Home > functions > common > container > vb_add_area.m



This function is used to register cortical area data.


function vb_add_area(areafile,AreaNew,MRI_ID,flag)


 This function is used to register cortical area data. 

 areafile : Cortical area file (.area.mat).
 area_new : Area information struct to be registered. 
 area_new.Iextract: Set of vertex indices of the new data. 
 area_new.key     : ID of the new data. 
 MRI_ID  : <optional> If 'areafile' does not exist, this MRI ID is
           assigned to the actfile created in this function. If this 
           variable is not set, MRI_ID will be set to '0000000' as a 
           tentative identifier. 
 flag    : <obsolete> If OFF, confirmation dialog will be suppressed. 

 If cortical area file, specified by 'areafile' parameter, does not
 exist, the file will be created automatically. 

 >> areafile = './TY/data/TY.area.mat';
 >> Area.key = 'tmp';
 >> Area.Iextract = [1:I]'; % I is the number of vertices
 >> vb_add_area(areafile,Area);

 2005-01-07 Taku Yoshioka
 2010-05-26 Taku Yoshioka
  Message display changed

 Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
 License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function vb_add_area(areafile,AreaNew,MRI_ID,flag)
0002 % This function is used to register cortical area data.
0003 %
0004 % [syntax]
0005 % vb_add_area(areafile,area_new,MRI_ID,flag)
0006 %
0007 % [input]
0008 % areafile : Cortical area file (.area.mat).
0009 % area_new : Area information struct to be registered.
0010 % area_new.Iextract: Set of vertex indices of the new data.
0011 % area_new.key     : ID of the new data.
0012 % MRI_ID  : <optional> If 'areafile' does not exist, this MRI ID is
0013 %           assigned to the actfile created in this function. If this
0014 %           variable is not set, MRI_ID will be set to '0000000' as a
0015 %           tentative identifier.
0016 % flag    : <obsolete> If OFF, confirmation dialog will be suppressed.
0017 %
0018 % [note]
0019 % If cortical area file, specified by 'areafile' parameter, does not
0020 % exist, the file will be created automatically.
0021 %
0022 % [example]
0023 % >> areafile = './TY/data/TY.area.mat';
0024 % >> Area.key = 'tmp';
0025 % >> Area.Iextract = [1:I]'; % I is the number of vertices
0026 % >> vb_add_area(areafile,Area);
0027 %
0028 % [history]
0029 % 2005-01-07 Taku Yoshioka
0030 % 2010-05-26 Taku Yoshioka
0031 %  Message display changed
0032 %
0033 % Copyright (C) 2011, ATR All Rights Reserved.
0034 % License : New BSD License(see VBMEG_LICENSE.txt)
0036 %
0037 % Verbose level setting
0038 %
0039 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0040 global vbmeg_inst
0041 verbose_const = vb_define_verbose; 
0043 if isempty(vbmeg_inst) | ~isfield(vbmeg_inst,'verbose_level'), 
0044   verbose_level = verbose_const.VERBOSE_LEVEL_NOTICE;
0045 else
0046   verbose_level = vbmeg_inst.verbose_level;
0047 end
0049 %
0050 % If given areafile is exist or not?
0051 %
0052 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0053 if exist(areafile) == 2
0054   load(areafile);
0055   % Old version support
0056   if ~exist('MRI_ID'), 
0057     MRI_ID = '0000000';
0058     vb_disp(['Area file ''' areafile ''' is a old version, ' ...
0059              'in which variable ''MRI_ID'' is not saved. A tentative ' ...
0060              'ID ''0000000'' was automatically assigned to the area ' ...
0061              'file. '],verbose_const.VERBOSE_LEVEL_INFO);
0062   end
0063 else
0064   if nargin <= 2, MRI_ID = '0000000'; end;
0065   vb_disp('New area file was created. ');
0066   Area = cell(0,1);
0067 end
0069 %
0070 % Identifier duplicatioin check
0071 %
0072 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0073 inc_size = 1;
0074 for i = 1:length(Area)
0075   if strcmp(AreaNew.key,Area{i}.key)
0076     inc_size = 0;
0077     if verbose_level>=verbose_const.VERBOSE_LEVEL_NOTICE, 
0078       msg = ['Area ID ''' AreaNew.key ''' is already used. ' ...
0079          'Overwrite ?'];
0080       str = questdlg(msg,'Area registration','Yes','Cancel', ...
0081              'Cancel');
0082       if strcmp(str,'Yes')
0083     Area{i} = AreaNew;
0084     h = msgbox(['Area ID ''' AreaNew.key ''' was overwritten.']);
0085     uiwait(h);
0086       end
0087     else
0088       vb_disp(['Area ID ''' AreaNew.key ''' is used, ' ...
0089                'so it is overwritten with new data. '], ...
0090                verbose_const.VERBOSE_LEVEL_WARNING); 
0091       Area{i} = AreaNew;
0092     end
0093   end
0094 end
0096 %
0097 % Add new area information and save the area file
0098 %
0099 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0100 tmp = cell(length(Area)+inc_size,1);
0101 for i = 1:length(Area)
0102   tmp{i} = Area{i};
0103 end
0105 if inc_size
0106   tmp{length(Area)+1} = AreaNew;
0107   Area = tmp;
0108 end
0110 vb_fsave(areafile,'Area','MRI_ID');

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