Home > functions > gui > batch > vb_parm_editor > vb_var2evalstr.m



convert variable to string.


function [evalstr, available, type_dim_str] = vb_var2evalstr(var)


 convert variable to string.
 This string can be evaluated by eval function.
 The reason why I made this function is to edit variable by editbox.
    [evalstr, available] = vb_var2evalstr(var);
    var : to be converted variable
         evalstr : converted string
       available : =  true : you can make variable by eval() function
                   = false : In this case, evalstr contains only type and dimension 
                             (e.g. 'cell[5x5x5]')
    type_dim_str : type and dimension strings(e.g. 'cell[5x5x5]')
    unsupported case
     - more than 3 dimensions
     - cell array which contains except string.
     - struct is given, just only returns 'struct'
    2010-12-15 rhayashi Initial version

 Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
 License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function [evalstr, available, type_dim_str] = vb_var2evalstr(var)
0002 % convert variable to string.
0003 % This string can be evaluated by eval function.
0004 % The reason why I made this function is to edit variable by editbox.
0005 % [USAGE]
0006 %    [evalstr, available] = vb_var2evalstr(var);
0007 % [IN]
0008 %    var : to be converted variable
0009 % [OUT]
0010 %         evalstr : converted string
0011 %       available : =  true : you can make variable by eval() function
0012 %                   = false : In this case, evalstr contains only type and dimension
0013 %                             (e.g. 'cell[5x5x5]')
0014 %    type_dim_str : type and dimension strings(e.g. 'cell[5x5x5]')
0015 % [NOTE]
0016 %    unsupported case
0017 %     - more than 3 dimensions
0018 %     - cell array which contains except string.
0019 %     - struct is given, just only returns 'struct'
0020 % [HISTORY]
0021 %    2010-12-15 rhayashi Initial version
0022 %
0023 % Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
0024 % License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)
0026 %
0027 % --- Previous check
0028 %
0029 if ~exist('var', 'var')
0030     error('var is a required parameter.');
0031 end
0033 available = true;
0034 evalstr   = '';
0035 %
0036 % --- Get information of variable
0037 %
0038 ret = whos('var');
0039 dim      = length(ret.size);
0040 dim_str  = strrep(num2str(mat2str(ret.size)), ' ', 'x'); % e.g.'[5x5x5]'
0041 type_str = ret.class; % e.g. 'cell'
0042 type_dim_str = [type_str, dim_str];
0044 %
0045 % --- convert variable to string
0046 %
0047 if isstruct(var)
0048     str = 'struct';
0049     available = false;
0050 elseif dim >= 3
0051     % return size information e.g. [5x5x5]
0052     str = type_dim_str; 
0053     available = false;
0054 elseif ischar(var)
0055     str = single_quoted_string(var);
0056 elseif iscellstr(var)
0057         [L, M] = size(var);
0058          str = '{';
0059         for i=1:L
0060             for j=1:M
0061                 str = [str, single_quoted_string(var{i, j})];
0062                 if j<M
0063                     str = sprintf('%s,', str);
0064                 end
0065             end
0066             if i<L
0067                 str = sprintf('%s;\n', str);
0068             end
0069         end
0070         str = [str, '}'];
0071 elseif iscell(var)
0072     % return type and size information
0073     str = type_dim_str;
0074     available = false;
0075 else
0076     str = mat2str(var);
0077 end
0078 evalstr = str;
0080 function out_str = single_quoted_string(in_str)
0081     out_str = sprintf('''%s''', in_str);

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