Home > functions > gui > preAnalysis > trial_extractor > private > vb_bit_trigger_new.m



Create bit trigger.


function [obj] = vb_bit_trigger_new(ch_name, slope, bit_num, bitmask, offset)


 Create bit trigger.

    vb_bit_trigger_new(ch_name, slope trig_level);
       ch_name : extract trigger from this channel [string]
         slope : trigger slope. ('low_to_high' or 'high_to_low') [string]
       bit_num : bit number [0-n]        [uint]
       bitmask : bit mask('00001111')    [string]
        offset : data offset
           obj : bit_trigger object
 [see also]

 Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
 License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [obj] = vb_bit_trigger_new(ch_name, slope, bit_num, bitmask, offset)
0002 % Create bit trigger.
0003 %
0004 % [USAGE]
0005 %    vb_bit_trigger_new(ch_name, slope trig_level);
0006 % [IN]
0007 %       ch_name : extract trigger from this channel [string]
0008 %         slope : trigger slope. ('low_to_high' or 'high_to_low') [string]
0009 %       bit_num : bit number [0-n]        [uint]
0010 %       bitmask : bit mask('00001111')    [string]
0011 %        offset : data offset
0012 % [OUT]
0013 %           obj : bit_trigger object
0014 % [see also]
0015 %    vb_get_trigger_event
0016 %
0017 % Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
0018 % License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)
0020 %
0021 % --- Previous check
0022 %
0023 if nargin < 5
0024     error('This function needs 5 argments. Please check your code.');
0025 end
0026 if ~strcmp(slope, 'low_to_high') && ~strcmp(slope, 'high_to_low')
0027     error('trigger slope must be ''low_to_high'' or ''high_to_low''');
0028 end
0029 if ~isinteger(bit_num)
0030     error('Invalid bit number was specified. Input integer value.');
0031 end
0032 try
0033     % !!! bit num should be double and decimal number.
0034     bit_num = double(2^bit_num);
0035 catch
0036     error('Invalid bit number was specified. Input integer value.');
0037 end
0039 if ~ischar(bitmask)
0040     error('Bitmask: Binary string may consist only of characters 0 and 1.');
0041     try
0042         tmp = bin2dec(bitmask);
0043     catch
0044         error('Bitmask: Binary string may consist only of characters 0 and 1.');
0045     end
0046 end
0048 %
0049 % --- Main Procedure
0050 %
0051 obj = vb_trigger_new(ch_name, 'bit', bit_num);
0053 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0054 % obj.FIELDNAMES SHOULD BE SAME WITH vb_get_trial_time_index
0055 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0056 obj.slope = slope;
0057 obj.status_mask  = bitmask;
0058 obj.status_offset = offset;
0060 %
0061 % --- After check
0062 %
0063 if nargout < 1
0064     error('function caller should receive this object.');
0065 end

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