Home > functions > device > active_check > vb_get_active_cond.m



Get active trial index with given conditions and sessions


function fileinfo = vb_get_active_cond(fileinfo,cond_list,session_no)


  Get active trial index with given conditions and sessions
   fileinfo = vb_get_active_cond(fileinfo,cond_list,session_no)
 --- Input
 cond_list  : list of condition to select
              if empty, all conditions are selected
 session_no : session number to select
              if empty, all sessions are selected
 fileinfo : structure with file information for multiple files
 fileinfo.filename{n}  : n-th session data file names [n=1:Nsession]
 fileinfo.Nchannel     : # of total channels
 fileinfo.channel_id   : active channel id [1 x (# of acticeChannel)]
 fileinfo.Nsample      : # of samples in one trial
 fileinfo.Ntotal       : # of all trials 
 fileinfo.Ntrial       : # of trials for each session [1 x Nsession]
 fileinfo.session_id   : session index for each trial [1 x Ntotal]
 fileinfo.cond_id      : condition number for each trials [1 x Ntotal]
  - The above fields have info. for all trials in multiple epoch files
  - following fields are active trial info.
 fileinfo.act_trial    : active trial index among all trials [1 x Nactive]
 fileinfo.err_trial    : error trial index  [1 x Nerror]
 --- Output (fields changed from input)
 Select active trials with given conditions and sessions
 fileinfo.act_trial    : active trial index  [1 x Nactive]
 fileinfo.cond_list  : selected condition numbers
 fileinfo.session_no : selected session numbers

 Masa-aki Sato 2008-8-10
 Masa-aki Sato 2009-1-31 ver.2

 Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
 License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function    fileinfo = vb_get_active_cond(fileinfo,cond_list,session_no)
0002 %  Get active trial index with given conditions and sessions
0003 %   fileinfo = vb_get_active_cond(fileinfo,cond_list,session_no)
0004 % --- Input
0005 % cond_list  : list of condition to select
0006 %              if empty, all conditions are selected
0007 % session_no : session number to select
0008 %              if empty, all sessions are selected
0009 % fileinfo : structure with file information for multiple files
0010 % fileinfo.filename{n}  : n-th session data file names [n=1:Nsession]
0011 % fileinfo.Nchannel     : # of total channels
0012 % fileinfo.channel_id   : active channel id [1 x (# of acticeChannel)]
0013 % fileinfo.Nsample      : # of samples in one trial
0014 % fileinfo.Ntotal       : # of all trials
0015 % fileinfo.Ntrial       : # of trials for each session [1 x Nsession]
0016 % fileinfo.session_id   : session index for each trial [1 x Ntotal]
0017 % fileinfo.cond_id      : condition number for each trials [1 x Ntotal]
0018 %  - The above fields have info. for all trials in multiple epoch files
0019 %  - following fields are active trial info.
0020 % fileinfo.act_trial    : active trial index among all trials [1 x Nactive]
0021 % fileinfo.err_trial    : error trial index  [1 x Nerror]
0022 % --- Output (fields changed from input)
0023 % Select active trials with given conditions and sessions
0024 % fileinfo.act_trial    : active trial index  [1 x Nactive]
0025 % fileinfo.cond_list  : selected condition numbers
0026 % fileinfo.session_no : selected session numbers
0027 %
0028 % Masa-aki Sato 2008-8-10
0029 % Masa-aki Sato 2009-1-31 ver.2
0030 %
0031 % Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
0032 % License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)
0034 if nargin < 2, cond_list  = [];end
0035 if nargin < 3, session_no = [];end
0037 % If no condition is given, return
0038 if isempty(cond_list) && isempty(session_no), return; end;
0040 % Number of session
0041 Nsession = length(fileinfo.filename);
0043 if isempty(cond_list)
0044     cond_list = 1:max(fileinfo.cond_id);
0045 end
0046 if isempty(session_no)
0047     session_no = 1:Nsession;
0048 end
0050 Ntotal = fileinfo.Ntotal;
0051 Ncond  = length(cond_list);
0053 % --- Set selected condition flag
0054 cond_flg = zeros(1,Ntotal);
0056 for n=1:Ncond
0057     ix = find( fileinfo.cond_id == cond_list(n));
0058     cond_flg(ix) = 1;
0059 end
0061 % --- Set selected session flag
0062 session_flg = zeros(1,Ntotal);
0064 for n = session_no
0065     ix = find( fileinfo.session_id == n );
0066     session_flg(ix) = 1;
0067 end
0069 % --- Set active trial flag
0070 act_flg = zeros(1,Ntotal);
0071 act_flg(fileinfo.act_trial) = 1;
0072 % --- Take AND of condition & session & active trial
0073 act_flg = (cond_flg .* session_flg .* act_flg);
0075 act_trial = find( act_flg > 0 );
0077 fileinfo.act_trial = act_trial;
0078 fileinfo.cond_list = cond_list;
0079 fileinfo.session_no = session_no;

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