Home > functions > common > morphology > vb_trans_surf_to_vox.m



Transform 3D surface coordinate to Analyze_right [mm] to make mask image


function [Vox, Para] = vb_trans_surf_to_vox(V, analyze_file, step)


 Transform 3D surface coordinate to Analyze_right [mm] to make mask image
   [Vox, Para] = vb_trans_surf_to_vox(V, analyze_file, step)
 V    : 3D surface coordinate : Spm_right [m]
 analyze_file : analyze file corresponding to surface coordinate 'V'
 step  =  Voxel size of mask image [mm]
 --- Output
 Vox    : Analyze_right [mm] coordinate 

 Para.Vdim   =  Voxel dimension of Analyze image
 Para.Vsize  =  Voxel size of Analyze image [mm]
 Para.vstep  =  Voxel size of mask image [mm] = step
 Para.Dim    =  Dimension of mask image

 Made by M. Sato 2004-3-28
 Made by M. Sato 2007-3-16 (New ver)

 Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
 License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function    [Vox, Para] = vb_trans_surf_to_vox(V, analyze_file, step)
0002 % Transform 3D surface coordinate to Analyze_right [mm] to make mask image
0003 %   [Vox, Para] = vb_trans_surf_to_vox(V, analyze_file, step)
0004 % ---Input
0005 % V    : 3D surface coordinate : Spm_right [m]
0006 % analyze_file : analyze file corresponding to surface coordinate 'V'
0007 % step  =  Voxel size of mask image [mm]
0008 % --- Output
0009 % Vox    : Analyze_right [mm] coordinate
0010 %
0011 % Para.Vdim   =  Voxel dimension of Analyze image
0012 % Para.Vsize  =  Voxel size of Analyze image [mm]
0013 % Para.vstep  =  Voxel size of mask image [mm] = step
0014 % Para.Dim    =  Dimension of mask image
0015 %
0016 % Made by M. Sato 2004-3-28
0017 % Made by M. Sato 2007-3-16 (New ver)
0018 %
0019 % Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
0020 % License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)
0022 %
0023 %----- ΊΒΙΈΚΡ΄Ή: Spm_right [m] -> Analyze_right [mm]
0024 %
0025 [Vdim, Vsize] = analyze_hdr_read(analyze_file);
0027 Para.vstep  = step;
0028 Para.Vdim   = Vdim ; %  Voxel dimension of Analyze image
0029 Para.Vsize  = Vsize; %  Voxel size of Analyze image [mm]
0030 Para.Dim    = vb_mask_image_size(Vdim,Vsize,step);
0032 Vox = vb_spm_right_to_analyze_right_mm(V, Vdim, Vsize);

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