Home > functions > estimation > bayes > vb_current_reconstruct_z_tr.m



Current reconstruction using Bayesian inverse filter.


function [Zact_ave,Jinfo,bayes_parm,vb_parm,MEGinfo,Jext_ave,Pointlist]= vb_current_reconstruct_z_tr(proj_root,curr_parm);


 Current reconstruction using Bayesian inverse filter. 

 [Zact,Jinfo,bayes_parm,vb_parm,MEGinfo] ...
          = vbmeg_current_reconstruct_z_tr(proj_root,curr_parm)

 proj_root: <<string>> VBMEG project root directory. 
 curr_parm: <<struct>> Parameters for current estimation.
 --- fields of curr_parm
  bayesfile    : <<string>> Model parameter file (.bayes.mat). 
  currfile     : <<string>> Cortical current file (.curr.mat), created
                 by this function. 
  jactdir      : <<string>> Directory for saving trial current
                 files. Relative path from cortical current file. 
  trial_average: <optional> <<bool>> If true, 
                 = [ON] : average current over all sessions
                 = OFF  : current for each session
  ix_area      : <optional> Vertex indices to calculate estimated 
                 current. If 'ix_area' is empty or not given, cortical
                 currents in the active region are calculated. 
  tsubsmpl     : <optional> <bosolete> Specify subsampled time
                 index. If 'tsubsmpl' is empty or not given, time
                 subsampling is not done. 
  dsampf       : <optional> <<int>> Specify frequency of
                   downsampling. This value must be smaller than the
                   original sampling frequency of M/EEG data. 
  overlap_mode : <optional> <<int>>
   = 0 : current is averaged over overlapped time window
   = 1 : current is not averaged for overlapped window
         current time series of each time windows 
         are concatenated sequentially for spectral analysis
  ix_trial     : <optional> Trial indices for which currents are
  verbose      : <<bool>> Verbose flag. 

 [note] If following field is given, these values are used instead of
        bayes_parm field in result file:

 Zact    : active current

 Zact(n,t,:) is the current at the vertex 'ix_act(n)' & the time 't'
 Zact(Nact,Nsample)          for trial_average = ON 
 Zact(Nact,Nsample,Ntrials)  for trial_average = OFF
   Nact     : # of active region, 
   Nsample  : # of time sample, 
   Ntrials  : # of trials in all session]
 Jinfo: <<struct>> Information of cortical current.
 --- fields of Jinfo
  version   : <<string>> Version of cortical current file.
  curr_type : <<string>> 'Z-current'. It can be 'J-current' for VBMEG
              version 0.8 or older. 
  Wact      : <<float matrix>> Smoothing Gaussian filter, mapping from
              Z-current to J-current. 
  ix_act    : <<int vector>>: Vertex indices of Z-current.
  ix_act_ex : <<int vector>>: Vertex indices of J-current.
  Lact      : <<int>> Number of current direction at one vertex. 
  Tsample   : <<int vector>> Time sample indices of the original MEG
              data. length(Tsample) == size(Zact,2) == size(Jact,2). 
  Tmsec     : <<float vector>> Time in msec. 
  SampleFreq: <<float>> Sample frequency of cortical current, not
              original M/EEG signal [Hz]. 
  Pretrigger: <<int>> Time points of the length of the pretrigger
              period of cortical current data. It is neither actual time
              nor time points of the original M/EEG signal. 
  Ntrial    : <<int>> Number of trials of estimated current. 
  patch_norm: <<bool>> Cortical current is patch size normalized
              (Am/m^2) or not (Am). 
  Tix       : <<L x 1 cell>> Time sample indices of each time window. 
              Zact(:,Tix{n},:) is the set of Z-current within the n-th
              time window.

 2006-09-03 M. Sato
 * Non-overlapped concatenation mode is added for spectral analysis
 2008-08-25 Taku Yoshioka
   Extra dipole support
 2008-09-30 Taku Yoshioka
   Minor change for variables in Jinfo
 2008-10-23 Taku Yoshioka
  Bug fix for current estimation without extra dipoles
 2009-04-02 Taku Yoshioka
  Parameter name changed within this code for readability
  (just replacing 'resultfile' to bayesfile)
 2010-03-01 M. Sato
  Bug fix for Wact index and fieldname(tsubsamp->tsubsmpl)
 2010-05-26 Taku Yoshioka
  Message display changed
 2010-12-06 taku-y
  [enhancement] curr_parm.dsampf supported. 
  [minor]       Following fields of Jinfo set in this function: 
  [trivial] Jinfo.version = vb_version. 
 2010-12-07 taku-y
  [trivial] Jinfo.version = vbmeg('version');
 2011-05-11 takiu-y
  [debug] Jinfo.Tmsec corrected.
 2011-06-28 taku-y
  [minor] Jinfo.Tix added.
 2012-02-15 taku-y
  [debug] Jinfo.SampleFreq could be empty in a certain case. This bug
  was fixed. 

 Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
 License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function [Zact_ave,Jinfo,bayes_parm,vb_parm,MEGinfo,Jext_ave,Pointlist] ...
0002     = vb_current_reconstruct_z_tr(proj_root,curr_parm);
0003 % Current reconstruction using Bayesian inverse filter.
0004 %
0005 % [syntax]
0006 % [Zact,Jinfo,bayes_parm,vb_parm,MEGinfo] ...
0007 %          = vbmeg_current_reconstruct_z_tr(proj_root,curr_parm)
0008 %
0009 % [input]
0010 % proj_root: <<string>> VBMEG project root directory.
0011 % curr_parm: <<struct>> Parameters for current estimation.
0012 % --- fields of curr_parm
0013 %  bayesfile    : <<string>> Model parameter file (.bayes.mat).
0014 %  currfile     : <<string>> Cortical current file (.curr.mat), created
0015 %                 by this function.
0016 %  jactdir      : <<string>> Directory for saving trial current
0017 %                 files. Relative path from cortical current file.
0018 %  trial_average: <optional> <<bool>> If true,
0019 %                 = [ON] : average current over all sessions
0020 %                 = OFF  : current for each session
0021 %  ix_area      : <optional> Vertex indices to calculate estimated
0022 %                 current. If 'ix_area' is empty or not given, cortical
0023 %                 currents in the active region are calculated.
0024 %  tsubsmpl     : <optional> <bosolete> Specify subsampled time
0025 %                 index. If 'tsubsmpl' is empty or not given, time
0026 %                 subsampling is not done.
0027 %  dsampf       : <optional> <<int>> Specify frequency of
0028 %                   downsampling. This value must be smaller than the
0029 %                   original sampling frequency of M/EEG data.
0030 %  overlap_mode : <optional> <<int>>
0031 %   = 0 : current is averaged over overlapped time window
0032 %   = 1 : current is not averaged for overlapped window
0033 %         current time series of each time windows
0034 %         are concatenated sequentially for spectral analysis
0035 %  ix_trial     : <optional> Trial indices for which currents are
0036 %                          reconstructed.
0037 %  verbose      : <<bool>> Verbose flag.
0038 % ---
0039 %
0040 % [note] If following field is given, these values are used instead of
0041 %        bayes_parm field in result file:
0042 % ---
0043 %  curr_parm.basisfile
0044 %  curr_parm.megfile
0045 %  curr_parm.twin_meg
0046 %  curr_parm.Tperiod
0047 %  curr_parm.Tnext
0048 % ---
0049 %
0050 % [output]
0051 % Zact    : active current
0052 %
0053 % Zact(n,t,:) is the current at the vertex 'ix_act(n)' & the time 't'
0054 % Zact(Nact,Nsample)          for trial_average = ON
0055 % Zact(Nact,Nsample,Ntrials)  for trial_average = OFF
0056 %   Nact     : # of active region,
0057 %   Nsample  : # of time sample,
0058 %   Ntrials  : # of trials in all session]
0059 % Jinfo: <<struct>> Information of cortical current.
0060 % --- fields of Jinfo
0061 %  version   : <<string>> Version of cortical current file.
0062 %  curr_type : <<string>> 'Z-current'. It can be 'J-current' for VBMEG
0063 %              version 0.8 or older.
0064 %  Wact      : <<float matrix>> Smoothing Gaussian filter, mapping from
0065 %              Z-current to J-current.
0066 %  ix_act    : <<int vector>>: Vertex indices of Z-current.
0067 %  ix_act_ex : <<int vector>>: Vertex indices of J-current.
0068 %  Lact      : <<int>> Number of current direction at one vertex.
0069 %  Tsample   : <<int vector>> Time sample indices of the original MEG
0070 %              data. length(Tsample) == size(Zact,2) == size(Jact,2).
0071 %  Tmsec     : <<float vector>> Time in msec.
0072 %  SampleFreq: <<float>> Sample frequency of cortical current, not
0073 %              original M/EEG signal [Hz].
0074 %  Pretrigger: <<int>> Time points of the length of the pretrigger
0075 %              period of cortical current data. It is neither actual time
0076 %              nor time points of the original M/EEG signal.
0077 %  Ntrial    : <<int>> Number of trials of estimated current.
0078 %  patch_norm: <<bool>> Cortical current is patch size normalized
0079 %              (Am/m^2) or not (Am).
0080 %  Tix       : <<L x 1 cell>> Time sample indices of each time window.
0081 %              Zact(:,Tix{n},:) is the set of Z-current within the n-th
0082 %              time window.
0083 % ---
0084 %
0085 % [history]
0086 % 2006-09-03 M. Sato
0087 % * Non-overlapped concatenation mode is added for spectral analysis
0088 % 2008-08-25 Taku Yoshioka
0089 %   Extra dipole support
0090 % 2008-09-30 Taku Yoshioka
0091 %   Minor change for variables in Jinfo
0092 % 2008-10-23 Taku Yoshioka
0093 %  Bug fix for current estimation without extra dipoles
0094 % 2009-04-02 Taku Yoshioka
0095 %  Parameter name changed within this code for readability
0096 %  (just replacing 'resultfile' to bayesfile)
0097 % 2010-03-01 M. Sato
0098 %  Bug fix for Wact index and fieldname(tsubsamp->tsubsmpl)
0099 % 2010-05-26 Taku Yoshioka
0100 %  Message display changed
0101 % 2010-12-06 taku-y
0102 %  [enhancement] curr_parm.dsampf supported.
0103 %  [minor]       Following fields of Jinfo set in this function:
0104 %                 SampleFreq
0105 %                 Pretrigger
0106 %                 Tmsec
0107 %  [trivial] Jinfo.version = vb_version.
0108 % 2010-12-07 taku-y
0109 %  [trivial] Jinfo.version = vbmeg('version');
0110 % 2011-05-11 takiu-y
0111 %  [debug] Jinfo.Tmsec corrected.
0112 % 2011-06-28 taku-y
0113 %  [minor] Jinfo.Tix added.
0114 % 2012-02-15 taku-y
0115 %  [debug] Jinfo.SampleFreq could be empty in a certain case. This bug
0116 %  was fixed.
0117 %
0118 % Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
0119 % License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)
0121 if ~isempty(proj_root)
0122   bayesfile = [proj_root filesep curr_parm.bayesfile];
0123 else
0124   bayesfile = curr_parm.bayesfile;
0125 end
0127 %
0128 % Verbose level setting
0129 % (note: 'verbose_level' is not related to input variable
0130 % 'curr_parm.verbose'. So two configurations relating to message display
0131 % are coexisting in this function.)
0132 %
0133 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0134 global vbmeg_inst
0135 verbose_const = vb_define_verbose; 
0137 if isempty(vbmeg_inst) | ~isfield(vbmeg_inst,'verbose_level'), 
0138   verbose_level = verbose_const.VERBOSE_LEVEL_NOTICE;
0139 else
0140   verbose_level = vbmeg_inst.verbose_level;
0141 end
0143 %
0144 % load VBMEG estimated result
0145 %
0146 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0147 load(bayesfile, 'bayes_parm','Model','vb_parm','Model_ext','Pointlist');
0149 %
0150 % check parameter of 'curr_parm'
0151 %
0152 % Values of 'curr_parm' fields dominates over
0153 %   those of 'bayes_parm' in bayesfile
0154 %
0155 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0156 [bayes_parm,ix_area,trial_average,tsubsamp,overlap_mode,verbose,dsampf] ...
0157     = check_arg(bayes_parm,curr_parm);
0159 if ~isempty(proj_root);
0160   bayes_parm_abs = vb_parm_absolute_path(proj_root, bayes_parm);
0161 else
0162   bayes_parm_abs = bayes_parm;
0163 end
0165 % current file directory
0166 if ~isempty(proj_root)
0167   currfile = [proj_root '/' curr_parm.currfile];
0168 else
0169   currfile = [curr_parm.currfile];
0170 end 
0172 % jactdir is relative path from current file
0173 jactdir   = curr_parm.jactdir;
0174 curr_root  = fileparts(currfile);
0175 jactdir_ab = [curr_root  '/' jactdir];
0177 %check directory
0178 if exist(jactdir_ab,'dir') ~= 0
0179   if verbose_level>=verbose_const.VERBOSE_LEVEL_NOTICE, 
0180     msg = [ 'jact_dir : ' jactdir_ab ' exists. Do you over write?'];
0181     btn = questdlg(msg, 'confirm', 'Yes', 'No', 'Yes');
0182     if strcmp(btn, 'No')
0183       error('processing aborted.');
0184       return;
0185     end
0186   else
0187     vb_disp(['jact_dir : ' jactdir_ab ' exists. \nSo files in this ' ...
0188              'directory are overwritten with new ones.\n'], ...
0189             verbose_const.VERBOSE_LEVEL_WARNING);
0190   end
0191 else
0192   res = mkdir(curr_root, jactdir);
0193   if  res~= 1,  error('mkdir failed.'); end
0194 end
0196 % Trial indices
0197 if isfield(bayes_parm_abs,'ix_trial'), 
0198   bayes_parm_abs.ix_trial = bayes_parm_abs.ix_trial;
0199 elseif isfield(curr_parm,'ix_trial'), 
0200   bayes_parm_abs.ix_trial = curr_parm.ix_trial;
0201 else
0202   bayes_parm_abs.ix_trial = [];
0203 end
0205 %
0206 % MEG data preparation
0207 % B      : MEG data
0208 %
0209 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0210 [B,Ntrials,Nch,Tsample,Twindow,Tmsec] ...
0211     = vb_megdata_preparation(bayes_parm_abs);
0212 MEGinfo = vb_load_meg_info(bayes_parm_abs.megfile{1});
0214 %
0215 % Preparation of lead fields
0216 % Gact   : leadfield of focal window
0217 % ix_act : Vertex index corresponding to active current Zact
0218 % ix_act_ex : Vertex index corresponding to active current Jact
0219 % Wact   : Spatial smoothing matrix of focal window
0220 %
0221 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0223 % Focal window
0224 vb_disp('Lead field matrix of focal window \n');
0226 lf_parm.brainfile = bayes_parm_abs.brainfile;
0227 lf_parm.areafile = bayes_parm_abs.areafile;
0228 lf_parm.patch_norm = bayes_parm_abs.patch_norm;
0229 lf_parm.expand_spatial_filter = bayes_parm_abs.expand_spatial_filter;
0230 lf_parm.basisfile = bayes_parm_abs.basisfile;
0231 lf_parm.area_key = bayes_parm_abs.area_key;
0232 lf_parm.reduce = bayes_parm_abs.reduce;
0233 lf_parm.Rfilt = bayes_parm_abs.Rfilt;
0234 lf_parm.remove_area_key = [];
0236 [Gact, ix_act, ix_act_ex, Wact, Lact] = ...
0237     vb_leadfield_preparation(lf_parm);
0239 % Extra dipole
0240 if isfield(bayes_parm_abs,'extra') & ~isempty(bayes_parm_abs.extra), 
0241   vb_struct2vars(bayes_parm_abs,{'extra'});
0242   vb_disp('Lead field matrix of extra dipoles \n');
0243   for n=1:length(extra.basisfile)
0244     tmp = vb_load_basis(extra.basisfile{n});
0245     Gext{n} = tmp';
0246   end
0247 else
0248   Gext = [];
0249 end
0251 %
0252 % Area index in which current is calculated
0253 %
0254 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0255 if ~isempty(ix_area),
0256   % Select vertex index 'ix_area' within the active current region
0257   [jx_area_ex, ix_area_ex] = vb_index2indexsub(ix_area, ix_act_ex);
0258 else
0259   jx_area_ex = 1:length(ix_act_ex);
0260 end
0262 Wact   = Wact(jx_area_ex,:);
0263 jx_act = find( sum(Wact, 1) > 0);
0264 Wact   = Wact(:,jx_act);
0266 % active index of Z-current
0267 ix_act = ix_act(jx_act);
0268 % active index of J-current
0269 ix_act_ex = ix_act_ex(jx_area_ex);
0271 % # of active vertex
0272 Njact_area = length(jx_act);
0274 % # of extra dipoles
0275 if ~isempty(Gext), Njext = size(Gext{1},2);
0276 else Njext = 0; end
0278 %
0279 % Constant
0280 %
0281 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0282 Nsession = length(B);     % Number of sessions
0283 Ntotal   = sum(Ntrials); % Total number of trials in all sessions
0285 %
0286 % Temporal subsampling index
0287 %
0288 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0289 sampf = MEGinfo.SampleFreq;
0291 if ~isempty(dsampf), 
0292   tsubsamp = ceil(1:sampf/dsampf:Tsample);
0293   Jinfo.SampleFreq = dsampf;
0294 else
0295   if isempty(tsubsamp), tsubsamp = 1:Tsample; end
0296   Jinfo.SampleFreq = sampf;
0297 end
0299 Jinfo.Tmsec = Tmsec(tsubsamp);
0300 [tmp,ix] = min(abs(Tmsec(tsubsamp)));
0301 Jinfo.Pretrigger = ix;
0303 %
0304 % Temporal smoothing window weight
0305 %
0306 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0307 [Tweight,Tindex,Nindex,Nsample] = ...
0308     vb_overlapped_timewindow_weight(Twindow,Tsample,tsubsamp, ...
0309                                     overlap_mode);
0311 Nwindow   = length(Nindex); % # of time window
0312 Jinfo.Tix = Nindex;
0314 if overlap_mode == 1,
0315   vb_disp('Non-overlapped concatenation mode\n'); 
0316 end
0318 %
0319 % Initialization
0320 %
0321 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0323 % Current averaged over trials
0324 Zact_ave = zeros(Njact_area,Nsample);
0325 Jext_ave = zeros(Njext,Nsample);
0327 %
0328 % Estimated current variance
0329 %
0330 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0331 a_inv = Model.a;
0332 Cov = Model.Cov;
0333 if ~isempty(Model_ext), e_inv = Model_ext.a;
0334 else e_inv = []; end
0336 %
0337 % Time window loop
0338 %
0339 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0340 Ntrial_all = 0;
0342 % Current Info
0343 Jinfo.version   = '1.0-0.a.5'; %vbmeg('version');
0344 Jinfo.curr_type = 'Z-current';
0346 Jinfo.tindex    = tsubsamp;
0347 Jinfo.Lact      = Lact;
0348 Jinfo.Wact      = Wact;
0349 Jinfo.ix_act    = ix_act;
0350 Jinfo.ix_act_ex = ix_act_ex;
0351 Jinfo.NJact     = Njact_area;
0353 % MEG time window index
0354 Tstart  = bayes_parm.twin_meg(1);
0355 Tend    = bayes_parm.twin_meg(2);
0356 if isempty(tsubsamp)
0357   Jinfo.Tsample = Tstart:Tend;
0358 else
0359   Jinfo.Tsample = tsubsamp + Tstart - 1;
0360 end
0362 % Session loop
0363 for n=1:Nsession
0364   Ntry = size(B{n},3);
0365   Ntrials(n) = Ntry;
0367   % Lead field for each session
0368   G     = Gact{n};   % Ga
0369   if ~isempty(Gext), Ge = Gext{n}; else Ge = []; end
0370   Covs = Cov{n};     % Sg
0371   Nch     = size(G,1);
0373   %%%% Calculate Inverse filter for all time window
0374   for j=1:Nwindow
0375     Nid = Nindex{j};    % index in the total subsampled data
0376     if isempty(Nid), continue; end
0378     if ~isempty(e_inv), 
0379       [KW{j},KW_ext{j}] ...
0380           = vb_invfilter_z(a_inv(:,j),G,Covs,jx_act,e_inv(:,j),Ge);
0381     else
0382       [KW{j},KW_ext{j}] ...
0383           = vb_invfilter_z(a_inv(:,j),G,Covs,jx_act,[],[]);
0384     end
0385   end % Timewindow loop END
0387   %%%% Current reconstruction
0388   for m=1:Ntry
0389     Zact = zeros(Njact_area,Nsample);
0390     Jext = zeros(Njext,Nsample);
0392     for j=1:Nwindow
0393       % Subsampling time index
0394       Tid = Tindex{j};    % subsampled time index
0395       Nid = Nindex{j};    % index in the total subsampled data
0397       if isempty(Nid), continue; end
0399       %%%% Time window smoothing
0400       Bt = vb_repmultiply( B{n}(:,Tid,m) , Tweight{j});
0402       Zact(:,Nid) = Zact(:,Nid) + (KW{j} * Bt);
0403       if ~isempty(KW_ext{j}),
0404         Jext(:,Nid) = Jext(:,Nid) + (KW_ext{j} * Bt);
0405       end
0406     end % Timewindow loop END
0408     % Trial average current
0409     Zact_ave   = Zact_ave + Zact;
0410     Jext_ave   = Jext_ave + Jext;
0411     Ntrial_all = Ntrial_all + 1;
0413     fname = sprintf('data_s%04dt%04d',n,m);
0414     vb_fsave([jactdir_ab '/' fname], 'Zact','Jinfo','Jext','Pointlist', ...
0415              'MEGinfo','bayes_parm','vb_parm');
0416     if verbose==1,
0417       fprintf('.')
0418       if rem(m, 20) == 0 % linefeed per 20
0419         fprintf('\n');
0420       end
0421     elseif verbose==2,
0422       fprintf('progress... session:%04d/%04d, trial:%04d/%04d\n',...
0423               n,Nsession,m,Ntry);
0424     end
0425   end % Trial loop END
0426 end % Session loop END
0428 Zact_ave = Zact_ave/Ntrial_all;
0429 Jext_ave = Jext_ave/Ntrial_all;
0431 Jinfo.Ntrial   = Ntrials;
0432 Jinfo.Nsession = Nsession;
0433 Jinfo.jactdir  = jactdir;
0435 % ix_act : Vertex index corresponding to active current Zact
0436 % ix_act_ex : Vertex index corresponding to active current Jact
0437 % Wact   : Spatial smoothing matrix of focal window
0438 % Jact   = Wact * Zact
0440 % Actual time corresponding to columns of Zact, supporting overlap mode
0441 % and non-overlapped concatenation mode
0442 Tid_all = [];
0443 Nid_all = [];
0444 for j=1:Nwindow
0445   Tid_all = [Tid_all Tindex{j}];
0446   Nid_all = [Nid_all Nindex{j}];
0447 end
0449 if overlap_mode==false,
0450   ix          = unique(Tid_all);
0451   Jinfo.Tmsec = Tmsec(ix);
0452 else
0453   Jinfo.Tmsec = Tmsec(Tid_all);
0454 end
0456 %Tstart  = bayes_parm.twin_meg(1);
0457 %Tend    = bayes_parm.twin_meg(2);
0458 %if isempty(tsubsamp)
0459 %  Jinfo.Tsample = Tstart:Tend;
0460 %else
0461 %  Jinfo.Tsample = tsubsamp + Tstart - 1;
0462 %end
0464 if verbose==1,
0465   fprintf('\n')
0466 end
0468 return;
0470 %%%% ---------------
0471 function [bayes_parm,ix_area,trial_average,tsubsamp,overlap_mode,verbose,dsampf]= ...
0472     check_arg(bayes_parm,curr_parm)
0474 if isfield(curr_parm,'basisfile'), 
0475   bayes_parm.basisfile = curr_parm.basisfile;
0476 end;
0477 if isfield(curr_parm,'megfile'), 
0478   bayes_parm.megfile   = curr_parm.megfile  ;
0479 end;
0480 if isfield(curr_parm,'twin_meg'), 
0481   bayes_parm.twin_meg  = curr_parm.twin_meg ;
0482 end;
0483 if isfield(curr_parm,'Tperiod'), 
0484   bayes_parm.Tperiod   = curr_parm.Tperiod  ;
0485 end;
0486 if isfield(curr_parm,'Tnext'), 
0487   bayes_parm.Tnext     = curr_parm.Tnext    ;
0488 end;
0490 if ~isfield(curr_parm,'trial_average'), 
0491   trial_average = ON; 
0492 else
0493   trial_average = curr_parm.trial_average; 
0494 end;
0496 bayes_parm.trial_average = trial_average;
0498 if ~isfield(curr_parm,'ix_area'),  
0499   ix_area = []; 
0500 else
0501   ix_area = curr_parm.ix_area; 
0502 end;
0503 if ~isfield(curr_parm,'tsubsmpl'), 
0504   tsubsamp = []; 
0505 else
0506   tsubsamp = curr_parm.tsubsmpl; 
0507 end;
0508 if ~isfield(curr_parm,'overlap_mode'),     
0509   overlap_mode = 0; 
0510 else
0511   overlap_mode = curr_parm.overlap_mode; 
0512 end;
0513 if ~isfield(curr_parm,'verbose'),     
0514   verbose = 1; 
0515 else
0516   verbose = curr_parm.verbose; 
0517 end;
0519 if isfield(curr_parm,'extra'),
0520   if isfield(curr_parm.extra,'basisfile'), 
0521     bayes_parm.extra.basisfile = curr_parm.extra.basisfile;
0522   end;
0523 end;
0525 if ~isfield(curr_parm,'dsampf'), 
0526   dsampf = [];
0527 else
0528   dsampf = curr_parm.dsampf;
0529 end
0531 return;

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