by the size of Vinit
0012 % - Error function
0013 % dipole_parm.errfunc    = Error function mode for dipole search
0014 %   = 0 : 'vb_dipole_error':         for external current (Biot-Savart Eq.)
0015 %   = 1 : 'vb_dipole_error_sarvas':  for cortical current (Sarvas Eq.)
0016 %   = 2 : 'vb_dipole_error_magdipole':  for coil current (magnetic dipole)
0017 % - Optional parameter
0018 % dipole_parm.dipolefile = Output file (relative path from proj_root)
0019 %  if this field is not exist or empty, no output file is produced.
0020 % dipole_parm.twin_meg   =  Time window for analysis
0021 %  if this field is not exist or empty, whole time period is used.
0022 % dipole_parm.trial_id   =  trial number to estimate
0023 %  if this field is not exist or empty, all trials are averaged.
0024 % - Optimization setting (Optional)
0025 % dipole_parm.MaxIter = 5000;    % max iteration number in optimization
0026 % dipole_parm.TolX    = 1.e-8;    % Xの終了許容値
0027 % dipole_parm.TolFun  = 1.e-10;    % 関数値の終了許容値
0028 % dipole_parm.mode    = 1;
0029 %     = 0;    % Use 'fminsearch' in Matlab
0030 %     = 1;    % Use 'fminunc' in Optimization Toolbox
0031 %     = 2;    % Use 'fminunc1'
0032 % --- Output
0033 %  Vdipole   : Dipole position  [Ndipole x 3]
0034 %  Jdipole   : dipole current   [Ndipole x 3 x Time]
0035 %  Jdipole(n ,k ,t) =  current at n-th dipole ,time 't' and k-th direction
0036 % err  : normalized error
0037 % iter : iteration number
0038 %
0039 % 2007-7-6 made by M.Sato
0040 %
0041 % Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
0042 % License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)
0044 proj_root = vb_rm_trailing_slash(proj_root);
0046 % --- Input file
0047 megfile = [proj_root '/' dipole_parm.megfile];
0049 % Error function name for dipole search
0050 % err_mode
0051 %    = 0 : 'vb_dipole_error':         for external current (Biot-Savart Eq.)
0052 %    = 1 : 'vb_dipole_error_sarvas':  for cortical current (Sarvas Eq.)
0053 %    = 2 : 'vb_dipole_error_magdipole':  for external current (magnetic dipole)
0054 err_mode = dipole_parm.errfunc;
0056 switch    err_mode,
0057 case    0
0058     errfunc = 'vb_dipole_error';
0059 case    1
0060     errfunc = 'vb_dipole_error_sarvas';
0061 case    2
0062     errfunc = 'vb_dipole_error_magdipole';
0063 otherwise
0064     error('error function mode is incorrect')
0065 end
0067 % Vinit : initial dipole position (Ndipole x 3)
0068 Vinit = dipole_parm.Vinit;
0070 % Load MEG data
0071 bexp = vb_load_meg_data(megfile);
0072 [N, T, M] = size(bexp);
0074 % set time window & trial number to estimate
0075 if isfield(dipole_parm,'trial_id') & ~isempty(dipole_parm.trial_id)
0076     trial_id = dipole_parm.trial_id;
0077 else
0078     trial_id = 1:M;
0079 end
0081 if isfield(dipole_parm,'twin_meg') & ~isempty(dipole_parm.twin_meg)
0082     t_begin  = dipole_parm.twin_meg(1);
0083     t_end    = dipole_parm.twin_meg(2);
0084 else
0085     t_begin  = 1;
0086     t_end    = T;
0087 end
0089 % MEG data
0090 bexp = bexp(:, t_begin:t_end, trial_id);
0091 bexp = sum(bexp,3)/size(bexp,3);
0093 % Load sensor info
0094 [pick,Qpick,Wsensor,V0] = vb_load_sensor(megfile);
0096 % Change center of coordinate
0097 pick = [pick(:,1)-V0(1), pick(:,2)-V0(2), pick(:,3)-V0(3)];
0099 % Optimization method
0100 if isfield(dipole_parm,'mode') & ~isempty(dipole_parm.mode)
0101     opt_mode = dipole_parm.mode;
0102 else
0103     opt_mode = vb_tool_check('Optimization');
0104     %     = 0;    % Use 'fminsearch'
0105     %     = 1;    % Use 'fminunc' in Optimization Toolbox
0106 end
0108 % Dipole position search
0109 [Vdipole, err, iter] = ...
0110   vb_dipole_search(Vinit,bexp,pick,Qpick,Wsensor,errfunc,dipole_parm,opt_mode);
0112 % Dipole current time cource for fixed position dipole
0113 [Jdipole, err] = ...
0114   vb_dipole_current(Vdipole, bexp, pick, Qpick, Wsensor, [0 0 0], err_mode);
0116 % Right-hand SPM (m) coordinate
0117 Vdipole = [ Vdipole(:,1)+V0(1), Vdipole(:,2)+V0(2), Vdipole(:,3)+V0(3)];
0119 % Save result
0120 % --- Output file
0121 if isfield(dipole_parm,'dipolefile') & ~isempty(dipole_parm.dipolefile)
0122     dipolefile = [proj_root '/' dipole_parm.dipolefile];
0123     vb_save(dipolefile, 'Vdipole','Jdipole','dipole_parm','err');
0124 end

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