Home > functions > estimation > bayes > vb_spatial_gauss_filter.m



Calculate gasussian smoothing filter of 2D cortical surface


function [CW ,ixall] = vb_spatial_gauss_filter(brainfile,Rradius,Rmax,Index,flag,cosval,normalize)


 Calculate gasussian smoothing filter of 2D cortical surface 
 --- Syntax
 function [CW ,ixall] =

 --- Input
 brainfile   : brain file 
 Rradius     : Gaussian smoothing filter radius
 Rmax        : Max radius of Gaussian smoothing filter
 Index       : Vertex index for selected area
 --- Optional Input
 flag = 0    : output region = input region
      = 1    : extend output region to neighbor of edge (Default)
 cosval : Threshold value for normal direction cos = cos(limit_angle) [-1]
 normalize = 0: Normalization is not applied. 
 normalize = 1: Normalization of spatial filter coefficient is applied
 --- Output
 CW          : Smoothing Gaussian filter
 ixall       : Vertex index for smoothing filter
               smoothed_leadfield(:,Index) = leadfield(:,ixall) * CW

 Ver 1.0 written by M. Sato  2003-4-15
 Modified by Taku Yoshioka
 2005-3-29 O.Yamashita
   Bug fix : the program does not run due to 'Index' 
             after reudce_neighbor_data, when flag = 0. 
   Error check for parm.cosval.
   The comment is modified.  
 2005-3-31 O.Yamashita
   Bug fix : 'ixall' is not output correctly, when flag = 0. 
 2005-08-09 O.Yamashita
   input arguments are modified
 2010-12-14 taku-y
  [minor] Input argument 'normalize' added. 

 Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
 License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [CW ,ixall] = vb_spatial_gauss_filter(brainfile,Rradius,Rmax,Index,flag,cosval,normalize)
0002 % Calculate gasussian smoothing filter of 2D cortical surface
0003 % --- Syntax
0004 % function [CW ,ixall] =
0005 % vb_spatial_gauss_filter(brainfile,Rradius,Rmax,Index,flag,cosval,normalize)
0006 %
0007 % --- Input
0008 % brainfile   : brain file
0009 % Rradius     : Gaussian smoothing filter radius
0010 % Rmax        : Max radius of Gaussian smoothing filter
0011 % Index       : Vertex index for selected area
0012 % --- Optional Input
0013 % flag = 0    : output region = input region
0014 %      = 1    : extend output region to neighbor of edge (Default)
0015 % cosval : Threshold value for normal direction cos = cos(limit_angle) [-1]
0016 % normalize = 0: Normalization is not applied.
0017 % normalize = 1: Normalization of spatial filter coefficient is applied
0018 %                (default).
0019 % --- Output
0020 % CW          : Smoothing Gaussian filter
0021 % ixall       : Vertex index for smoothing filter
0022 %               smoothed_leadfield(:,Index) = leadfield(:,ixall) * CW
0023 %
0024 % Ver 1.0 written by M. Sato  2003-4-15
0025 % Modified by Taku Yoshioka
0026 % 2005-3-29 O.Yamashita
0027 %   Bug fix : the program does not run due to 'Index'
0028 %             after reudce_neighbor_data, when flag = 0.
0029 %   Error check for parm.cosval.
0030 %   The comment is modified.
0031 % 2005-3-31 O.Yamashita
0032 %   Bug fix : 'ixall' is not output correctly, when flag = 0.
0033 % 2005-08-09 O.Yamashita
0034 %   input arguments are modified
0035 % 2010-12-14 taku-y
0036 %  [minor] Input argument 'normalize' added.
0037 %
0038 % Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
0039 % License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)
0041 % Set filter radius
0042 %Rmax    = Rradius * 2;
0044 % DEBUG
0045 load(brainfile,'nextIX','nextDD','xx');
0047 Nvertex = length(Index);    % # of points in selected area
0048 Nall    = length(nextIX);    % # of points in whole brain
0050 if nargin < 5, flag = 1; cosval = -1; end;
0051 if nargin < 6, cosval = -1; end
0052 if nargin < 7, normalize = 1; end
0054 if flag == 1 
0055     rIndex = Index;   
0056 else
0057     % Restrict neighbor vertex into input index region
0058     [nextIX,nextDD] = ...
0059         vb_reduce_neighbor_data(Index,nextIX,nextDD);
0060     rIndex = [1:Nvertex]'; %rename index
0061 end;
0063 % Threshold value for normal direction cos
0064 if cosval > 1 % avoid empty index in for loop
0065     cosval = -1;
0066 end
0068 %%%%%%% Smoothing Filter calculation %%%%%%%
0069 if    Rradius <= 0,
0070     % No smoothing
0071     CW    = speye(Nvertex,Nvertex);
0072     ixall = Index;  
0073     return
0074 end
0076 % Calculate total number of neighbors (Nnext)
0077 Nnext   = 0;
0079 for n=1:Nvertex,
0080   inx   = find( nextDD{rIndex(n)} <= Rmax );    % neighbor within Rmax
0081   Nnext = Nnext + length(inx);
0082 end;
0084 % Initialize variable
0085 val     = zeros(Nnext,1);    % Filter value
0086 ipoint    = zeros(Nnext,1);    % Center point index
0087 inext    = zeros(Nnext,1);    % Neighbor index
0088 Nbegin  = 1;
0090 % Find neighbor within Rmax and calculate Gaussian filter value
0091 for n=1:Nvertex,
0092     i    = rIndex(n);                % center vertex index
0093     dd0 = nextDD{i};            % Neighbor distance
0094     inx = find( dd0 <= Rmax );    % Find neighbor within Rmax
0096     ix    = nextIX{i}(inx);        % Neighbor index within Rmax
0097     dd0 = dd0(inx);                % Neighbor distance
0099     % Check direction cos is larger than cosval
0100     dcos= xx(ix,:)*xx(i,:)';
0101     inx = find( dcos > cosval );
0102     ix  = ix(inx);
0104     % Gaussian filter value
0105     vdd = exp( - (dd0(inx)/Rradius).^2 );    % Gaussian filter
0106         if normalize, 
0107           vdd = vdd/sum(vdd);            % Normalization
0108         end
0110     % Total # of neighbor points
0111     Nend   = Nbegin + length(inx) - 1;
0112     Indx   = Nbegin:Nend;
0113     Nbegin = Nend + 1;
0115     ipoint(Indx) = n;        % center vertex index
0116     inext(Indx)  = ix ;     % Neighbor index
0117     val(Indx)    = vdd;        % Gaussian filter value
0119 end;
0121 ipoint = ipoint(1:Nend);
0122 inext  = inext(1:Nend) ;
0123 val    = val(1:Nend)   ;
0125 CW    = sparse( inext , ipoint , val , Nall, Nvertex) ;
0126 ixall = unique(inext);
0127 CW    = CW(ixall,:);        
0128 if flag == 0, ixall = Index; end % index before renamed.

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