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return MEGinfo type data from MEG-MAT file or EEG-MAT file


function [meginfo] = vb_load_meg_info(megfile, info_type)


 return MEGinfo type data from MEG-MAT file or EEG-MAT file

    [meginfo] = vb_load_meg_info(megfile, info_type);

     megfile : <required> <<file>> measurement file
             :  meg-mat file(.meg.mat) or eeg-mat file(.eeg.mat)

   info_type : <optional> (bit sequence) type code you want [1]
             :  1) (0001) basic
             :      .SampleFreq
             :      .Nchannel
             :      .Nsample
             :      .Nrepeat
             :      .Pretrigger
             :      .device
             :      .sensor_weight (MEG)
             :      .Coord (EEG)
             :      .Measurement
             :  2) (0010) for brain sphere model
             :      .Vcenter
             :      .Vradius
             :  4) (0100) channel data
             :      .MEGch_id
             :      .MEGch_name
             :      .ChannelInfo
             :      .ExtraChannelInfo
             :      .saveman
             :  8) (1000) active conditions
             :      .ActiveChannel
             :      .ActiveTrial
             :      .Trial
             :  [NOTICE]
             :  You have to set *SUMMATION* value of bits by *DECIMAL* number.
             :  (combination example)
             :   3 (0011) --> basic + brain sphere model
             :   5 (0101) --> basic + channel data
             :   6 (0110) --> brain sphere model + channel data
             :   7 (0111) --> basic + brain sphere model + channel data
             :   9 (1001) --> basic + active conditions
             :  13 (1101) --> basic + channel_data + active conditions
             :  15 (1111) --> all

    meginfo : newest format - sbi      @ see make_sbi_meg_data()
                            - yokogawa @ see make_yokogawa_data()

   standard format:
    .Measurement   % measurement type
    .device        % meg device type
    .Nchannel      % number of active gradiometers
    .Nsample       % sampling number of measurement
    .Nrepeat       % repeat number
    .Pretrigger    % sampling number for pre-trigger
    .SampleFreq    % sampling frequency
    .Vcenter       % origin of sphere model [m]
    .Vradius       % radius of sphere model [m]
    .ActiveChannel % [Nchannel x 1 boolean] list of active channel flag
    .ActiveTrial   % [Ntrial x 1 boolean] list of active trial flag

 measurement-dependent members are:
    .sensor_weight % for MEG
    .Coord         % for EEG

   if given is an eeg-mat file, convert EEGinfo to MEGinfo

   See also

   2006-12-13 (Sako) modified for EEG
   2008-03-10 (Sako) renamed fields
   2008-04-15 (Sako) added Trial, Active*
   2009-08-03 (Sako) added info_type and changed the set of fields
   2010-01-22 (Sako) modified bug of INFOTYPE_ACTIVE
   2010-09-16 (Sako) modified to inherit info_type when 'INFO' type file
   2011-03-08 (Sako) added 'sensor_weight' for MEG and 'Coord' for EEG
   2011-06-01 (Sako) converted return values of vb_load_device to upper case
   2011-06-02 (Sako) modified according to the new data format
   2012-07-13 (Sako) supported an MEG-MAT file which has 'Pretriger' field.

 Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
 License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function    [meginfo] = vb_load_meg_info(megfile, info_type)
0002 % return MEGinfo type data from MEG-MAT file or EEG-MAT file
0003 %
0004 % [usage]
0005 %    [meginfo] = vb_load_meg_info(megfile, info_type);
0006 %
0007 % [input]
0008 %     megfile : <required> <<file>> measurement file
0009 %             :  meg-mat file(.meg.mat) or eeg-mat file(.eeg.mat)
0010 %
0011 %   info_type : <optional> (bit sequence) type code you want [1]
0012 %             :  1) (0001) basic
0013 %             :      .SampleFreq
0014 %             :      .Nchannel
0015 %             :      .Nsample
0016 %             :      .Nrepeat
0017 %             :      .Pretrigger
0018 %             :      .device
0019 %             :      .sensor_weight (MEG)
0020 %             :      .Coord (EEG)
0021 %             :      .Measurement
0022 %             :  2) (0010) for brain sphere model
0023 %             :      .Vcenter
0024 %             :      .Vradius
0025 %             :  4) (0100) channel data
0026 %             :      .MEGch_id
0027 %             :      .MEGch_name
0028 %             :      .ChannelInfo
0029 %             :      .ExtraChannelInfo
0030 %             :      .saveman
0031 %             :  8) (1000) active conditions
0032 %             :      .ActiveChannel
0033 %             :      .ActiveTrial
0034 %             :      .Trial
0035 %             :  [NOTICE]
0036 %             :  You have to set *SUMMATION* value of bits by *DECIMAL* number.
0037 %             :  (combination example)
0038 %             :   3 (0011) --> basic + brain sphere model
0039 %             :   5 (0101) --> basic + channel data
0040 %             :   6 (0110) --> brain sphere model + channel data
0041 %             :   7 (0111) --> basic + brain sphere model + channel data
0042 %             :   9 (1001) --> basic + active conditions
0043 %             :  13 (1101) --> basic + channel_data + active conditions
0044 %             :  15 (1111) --> all
0045 %
0046 % [output]
0047 %    meginfo : newest format - sbi      @ see make_sbi_meg_data()
0048 %                            - yokogawa @ see make_yokogawa_data()
0049 %
0050 % [note]
0051 %   standard format:
0052 %   meginfo
0053 %    .Measurement   % measurement type
0054 %    .device        % meg device type
0055 %    .Nchannel      % number of active gradiometers
0056 %    .Nsample       % sampling number of measurement
0057 %    .Nrepeat       % repeat number
0058 %    .Pretrigger    % sampling number for pre-trigger
0059 %    .SampleFreq    % sampling frequency
0060 %    .Vcenter       % origin of sphere model [m]
0061 %    .Vradius       % radius of sphere model [m]
0062 %    .ActiveChannel % [Nchannel x 1 boolean] list of active channel flag
0063 %    .ActiveTrial   % [Ntrial x 1 boolean] list of active trial flag
0064 %    .MEGch_id
0065 %    .MEGch_name
0066 %    .MEG_ID
0067 %    .MRI_ID
0068 %    .Trial
0069 %    .ChannelInfo
0070 %    .ExtraChannelInfo
0071 %    .saveman
0072 %
0073 % measurement-dependent members are:
0074 %    .sensor_weight % for MEG
0075 %    .Coord         % for EEG
0076 %
0077 %   if given is an eeg-mat file, convert EEGinfo to MEGinfo
0078 %
0079 %   See also
0080 %     vb_load_measurement_info
0081 %
0082 % [history]
0083 %   2006-12-13 (Sako) modified for EEG
0084 %   2008-03-10 (Sako) renamed fields
0085 %   2008-04-15 (Sako) added Trial, Active*
0086 %   2009-08-03 (Sako) added info_type and changed the set of fields
0087 %   2010-01-22 (Sako) modified bug of INFOTYPE_ACTIVE
0088 %   2010-09-16 (Sako) modified to inherit info_type when 'INFO' type file
0089 %   2011-03-08 (Sako) added 'sensor_weight' for MEG and 'Coord' for EEG
0090 %   2011-06-01 (Sako) converted return values of vb_load_device to upper case
0091 %   2011-06-02 (Sako) modified according to the new data format
0092 %   2012-07-13 (Sako) supported an MEG-MAT file which has 'Pretriger' field.
0093 %
0094 % Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
0095 % License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)
0097 % --- CHECK ARGUMENTS --- %
0098 if ~exist('megfile', 'var'), megfile = ''; end
0099 if ~exist('info_type', 'var'), info_type = []; end
0100 [megfile, info_type] = inner_check_arguments(megfile, info_type);
0102 % --- MAIN PROCEDURE --------------------------------------------------------- %
0103 %
0104 [measurement] = vb_load_device(megfile);
0105 Measurement = upper(measurement);
0107 switch  Measurement
0109   case  'MEG'
0110     % this script is in original vb_load_meg_info
0111     load(megfile, 'MEGinfo');
0113   case  'EEG'
0114     MEGinfo = vb_load_measurement_info(megfile, 'meginfo');
0116   case  'INFO'
0117     load(megfile, 'fileinfo');
0118     MEGinfo = vb_load_meg_info(fileinfo.filename{1}, info_type);
0120     ActiveChannel = zeros(fileinfo.Nchannel,1);
0121     ActiveChannel(fileinfo.channel_id) = 1;
0122     MEGinfo.ActiveChannel = ActiveChannel;
0124     ActiveTrial = zeros(fileinfo.Ntotal,1);
0125     ActiveTrial(fileinfo.act_trial) = 1;
0126     MEGinfo.ActiveTrial   = ActiveTrial;
0128     MEGinfo.Nrepeat       = fileinfo.Ntotal;
0129   otherwise
0130     error('unknown Measurement : %s', Measurement);
0131 end
0133 meginfo = inner_read_meg_info(MEGinfo, Measurement, info_type, megfile);
0134 return;
0135 %
0136 % --- END OF MAIN PROCEDURE -------------------------------------------------- %
0138 % --- INNER FUNCTIONS -------------------------------------------------------- %
0139 %
0140 % --- inner_check_arguments()
0141 %
0142 function [megfile, info_type] = inner_check_arguments(megfile, info_type)
0143 func_ = mfilename;
0145 if isempty(megfile)
0146   error('(%s) megfile is a required parameter', func_);
0147 end
0149 if isempty(info_type)
0150   info_type = 1; % basic
0151 end
0152 return;
0153 %
0154 % --- end of inner_check_arguments()
0157 % --- inner_read_meg_info()
0158 %
0159 function [meginfo] = ...
0160   inner_read_meg_info(MEGinfo, Measurement, info_type, megfile)
0161 func_ = mfilename;
0163 meginfo = [];
0165 % --- constants
0166 INFOTYPE_BASIC   = 1; % 0001
0167 INFOTYPE_SPHERE  = 2; % 0010
0168 INFOTYPE_CHANNEL = 4; % 0100
0169 INFOTYPE_ACTIVE  = 8; % 1000
0171 % --- BASIC TYPE
0172 if bitand(info_type, INFOTYPE_BASIC) == INFOTYPE_BASIC
0173   % --- .SampleFreq
0174   if isfield(MEGinfo, 'SampleFreq')
0175     meginfo.SampleFreq = MEGinfo.SampleFreq;
0176   else
0177     warning('(%s) megfile(%s) does not have SampleFreq\n', func_, megfile);
0178   end
0180   % --- .Nchannel
0181   if isfield(MEGinfo, 'Nchannel')
0182     meginfo.Nchannel = MEGinfo.Nchannel;
0183   else
0184     warning('(%s) megfile(%s) does not have Nchannel\n', func_, megfile);
0185   end
0187   % --- .Nsample
0188   if isfield(MEGinfo, 'Nsample')
0189     meginfo.Nsample = MEGinfo.Nsample;
0190   else
0191     warning('(%s) megfile(%s) does not have Nsample\n', func_, megfile);
0192   end
0194   % --- .Nrepeat
0195   if isfield(MEGinfo, 'Nrepeat')
0196     meginfo.Nrepeat = MEGinfo.Nrepeat;
0197   else
0198     warning('(%s) megfile(%s) does not have Nrepeat\n', func_, megfile);
0199   end
0201   % --- .Pretrigger
0202   meginfo.Pretrigger = vb_meginfo_get_pre_trigger(MEGinfo);
0204   % --- .Measurement
0205   if isfield(MEGinfo, 'Measurement')
0206     meginfo.Measurement = MEGinfo.Measurement;
0207   else
0208 %     warning('(%s) megfile(%s) does not have Measurement\n', func_, megfile);
0209   end
0211   % --- .device
0212   if isfield(MEGinfo, 'device')
0213     meginfo.device = MEGinfo.device;
0214   else
0215     warning('(%s) megfile(%s) does not have device\n', func_, megfile);
0216   end
0218   % --- (MEG) .sensor_weight
0219   if strcmp(Measurement, 'MEG') == 1
0220     if isfield(MEGinfo, 'sensor_weight')
0221       meginfo.sensor_weight = MEGinfo.sensor_weight;
0222     else
0223       warning('(%s) megfile(%s) does not have sensor_weight\n', func_, megfile);
0224     end
0225   end
0227   % --- (EEG) .Coord
0228   if strcmp(Measurement, 'EEG') == 1
0229     EEGinfo = vb_eegfile_load_eeginfo(megfile);
0230     if isfield(EEGinfo, 'Coord')
0231       meginfo.Coord = EEGinfo.Coord;
0232     else
0233       warning('(%s) megfile(%s) does not have Coord\n', func_, megfile);
0234     end
0235   end
0236 end
0238 if bitand(info_type, INFOTYPE_SPHERE) == INFOTYPE_SPHERE
0239   % --- .Vcenter
0240   if isfield(MEGinfo, 'Vcenter')
0241     meginfo.Vcenter = MEGinfo.Vcenter;
0242   else
0243     warning('(%s) megfile(%s) does not have Vcenter\n', func_, megfile);
0244   end
0246   % --- .Vradius
0247   if isfield(MEGinfo, 'Vradius')
0248     meginfo.Vradius = MEGinfo.Vradius;
0249   else
0250     warning('(%s) megfile(%s) does not have Vradius\n', func_, megfile);
0251   end
0252 end
0254 if bitand(info_type, INFOTYPE_CHANNEL) == INFOTYPE_CHANNEL
0255   % --- .MEGch_id
0256   if isfield(MEGinfo, 'MEGch_id')
0257     meginfo.MEGch_id = MEGinfo.MEGch_id;
0258   else
0259     warning('(%s) megfile(%s) does not have MEGch_id\n', func_, megfile);
0260   end
0262   % --- .MEGch_name
0263   if isfield(MEGinfo, 'MEGch_name')
0264     meginfo.MEGch_name = MEGinfo.MEGch_name;
0265   else
0266     warning('(%s) megfile(%s) does not have MEGch_name\n', func_, megfile);
0267   end
0269   % --- .ChannelInfo
0270   if isfield(MEGinfo, 'ChannelInfo')
0271     meginfo.ChannelInfo = MEGinfo.ChannelInfo;
0272   else
0273     warning('(%s) megfile(%s) does not have ChannelInfo\n', func_, megfile);
0274   end
0276   % --- .ExtraChannelInfo
0277   if isfield(MEGinfo, 'ExtraChannelInfo')
0278     meginfo.ExtraChannelInfo = MEGinfo.ExtraChannelInfo;
0279   else
0280     warning('(%s) megfile(%s) does not have ExtraChannelInfo\n', ...
0281       func_, megfile);
0282   end
0284   % --- .saveman
0285   if isfield(MEGinfo, 'saveman')
0286     meginfo.saveman = MEGinfo.saveman;
0287   else
0288     warning('(%s) megfile(%s) does not have saveman\n', func_, megfile);
0289   end
0290 end
0292 if bitand(info_type, INFOTYPE_ACTIVE) == INFOTYPE_ACTIVE
0293   % --- .ActiveChannel
0294   if isfield(MEGinfo, 'ActiveChannel')
0295     meginfo.ActiveChannel = MEGinfo.ActiveChannel;
0296   else
0297     warning('(%s) megfile(%s) does not have ActiveChannel\n', func_, megfile);
0298   end
0300   % --- .ActiveTrial
0301   if isfield(MEGinfo, 'ActiveTrial')
0302     meginfo.ActiveTrial = MEGinfo.ActiveTrial;
0303   else
0304     warning('(%s) megfile(%s) does not have ActiveTrial\n', func_, megfile);
0305   end
0307   % --- .Trial
0308   if isfield(MEGinfo, 'Trial')
0309     meginfo.Trial = MEGinfo.Trial;
0310   else
0311     warning('(%s) megfile(%s) does not have Trial\n', func_, megfile);
0312   end
0313 end
0314 return;
0315 %
0316 % --- enf of inner_read_meg_info()
0317 %
0318 % --- END OF INNER FUNCTIONS ------------------------------------------------- %
0320 %%% END OF FILE %%%

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