Home > functions > device > vb_loadspec_check.m



check LoadSpec data


function [loadspec, result] = vb_loadspec_check(loadspec, msrmntfile)


 check LoadSpec data

   [loadspec, result] = vb_loadspec_check(loadspec, msrmntfile)

   loadspec : <optional> <<struct>> LoadSpec
            :  .ChannelName : {Nch x 1 cell} channel name list 
            :    [all channels]
            :  .ChannelSwitch : <<boolean>> ChannelName role
            :    [true] ) to read
            :    false  ) to omit
            :  .ChannelType : <optional> <<string>> channel type ['MEG(EEG)']
            :               :  'MEG'       : MEG channel data
            :               :  'EEG'       : MEG channel data
            :               :  'EXTRA'     : extra channel data
            :               :  'REFERENCE' : reference channel data (only MEG)
            :               :  'AXIAL'     : AxialGradioMeter (only MEG)
            :               :  'PLANAR'    : PlanarGradioMeter (only MEG)
            :               :  'ALL'       : all the channels
            :               :  - case insensitive
            :  .Trigger : [Ntrigger x1 double] trigger list [1]
            :  .Pretrigger : [x1 double] number of sample before trigger [0]
            :  .Posttrigger : [x1 double] number of sample after trigger
            :    [(lenght of sample)-1]
            :  .TrialNumber : [x1 double] trial index list [all trial]
            :  .ActiveChannel : <<boolean>> active channel filter switch
            :                 :  if active channel is valid [true]
            :                 :  if active channel is invalid [false]
            :  .ActiveTrial   : <<boolean>> active trial filter switch
            :                 :  if active trial is valid [true]
            :                 :  if active trial is invalid [false]
 msrmntfile : <required> <<file>> MEG-MAT or EEG-MAT file

   loadspec : LoadSpec struct after check
     result : <<integer>> error code
            :  0) success
            :  1) error - bad msrmntfile

   this function does not abort but return error code as 'result'

   2008-02-29 (Sako) initial version
   2008-04-16 (Sako) added ActiveChannel field 
   2008-04-28 (Sako) added loadtype
   2008-06-04 (Sako) changed default values of .ActiveChannel and .ActiveTrial
   2008-06-05 (Sako) added ChannelType field
   2009-07-14 (Sako) modified default value of .TrialNumber
   2009-07-24 (Sako) changed the default value of .ChannelType to 'ALL'
   2009-07-27 (Sako) modified ChannelType by using new vb_define_const
   2011-05-31 (Sako) modified to convert device character to be upper case

 Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
 License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function [loadspec, result] = vb_loadspec_check(loadspec, msrmntfile)
0002 % check LoadSpec data
0003 %
0004 % [usage]
0005 %   [loadspec, result] = vb_loadspec_check(loadspec, msrmntfile)
0006 %
0007 % [input]
0008 %   loadspec : <optional> <<struct>> LoadSpec
0009 %            :  .ChannelName : {Nch x 1 cell} channel name list
0010 %            :    [all channels]
0011 %            :  .ChannelSwitch : <<boolean>> ChannelName role
0012 %            :    [true] ) to read
0013 %            :    false  ) to omit
0014 %            :  .ChannelType : <optional> <<string>> channel type ['MEG(EEG)']
0015 %            :               :  'MEG'       : MEG channel data
0016 %            :               :  'EEG'       : MEG channel data
0017 %            :               :  'EXTRA'     : extra channel data
0018 %            :               :  'REFERENCE' : reference channel data (only MEG)
0019 %            :               :  'AXIAL'     : AxialGradioMeter (only MEG)
0020 %            :               :  'PLANAR'    : PlanarGradioMeter (only MEG)
0021 %            :               :  'ALL'       : all the channels
0022 %            :               :  - case insensitive
0023 %            :  .Trigger : [Ntrigger x1 double] trigger list [1]
0024 %            :  .Pretrigger : [x1 double] number of sample before trigger [0]
0025 %            :  .Posttrigger : [x1 double] number of sample after trigger
0026 %            :    [(lenght of sample)-1]
0027 %            :  .TrialNumber : [x1 double] trial index list [all trial]
0028 %            :  .ActiveChannel : <<boolean>> active channel filter switch
0029 %            :                 :  if active channel is valid [true]
0030 %            :                 :  if active channel is invalid [false]
0031 %            :  .ActiveTrial   : <<boolean>> active trial filter switch
0032 %            :                 :  if active trial is valid [true]
0033 %            :                 :  if active trial is invalid [false]
0034 % msrmntfile : <required> <<file>> MEG-MAT or EEG-MAT file
0035 %
0036 % [output]
0037 %   loadspec : LoadSpec struct after check
0038 %     result : <<integer>> error code
0039 %            :  0) success
0040 %            :  1) error - bad msrmntfile
0041 %
0042 % [note]
0043 %   this function does not abort but return error code as 'result'
0044 %
0045 % [history]
0046 %   2008-02-29 (Sako) initial version
0047 %   2008-04-16 (Sako) added ActiveChannel field
0048 %   2008-04-28 (Sako) added loadtype
0049 %   2008-06-04 (Sako) changed default values of .ActiveChannel and .ActiveTrial
0050 %   2008-06-05 (Sako) added ChannelType field
0051 %   2009-07-14 (Sako) modified default value of .TrialNumber
0052 %   2009-07-24 (Sako) changed the default value of .ChannelType to 'ALL'
0053 %   2009-07-27 (Sako) modified ChannelType by using new vb_define_const
0054 %   2011-05-31 (Sako) modified to convert device character to be upper case
0055 %
0056 % Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
0057 % License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)
0059 % --- CHECK ARGUMENTS --- %
0060 if ~exist('loadspec', 'var'), loadspec = []; end
0061 if ~exist('msrmntfile', 'var'), msrmntfile = ''; end
0062 [loadspec, msrmntfile] = inner_check_arguments(loadspec, msrmntfile);
0064 % --- MAIN PROCEDURE --------------------------------------------------------- %
0065 %
0066 [measurement] = vb_load_device(msrmntfile);
0067 Measurement = upper(measurement);
0069 const = vb_define_const(Measurement);
0071 if isempty(loadspec.ChannelType)
0072   loadspec.ChannelType = const.DATA_TYPE_MAIN;
0073 end
0075 channel_name = [];
0077 % --- obtain basic information
0078 switch Measurement
0079   case 'MEG'
0081     switch loadspec.ChannelType
0082       case const.DATA_TYPE_MAIN
0083         channel_name = vb_megfile_get_channel_label_meg(msrmntfile);
0084       case const.DATA_TYPE_EXTRA
0085         channel_name = vb_megfile_get_channel_label_extra(msrmntfile);
0086       case const.DATA_TYPE_REFERENCE
0087         channel_name = vb_megfile_get_channel_label_refmg(msrmntfile);
0088       case const.DATA_TYPE_ALL
0089         channel_name = vb_megfile_get_channel_label_whole(msrmntfile);
0090     end
0092     meginfo = vb_megfile_load_meginfo(msrmntfile);
0093     trial_idx = vb_info_get_trial_data(meginfo, [], 'number');
0094     n_trial = vb_info_get_Nrepeat(meginfo);
0096   case 'EEG'
0097     eeginfo = vb_eegfile_load_eeginfo(msrmntfile);
0099     switch loadspec.ChannelType
0100       case const.DATA_TYPE_MAIN
0101         channel_name = vb_eeginfo_get_channel_label(eeginfo);
0102       case const.DATA_TYPE_EXTRA
0103         channel_name = vb_eeginfo_get_channel_label_extra(eeginfo);
0104       case const.DATA_TYPE_ALL
0105         ch_name_eeg = vb_eeginfo_get_channel_label(eeginfo);
0106         ch_name_ext = vb_eeginfo_get_channel_label_extra(eeginfo);
0107         channel_name = [ch_name_eeg;ch_name_ext];
0108     end
0110     trial_idx = vb_info_get_trial_data(eeginfo, [], 'number');
0111     n_trial = vb_info_get_Nrepeat(eeginfo);
0113   otherwise
0114     error('(%s)unknown Measurement: %s', func_, Measurement);
0115 end
0116 % ----- ChannelType has been discarded
0118 % ----- (MEG/EEG) common procedure
0119 if ~isfield(loadspec, 'ChannelName') || isempty(loadspec.ChannelName)
0120   loadspec.ChannelName = channel_name;
0121 end
0123 if ~isfield(loadspec, 'ChannelSwitch') || isempty(loadspec.ChannelSwitch)
0124   loadspec.ChannelSwitch = true;
0125 end
0127 if n_trial > 1
0128   if ~isfield(loadspec, 'TrialNumber') || isempty(loadspec.TrialNumber)
0129     % --- all trials
0130     loadspec.TrialNumber = trial_idx;
0131   end
0133 elseif n_trial == 1
0134   loadspec.TrialNumber = [];
0135 end
0137 if ~isfield(loadspec, 'Trigger')
0138   loadspec.Trigger = [];
0139 end
0141 if ~isfield(loadspec, 'Pretrigger')
0142   loadspec.Pretrigger = [];
0143 end
0145 if ~isfield(loadspec, 'Posttrigger')
0146   loadspec.Posttrigger = [];
0147 end
0149 if ~isfield(loadspec, 'ActiveChannel') || isempty(loadspec.ActiveChannel)
0150   if vb_msrmnt_active_channel_is_valid(msrmntfile)
0151     loadspec.ActiveChannel = true;
0152   else
0153     loadspec.ActiveChannel = false;
0154   end
0155 end
0157 if ~isfield(loadspec, 'ActiveTrial') || isempty(loadspec.ActiveTrial)
0158   if vb_msrmnt_active_trial_is_valid(msrmntfile)
0159     loadspec.ActiveTrial = true;
0160   else
0161     loadspec.ActiveTrial = false;
0162   end
0163 end
0164 return;
0165 %
0166 % --- END OF MAIN PROCEDURE -------------------------------------------------- %
0169 % --- INNER FUNCTIONS -------------------------------------------------------- %
0170 %
0171 % --- inner_check_arguments()
0172 %
0173 function [loadspec, msrmntfile] = inner_check_arguments(loadspec, msrmntfile)
0174 func_ = mfilename;
0176 if isempty(msrmntfile)
0177   error('(%s)msrmntfile is a required parameter', func_);
0178 end
0180 if exist(msrmntfile, 'file') ~= 2
0181   error('(%s)cannot find msrmntfile: %s', func_, msrmntfile);
0182 end
0184 if isempty(loadspec) ...
0185     || ~isfield(loadspec, 'ChannelType')
0186   loadspec.ChannelType = '';
0187 end
0189 % --- for case insensitive
0190 if ~isempty(loadspec.ChannelType)
0191   loadspec.ChannelType = upper(loadspec.ChannelType);
0192 end
0193 return;
0194 %
0195 % --- end of inner_check_arguments()
0196 %
0197 % --- END OF INNER FUNCTIONS ------------------------------------------------- %
0199 % --- END OF FILE --- %

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